jrl-umi3218 / Tasks

The Tasks library is designed to make real-time control for kinematics tree and list of kinematics tree.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LGPL license => Apache v2 or BSD?

ahundt opened this issue · comments


Would it be possible to switch this library and the relevant dependencies to Apache v2 (preferably) or BSD 2-clause? It seems there are some painful compliance processes for LGPL and some of the text isn't very clear. For example on my project grl's license I dual license BSD and Apache v2 at the user's option.

Here is an example of the weird linking compliance/documentation steps:

additional more detailed discussion:

Sorry for the trouble and thanks for your consideration!


I will not change the license. But all my repo will be soon transferred to jrl-umi3218, my hosting lab during my phd. They will maybe change the license (but not for a less permissive one).

I don't really see the issue with LGPL here. The main restriction of the LGPL (that apparently don't appear in the Apache and BSD) is when your software link to some modified version of Tasks, you have to allow access to this modified version of Tasks to people you're distributing your software.

Since your project is under both BSD and Apache v2 license you have nothing else to do since the user will be able to rebuild your software with the specific version of Tasks he want.

Hope I have helped.

I'm trying to keep my own project available to commercial projects with as low a bar as possible. Even though I'm licensed BSD the dependencies must meet that linking requirement as well even if they only use my library which in turn uses yours. Don't worry, I understand if your motivations preclude that!