jrsouza95 / UnityIngameDebugConsole

A uGUI based console for Unity to see Debug messages in game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In-game Debug Console for Unity 3D


Forum Thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/in-game-debug-console-with-ugui-free.411323/


This asset is a means to see debug messages (logs, warnings, errors, exceptions) in-game in a build (also assertions in editor). It also has a built-in console that allows you to enter commands and execute pre-defined functions in-game. It is super easy to configure a new command; the only restriction is that the parameter types should match one of the supported types: int, float, bool, string, Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4. See README.pdf for more information and example code snippets...

User interface is created with uGUI and costs 1 SetPass call (and 6 to 10 batches). It is possible to drag, resize and hide the console window during the game. Once the console is hidden, a small popup will take its place (which is also draggable).


Console window is optimized using a customized recycled list view that calls Instantiate and Destroy functions sparingly.


Simply drag & drop DebugLogCanvas prefab to the first scene of the game. If you don't need the console on every scene, you can deselect the Singleton property of the canvas so that it will be destroyed when scene changes.


  • If 2D Rect Mask component does not exist in your version of Unity (pre 5.2), replace it with Mask component (search for Viewport objects). Then change the color alpha value of the attached Image components to 1. Unfortunately, DebugLogCanvas will now cost more draw calls.


  • This asset uses 2D Rect Mask and thus the DebugLogCanvas can not be rendered in World Space but only in Screen Space.



A uGUI based console for Unity to see Debug messages in game

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%