jsatk / ourcityourstory.com

Our City, Our Story aims to find and tell the stories which make up our identity. This is Rockford, Illinois.

Home Page:http://ourcityourstory.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Table of Contents

To jump to a section simple search on the corresponding number.

001 Legal
002 Contact
003 How To Connect
004 Directory Structure
005 How To Upload Image
006 Cushy CMS

001 Legal

Manual written and prepared by Jesse Atkinson.
Manual started: 07/28/2012
Last updated: 07/30/2012
This document Copyright © 2012 Pablo Korona.

002 Contact

Owned by Pablo Korona

Designed by Jason James

Coded by Jesse Atkinson

003 How To Connect

Connection info

Protocol: FTP
Server: muscida.dreamhost.com
User Name: pablokorona
Port: 21
Root URL: http://ourcityourstory.com/
Remote Path: /ourcityourstory.com/
Local Path: Set to wherever you want to store your site locally.

004 Directory Structure


Home directory structure

404.html : Error page when user goes to a non-valid URL on the domain. Allows user to search ourcityourstory.com for what they were looking for.

README.md : This document that explains all details about the website.

allstories : Folder containing our allstories page.

apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png : Save webpage to home screen icon for iOS.

apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png : Save webpage to home screen icon for iOS.

apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png : Save webpage to home screen icon for iOS.

apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png : Save webpage to home screen icon for iOS.

apple-touch-icon.png : Save webpage to home screen icon for iOS.

comps : Jason's comps.

crossdomain.xml : Crossdomain policies.

css : Contains our styles.css which makes the site look pretty.

episode : Folder containing subfolders for the Episodes.

favicon.gif : Website's favicon.

favicon.ico : Website's favicon.

favicon.png : Website's favicon.

humans.txt : See humanstxt.org. This contains credits and info about the humans behind this website.

img : Folder containing all of our images.

includes : Our PHP includes that allow us to change things in one place and have it populate accross all pages.

index.php : Homepage. This is what users see when they go to ourcityourstory.com

js : Contains our javascript, plugins, libraries, etc.

robots.txt : Used for search optimization so we're tracked correctly on search engines.


episode directory structure

Here is where all of the episode pages live. If there is a need for more episodes simply duplicate the folder for the latest episode, rename the folder to the next episode number, and finally add it's index.php to Cushy CMS.


img directory structure

Here is where all our images live. Rather than seperating image groups into seperate subfolders we followed naming conventions. Each page's featured episode image follows the convention f##.jpg. All thumbnails for the recent and allstories page follow the naming convention e##-thumb.jpg & e##-thumb@2x.jpg respectively. The @2x naming convention is extremely important to follow. The rest not-so-much, but I strongly recommend keeping to it for consistency and maintainability's sake.


includes directory structure

Here is where all of our PHP includes that structure and build-out the site live. These are the elements that are consistently the same accross every page. I have added the About and Supporters section to Cushy CMS. Edit them once and they populate accross all of the pages.

005 How To Upload Image

One of Cushy CMS's major downfalls is that it's absolutely terrible at uploading images. It unfortunately puts the image where it wants it and doesn't put it where it should go. This means that all new images should be uploaded via FTP. Above in section 004 I discussed naming conventions, but I will repost here for conveinence and also to re-enforce the point.

Each page's featured episode image follows the convention f##.jpg. All thumbnails for the recent and allstories page follow the naming convention e##-thumb.jpg & e##-thumb@2x.jpg respectively. The @2x naming convention is extremely important to follow. The rest not-so-much, but I strongly recommend keeping to it for consistency and maintainability's sake.

Simply FTP to the server following the instructions found in section 003 and then upload the images following the naming convetions listed in section 004 and above.

A quick breakdown:

  • Featued episode thumnail in the "Story" section should be named f##.jpg.
  • "Recent Stories" section video thumbnails follow the naming convention e##-thumb.jpg & e##-thumb@2x.jpg.

006 Cushy CMS

After logging in to Cushy CMS go to your Control Panel and click on ourcityourstory.com expand its directory structure to see all of the available pages to edit which includes the Home Page, All Stories, About include, Supporters include, and all the episode pages.

Preparing Images

Two(2) types of images need to prepared per episode. One for the left column of the Story section. This image should be 300px wide x 210px high and feature content that is different than the thumbnail for the Recent Stories section and different than the still frame of the episode. This image should follow the f##.jpg naming convention.

The other image should be prepared using the Thumbnails.psd file. The file is 600px wide by 340px high. The image should be placed below the play icon. One version should be saved for web as a jpeg at 100% size. Try to get under 80k for the file size without sacrificing image quality. This file should be named using the e##-thumb@2x.jpg convention. Save another version of this file using the Save For Web command in Photoshop. In the lower right corner, switch the size to 300 x 170. Try to get the file size under or around 40k. This file should be named using the e##-thumb.jpg convention.

All images should be FTP to the appropriate folder.

See PSD here: thumbnails.psd or in folder ~/ourcityourstory.com/img/readme/thumbnails.psd which can be accessed via FTP.

Uploading Images

The way Cushy CMS handles image uploading works. It works fine. But for our purposes and consistency sake I strongly believe it best if you upload new images using FTP to the server (make sure to place all images in the img folder) and then simply use Cushy CMS and choose those images from the server.

Notes on the editable sections:

  • Meta Tags: This is at the top of the Home Page and the Episode pages and unfortunately must be in plain HTML. Don't let this scare you. Simply scroll down towards the bottom until you see the <meta> tags. The tags you're interested in are the og:title, og:image, og:url, and og:description. Look for these in the property attribute of the meta tags. These control the information that gets shared on Facebook. You're going to want to edit the content attribute of these tags to reflect the desired share information for Facebook.

  • Featured Video Title: This is the title that appears over the top of the video and hides when the video plays.

  • Is This The Most Recent Episode?: Unfortunately Cushy doesn't allow you to use a checkbox or select box in their editor. This simple field should read exactly "No" for all pages except the Home Page and the most current video's episode page which should read "Yes". This field must read "No" or "Yes"; "no", "yes...", "YES", or "n0" won't work. This is important for javascript functionality.

  • Next Episode: & Previous Episode: This is where to put the title of the next episode. If there is no next episode (I.E. Home page or latest episode page) leave it blank. Same applies for episode 1's page. Leave the previous episode field blank, but it already is set that way so I doubt you'll ever have to edit that.

  • Change The Number After 'Video/' But Before '?'.: This is where to put your video id for that page's video. I apologize that this isn't more readable, but this is how it has to be to avoid the flickering we were seeing before. Simply click the "Source" button as seen in the screenshot. How to update iframe for that page's video Then change the number seen in this screenshot to the number of the video ID you want on the page. Change this video ID to the video ID of the correct video for that page For further clarity, here is the code and what you need to swithch out is in all caps: <iframe allowfullscreen="" height="281" id="video" mozallowfullscreen="" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/PUT-VIDEO-ID-HERE?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;api=1&amp;player_id=video" title="iframe for featured episode." webkitallowfullscreen="" width="500"></iframe>

  • Featured Episode Title. Must Begin With 'E##': This field must begin "E##:". This is important for javascript functionality so it knows what to put into the "Next" URL as well as what featured image to show for the thumbnail.

  • Feature Episode Description: Place the featured episode's descrition here. Note you do not need to set the "Previous Episode" & "Next Episode" links to anything. This is all automatically handled with javascript.

  • Featured Episode Credits: Episode credits go here. It is important to maintain the structure and formating of the unordered list so that that section stays looking like it does.

  • Recent Episode #1, Recent Episode #2, & Recent Episode #3: Enter all information related to the most recent episode's here. Please stick to the formatting present so that the titles and headers stay consistent. The links here will need to be set by you. Choose the image using the rich texted editor from the server. Please ensure the images are named correctly e##-thumb.jpg & e##-thumb@2x.jpg. You can literally copy and paste from the previous episode's page and simply move the episodes in the 1 & 2 spots into the 2 & 3 spots and add the info for the 1 spot.

  • With the About & Supporters section pages, again, please keep to the formatting in place when edited to ensure consistency.

  • When you publish a new episode and change the Home Page make sure to set the Is This The Most Recent Episode? to "No" on the previously most-recent episode's episode specific page.

This document Copyright © 2012 Pablo Korona.


Our City, Our Story aims to find and tell the stories which make up our identity. This is Rockford, Illinois.



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