jrydberg / service-registry

A simple service registry for distributed systems

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Service Registry

This is a simple service registry that can be used in a distributed service oriented architecture.

What it tries to be:

  • simple,
  • eventually consistent,
  • scalable, and
  • fault tolerant

And the way it tries to be that:

  • only tries to solves service registration and discovery problem,
  • data is replicated between cluster nodes,
  • the service registry and its clients are losely coupled in a disconnected manner (no persistent connections)
  • uses a gossip protocol to exchange data between nodes in the cluster

How to run

Simple as 1-2-3:

$ PYTHONPATH=$PWD bin/hera -c hera.yml -n test-1 -p 8080 &
$ PYTHONPATH=$PWD bin/hera -c hera.yml -n test-2 -p 8081 &

Now you have two instances running, hopefully gossiping changes.


Below is an example configuration:

name: sr-sto-1
port: 3222
liveness: 300
    host: ec2-NN-NN-NN-NN.compute-1.amazonaws.com
    port: 3222
    host: ec2-NN-NN-NN-NN.compute-1.amazonaws.com
    port: 3222
    host: ec2-NN-NN-NN-NN.compute-1.amazonaws.com
    port: 3222

Here's a short description of the variables:

  • name defines the name of the local node in the cluster. There must be a node in cluster for this node.
  • port sets the listen port of the service.
  • liveness specifies for how long a service instance should live before being expired, unless updated.
  • `cluster´ defines the replication cluster.


Through this section we refer to the service registering its instance as "the client".


Each service instance that wants to make its presence known should update its instance entry regulary. This is done via PUT request to /<service>/<id>. The service registry do not enforce a specific content format except that it has to be a JSON object. What the object contains is up to the users of the system to decide, but we recommend something along the following lines:

  "host": "ec2-NN-NN-NN-NN.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
  "port": 1232,
  "updated_at": "<iso 8601 format>",

The updated_at field should contain a timestamp of when the last PUT request was performed. The client is responsible for setting this field. Users of the registry can use this field to detect instances that has stopped updating its entry, but before they have been expired based on the liveness parameter.

Other information that can be of interest to communicate via the instance entry:

  • current instance status/load
  • data center location
  • software version

The update request that the service instance do acts as a heartbeat signal to the registry. If an update request has not been received for liveness seconds the entry will be expired from the registry.


$ curl -XPUT -d '{"host":"", "port": 12345, "updated_at": "2012-12-18T13:27:01Z"}' http://localhost:8080/storage/1f11bbbb-df7a-47c5-8ba7-662f70261673

Query Service Registry

The most common query is look up all instances of a specific service. This is done by issuing a GET to /<service>. The result looks something like this:

  "<instance>": {
    "host": "ec2-NN-NN-NN-NN.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
    "port": 1232,
    "updated_at": "<iso 8601 format>",

The result contains all registered instances for the service, in an unspecified order. Example:

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/storage?pretty"
  "1f11bbbb-df7a-47c5-8ba7-662f70261673": {
    "host": "", 
    "port": 12345, 
    "updated_at": "2012-12-18T13:27:01Z"

Usage Patterns

Writing a Service

Through this section we refer to the service registering its instance as "the client".

In short, a client should register itself with the service registry server, and then with regular intervals update the entry to make sure that it is not expired from the registry. The interval should be set with the liveness parameter in mind. For example, if liveness is set to 5 minutes, a good update interval can be every minute.

If there are mutliple machines in the service registry cluster, the client should first and foremost use the node that is located in the same data center. If that fails, any of the other nodes can be used to update the entry.

Writing a Client

Through this section we refer to an entity that wants to talk to services as "the client".

The client can query any node in the service registry cluster, but should prefer to talk to nodes in the same data center.

The client should do a initial query to get the seed set of service instances. After that, it should regulary re-query the instance set. The re-query intervals should be determined by SLAs, liveness and update intervals. The interval can also be influenced by the current state; if there's no instances available, re-query more often. If the set is stable, maybe back off and do not query that often.


The instances of the service registry runs a gossip-like protocol to exchange data. How often the peers gossip is controlled by the gossip-interval config variable.

Each node has a complete replica of its siblings state. A node state is made up out of (service instance, timestamp) pairs. The timestamp identifies the last time the instance information was updated. It is used to filter out old instances and to resolve conflicting writes (LWW).

If we look at the configuration:

name: sr-sto-1
    host: ec2-NN-NN-NN-NN.compute-1.amazonaws.com
    port: 3222
    host: ec2-NN-NN-NN-NN.compute-1.amazonaws.com
    port: 3222
    host: ec2-NN-NN-NN-NN.compute-1.amazonaws.com
    port: 3222

The cluster is made out of three servers, sr-sto-1, sr-ash-1 and sr-lon-1. The name field sets the local name and this should be different for each instance of the service registry. The sr-sto-1 instance will talk to sr-ash-1 and sr-lon-1 at regular intervals. When sr-sto-1 talks to sr-lon-1 it will also receive state updates for sr-ash-1. This means that if there are network errors that cause a partial network failure where two nodes cannot talk to eachother they can still receive updates through the third peer.

When a node has picked a sibling to talk to, it sends a request for deltas. This request includes the "last seen timestamp" for all peers in the cluster. The node should respond with a set of deltas that can be applied to the node states. An example from sr-sto-1 to sr-lon-1 may look like this:

GET /_deltas?sr-lon-1=T1&sr-ash-1=T2

Interpret this as sr-sto-1 tries to get deltas for lon-1 and ash-1, but only for stuff that was written after the two specified timestamps. The response looks something like this:

  "sr-lon-1": [["srv1", "id1", {...}, 1355833258675], ...],
  "sr-ash-1": [["srv1", "id2", {...}, 1355833268199], ...]

Failure Conditions

Outlined here are a few failure conditions and how they are solved.

  • One node in the cluster crashes and its state is wiped => any old state will be purged on the other nodes when it becomes old. After a while any new writes from the crashed node will propage to the peers.

  • One node is isolated from the cluster => service instance data owned by the isolated node will be purged. When connection is restablished new writes will be propagated to the peers.


A simple service registry for distributed systems



Language:Python 100.0%