jruif / faker

Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js

Home Page:https://fakerjs.dev

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Generate massive amounts of fake (but realistic) data for testing and development.

Chat on Discord Continuous Integration


Please replace your faker dependency with @faker-js/faker. This is the official, stable fork of Faker.

npm install @faker-js/faker --save-dev

or yarn

yarn add @faker-js/faker -D

or pnpm

pnpm install @faker-js/faker -D


<script src="faker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  const randomName = faker.name.findName(); // Caitlyn Kerluke
  const randomEmail = faker.internet.email(); // Rusty@arne.info
  const randomCard = faker.helpers.createCard(); // random contact card containing many properties


const faker = require('@faker-js/faker');
const randomName = faker.name.findName(); // Rowan Nikolaus
const randomEmail = faker.internet.email(); // Kassandra.Haley@erich.biz
const randomCard = faker.helpers.createCard(); // random contact card containing many properties

Typescript Support

Types are available via the @types/faker package. You must manually link them using a *.d.ts file, like so:

// faker.d.ts
declare module '@faker-js/faker' {
  import faker from 'faker';
  export default faker;


An in-depth overview of the API methods is available in the documentation. The API covers the following modules:

Module Example Output
Address faker.address.city() Lake Raoulfort
Animal faker.animal.type() Dog, cat, snake, bear, lion, etc.
Commerce faker.commerce.product() Polo t-shirt
Company faker.company.companyName() Zboncak and Sons
Database faker.database.engine() MyISAM
Datatype faker.datatype.uuid() 1oijf8-3iuhiu-21jddj-1092jf
Date faker.date.past() Sat Oct 20 2018 04:19:38 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Finance faker.finance.amount() ¥23400 (After setting locale)
Git faker.git.commitMessage() feat: add products list page
Hacker faker.hacker.phrase() Try to reboot the SQL bus, maybe it will bypass the virtual application!
Helpers faker.helpers.userCard() { avatar: ‘...’, email: ‘{ first }{ last }{ number }@{domain}’, first: '...' }

All of the values are self-consistent (e.g. same first + last name in the email, too)
Image faker.image.avatar() https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/martip07/128.jpg
Internet faker.internet.color() #630c7b
Lorem faker.lorem.paragraph() Word, words, sentences, slug (lorem-ipsum), paragraph(s), text, lines
Music faker.music.genre() R&B
Name faker.name.firstName() Cameron
Phone faker.phone.phoneNumber() +1 291-299-0192
System faker.system.directoryPath() C:\Documents\Newsletters\
Vehicle faker.vehicle.vehicle() 2011 Dodge Caravan


Faker has support for multiple locales.

The default language locale is set to English.

Setting a new locale is simple:

// sets locale to de
faker.locale = 'de';

List of locales: az, ar, cz, de, de_AT, de_CH, en, en_AU, en_AU_ocker, en_BORK, en_CA, en_GB, en_IE, en_IND, en_US, en_ZA, es, es_MX, fa, fi, fr, fr_CA, fr_CH, ge, hy, hr, id_ID, it, ja, ko, nb_NO, ne, nl, nl_BE, pl, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro, ru, sk, sv, tr, uk, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW

Individual Localization Packages

Faker supports incremental loading of locales.

// loads only de locale
const faker = require('@faker-js/faker/locale/de');

Setting a randomness seed

If you want consistent results, you can set your own seed:


const firstRandom = faker.datatype.number();

// Setting the seed again resets the sequence.

const secondRandom = faker.datatype.number();

console.log(firstRandom === secondRandom);


Building Faker

Faker uses gulp to automate its build process. Each build operation is a separate task which can be run independently.

Browser Bundle

npm run browser


npm install
npm run test

You can view a code coverage report generated in coverage/lcov-report/index.html.

Developing the docs

# build the Faker library for the browser
# it's used inside of certain routes
npm run browser

npm run docs:dev

Building and serving the docs statically

# build the Faker library for the browser
# it's used inside of certain routes
npm run browser

npm run docs:build # Output docs to /dist
npm run docs:serve # Serve docs from /dist

Deploying Documentation

The website is kindly hosted for free by the Netlify team under their Open Source plan. See the netlify.toml for configuration.

Building JSDocs

JSDOC v3 HTML API documentation

npm run jsdoc

What happened to the original faker.js?

Read the team update (January 14th, 2022).


Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js




Language:JavaScript 94.5%Language:TypeScript 5.4%Language:HTML 0.0%