jrfferreira / git-overview

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Git Overview

document | slides

First thing first

What is GIT?

Nice to know

  • Missing git in your machine? https://git-scm.com/
  • Github isn't git
    • Github is a service using git as a platform
    • Other services: gitlab, bitbucket
  • You don't need a remote repository to work with git

Everything is already on git

git clone git@github.com:jrfferreira/git-overview.git
cd git-overview

From the beginning

Making sure about your git avatar:

git config --global user.name "[name]"
git config --global user.email "[email address]"

How to start using git:

mkdir my-git-repository
cd my-git-repository
git init

Understanding the git states:

  • Working tree: Your work
  • Index / Staging area: What do you want git to know
  • HEAD: reference to the local current state
  • .git directory (repository): Where all changes snapshots are saved

The help command

You can always finish your command with --help to check the documentation:

git config --help
git remote --help
## Hands-on


### Understanding branches:
Branch an independent line of development.

#### How to create a branch:

``` git
git branch [branch name]
git checkout [branch name]

is the same as:

git checkout -b [branch name]

You can check here: https://backlog.com/git-tutorial/using-branches/

the staging area

git status:

git status

Helpful status:

  • ' ' = unmodified
  • M = modified
  • A = added
  • D = deleted
  • R = renamed
  • C = copied
  • U = updated but unmerged

Difference between the staging and the working tree:

git diff

To show the difference between the staging and the current file version:

git diff --staged

adding/removing a file from staging:

git add [file]

To remove from staging (not the file):

git reset [file]

adding/removing hunks from staging:

git add -p [file]
git reset -p [file]

It will navigate between all hunks in an interactive mode.


After staging we can register the current state:

With a message

git commit -m "A brief explanation about my work"

You can also tell the command to automatically stage files that have been modified and deleted, but it will not affect new files:

git commit -a

But, please, don't do it.

Fixing message

In case you had added a wrong message, you can fix it:

git commit --amend

Reverting commit

git revert [commit]

It will undo all changes from the commit and add it to the staging

Reviewing history

log (and graph)

basic log:

git log

To follow all changes of a file (beyond renamings):

git log --follow [file path]

The see the changes:

git log -p [file path]

Do you need a visual help?

git log --graph
git log --graph --oneline
git log --graph --decorate

Log + search

To search in commit messages:

git log --grep "message"

By default, grep is case senstive, you can use -i to ignore it:

git log --grep -i "message"

To search in the history changes:

git log -G"message"
git log -S"message"

Helpful combinations:

git log --color-words -S"message"
git log -p -S"message"
git log --color-words -p -S"message"

show branch diff

git diff [branch1]..[branch2]


git diff HEAD..[branch2]
git diff ..[branch2]

show commit

git show [commit]

Checking author

git blame [path]

Synchronizing changes


Once you need to synchronize your changes with a server or a team, you will need a remote:

git remote add [remote name] [remote url]

Fetch remote / all remotes

Fetch allows you to download the remote repository history:

git fetch [remote name]
git fetch --all

Pushing changes

git push [remote] [branch]

For new local branches, you need to set the remote branch relation:

git push --set-upstream [remote name] [remote branch]

Push --force

In case you need to replace a remote repository:

git push --force

DON'T use --force on public/shared branch

Merging branches

Merge is useful to bring the independent line of development to other branches:

git merge [branch]

In case you need to do more changes:

git merge --no-commit [branch]

You can use different modes to, like --no-ff or --squash

Pull (syncing)

To sync your local repository with the remote:

git pull [remote]

This command is a sequence of git fetch and git merge

Rebase branch

Rebase is similar to merge, but it reapplies the commits on top of another branch

git rebase [branch]

Check more in https://hackernoon.com/git-merge-vs-rebase-whats-the-diff-76413c117333

  • Use merge in cases where you want a set of commits to be clearly grouped together in history
  • Use rebase when you want to keep a linear commit history
  • DON’T use rebase on a public/shared branch

Going deeper


git reflog

The reflog is an ordered list of the commits that HEAD has pointed to. The reflog isn't part of the repo itself (it's stored separately to the commits themselves) It isn't included in pushes, fetches or clones; it's purely local.


Sometimes, the remote or branch that you want to get changes can contain a different hunk. In this case, git may not be able to auto-fix this, and you will need to act.


This part still the same
<<<<<<< HEAD
but I added this
and other person added this.
>>>>>>> playground

in this case:

  • Everything from <<<<<<< HEAD to ======= is related to your changes
  • Everything from ======= to >>>>>>> playground is what is coming from playground branch.


To clean your repository or reset the HEAD:

Resetting a specific file:

git reset -p [file path]

To resets the index and working tree discarding both:

git reset --hard [commit]

Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since [commit] are discarded.

To resets the index but not the working tree:

git reset --mixed [dommit]

The changed files are preserved but not marked for commit

To reset and keep the index and working tree:

git reset --soft [commit]

This leaves all your changed files "Changes to be committed"


If you export git diff to a file, you can apply it in a different situation:

git diff > my-patch.diff
git apply my-patch.diff

Cherry pick

Pick an exactly commit to where you're:

git cherry-pick [commit hash]

An example of cherry pick all commits from master branch:

git cherry-pick ..master

To continue the operation:

git cherry-pick --continue

To finish the current operation in progress.

git cherry-pick --quit

To cancel the operation:

git cherry-pick --abort


You can also save changes on your side. It is useful for work in progress manipulation:

To save a staging state:

git stash

To load a stash:

git stash pop

To list all available stash:

git stash list

To delete a stash:

git stash drop

The .git folder

You need to see to understand

The .gitignore file


Breadcrumb about the branch.

Add to your .bash_profile:

  # Show current git branch in the command line
  parse_git_branch() {
     git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
  export PS1="\[\033[32m\]\w\[\033[33m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "


Git integration:

Maybe this talk was not necessary:



Thank you! (Obrigado!)




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