jrharika / MazeGenerator

This is a maze generator created in C++ using a modified flood fill algorithm. The maze can be played in terminal and additional features include randomly spawning portals. Versions of this program are not available on GitHub. This was my first personal project, so beware the bugs!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a maze generator created in C++ using a modified flood fill algorithm. The maze can be played in terminal and additional features include randomly spawning portals. Versions of this program are not available on GitHub. Beware the bugs.


This is a maze generator created in C++ using a modified flood fill algorithm. The maze can be played in terminal and additional features include randomly spawning portals. Versions of this program are not available on GitHub. This was my first personal project, so beware the bugs!


Language:C++ 100.0%