jrenaud90 / IcyDwarfWin

Coupled geophysical-geochemical-orbital evolution model of icy worlds.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


IcyDwarf calculates the coupled physical-chemical evolution of an icy dwarf planet or moon. As of version 16.3, the code calculates:

  • The thermal evolution of an icy planetary body (moon or dwarf planet), with no chemistry, but with rock hydration, dehydration, hydrothermal circulation, core cracking, tidal heating, and porosity. The depth of cracking and a bulk water:rock ratio by mass in the rocky core are also computed.
  • Whether cryovolcanism is possible by the exsolution of volatiles from cryolavas.
  • Equilibrium fluid and rock chemistries resulting from water-rock interaction in subsurface oceans in contact with a rocky core, up to 200ºC and 1000 bar.

IcyDwarfPlot creates interactive displays of outputs from the following IcyDwarf functionalities:

  • Thermal Evolution
  • Core cracking
  • Equilibrium fluid and rock compositions.

There is currently no display of cryovolcanism or geochemistry outputs from IcyDwarf.

The two codes can run independently of each other, so it's not necessary to install both if you only need one.


The installation steps outlined below are valid for Mac OS 10.9+. IcyDwarf and IcyDwarfPlot could also run on Windows and Linux, but compilation instructions are not set up and external I/O handling needs to be modified in the source code.

Install R

R is needed only for IcyDwarf, to run the geochemistry package CHNOSZ. Go to http://www.r-project.org and follow instructions.

Install CHNOSZ

CHNOSZ is needed only for IcyDwarf. Open R using either the installed application icon or in a terminal by typing


In R, type the command


Install Rcpp and RInside

Rcpp and RInside are libraries that allow R applications to be embedded in C or C++ codes. They are needed only for IcyDwarf. Go to http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Rcpp/index.html and http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RInside/index.html, or directly to http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/code/rcpp to download the respective archives. On Mac, unzip the archives in /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/, so that Rcpp and RInside are two subfolders of library.


The IPHREEQC library is a module that allows the PHREEQC application to be embedded in C or C++ codes. It is needed only for IcyDwarf. Go to http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/phreeqc to download IPHREEQC and follow the default installation instructions:

make install

Install gcc

In Mac OS 10.8+, the default compiler clang has replaced the compiler gcc, which is needed to take advantage of the parallel computing capabilities of the PlanetSystem and WaterRock_ParamExplor routines of IcyDwarf. Go to http://hpc.sourceforge.net and follow the instructions there to download and install gcc. Once installed, you might need to break the symbolic link between the command gcc and clang by typing:

alias gcc=/usr/local/bin/gcc

Install SDL2 (IcyDwarfPlot only)

SDL2 is a graphic library. Go to http://www.libsdl.org/projects. Download and install SDL2, SDL2_image, and SDL2_ttf. SDL2_mixer is not needed as the code doesn't play music for you yet.

Install IcyDwarf

Go to https://github.com/MarcNeveu/IcyDwarf. Click the green Clone or download button to the right of the page, then either:

  • Download ZIP on the bottom right. Unzip IcyDwarf-master.zip. Rename the unzipped folder IcyDwarf-master to IcyDwarf. Move the renamed IcyDwarf folder to any folder you would like, we will call it Path_to_GitFolder here.
  • if you are familiar with GitHub, you can clone the directory with your favorite tool (I use Git within the Eclipse developing environment).

All source files should be in:

  • /Path_to_GitFolder/IcyDwarf/IcyDwarf and subfolders
  • /Path_to_GitFolder/IcyDwarf/IcyDwarfPlot and subfolders.

Running the code

Start the code

The executable files are:

  • /Path_to_GitFolder/IcyDwarf/IcyDwarf/Release/IcyDwarf (no extension)
  • /Path_to_GitFolder/IcyDwarf/IcyDwarfPlot/Release/IcyDwarfPlot (no extension)

Input files

The respective input files are located in the IcyDwarf/Input and IcyDwarfPlot/Input folders.

Output files

Thermal (± orbital) evolution code

For each file name, the initial character x is 0 for the first/only object and incremented by 1 for each additional object. Thermal and crack output files can be read and displayed by IcyDwarfPlot.

  • xCrack_stresses.txt: Internal stresses accounted for by the core cracking subroutine (Neveu et al. 2015, JGR). There are n_zones rows (one per grid zone from the center to the surface) printed at each time interval. Columns list, respectively:
    • grid zone radius (in km)
    • pressure (in MPa)
    • brittle strength (in MPa)
    • critical stress intensity (in MPa m^0.5)
    • stress intensity from thermal expansion mismatch at grain boundaries (in MPa m^0.5)
    • pore fluid pressure (in MPa)
    • net pressure (stress) resulting from rock hydration (in MPa)
    • old crack size prior to hydration/dehydration (in m)
    • old crack size prior to mineral dissolution/precipitation (in m)
    • current crack size (in m)
    • fraction of the crack that hasn't healed (i.e. 1 minus the integrated strain rate over time since cracking)
    • integer indicating whether the grid zone is fractured, and by which process (Neveu et al. 2015, JGR): 0 = no cracks; 1 = cracks from thermal contraction; 2 = cracks from thermal expansion; 3 = cracks from hydration; 4 = cracks from dehydration; 5 = cracks from pore water dilation; 6 = mineral dissolution widening; 7 = mineral precipitation shrinking; -1 = mineral precipitation clogging; -2: clogging from hydration swelling. Outputs are zero outside of the core.
  • xCrack_depth_WR.txt: The bulk water:rock mass ratio in the fractured zone. This file has three columns:
    • time (in Gyr)
    • depth below seafloor of the fractured zone (in km)
    • water:rock ratio by mass in cracked zone. Outputs are zero if the core is not cracked or if there is no liquid.
  • xHeats.txt: Cumulative heats (in erg) produced or consumed by endogenic and exogenic processes. The six columns describe:
    • time (in Gyr)
    • radiogenic heat
    • gravitational heat
    • heat of rock hydration
    • heat consumed in rock dehydration
    • heat from tidal dissipation.
  • xOrbit.txt (only for simulations with a nonzero host planet mass and in which the moon's orbit is allowed to change): Orbital parameters. Columns list:
    • time (in Gyr)
    • semi-major axis (in km)
    • osculating semi-major axis in km (0 if no resonance)
    • eccentricity
    • product of eccentricity and cosine of resonant angle
    • product of eccentricity and sine of resonant angle
    • resonant angle (in degrees)
    • total tidal dissipation (in W)
    • equivalent k2/Q for the moon (Segatz et al. 1988).
  • xThermal.txt: There are n_zones rows for each grid zone, repeated total time/timestep times, i.e. for each time interval. Columns list, respectively, in each grid zone:
    • grid zone radius (in km),
    • grid zone temperature (in K)
    • mass of rock (in g)
    • mass of water ice (in g)
    • mass of ammonia dihydrate (in g)
    • mass of liquid water (in g)
    • mass of liquid ammonia (in g)
    • Nusselt number (if >1, convection)
    • fraction of amorphous ice (always zero, a legacy of Desch et al. 2009)
    • thermal conductivity (in W m^-1 K^-1)
    • degree of hydration (0: fully dry; 1: fully hydrated)
    • porosity
    • integer indicating whether the grid zone is fractured, and by which process (duplicate of the last column in xCrack_stresses.txt above)
    • tidal heating rate (in W).

In addition, each simulation with a nonzero host planet mass produces following files. Each of the last three files is read in N_moon x N_moon matrices, where N_moon is the number of moons. Matrices are symmetric since they describe interactions between pairs of moons. Element (x, y) represents interactions between the xth and yth worlds as specified in IcyDwarfInput. The first matrix is output at the first time step. Subsequent matrices are output following a time stamp that corresponds to the time at which pairs of moons get in and out of resonance.

  • Primary.txt: Over time in Gyr (first column), the Q of the primary (second column) and the mass of any ring in kg (third column).
  • Resonances.txt (for moon system): Values are integers j if the mean motions of the corresponding moons are commensurate in j+1:j ratios with j≤5, and if the migration of the moons is convergent (j dn_inner moon/dt ≤ (j+1) dn_outer moon/dt since dn/dt < 0 for expanding orbits). Values are 0 otherwise. If a moon is in resonance with only one other moon, the code computes moon-moon interactions (value in ResAcctFor below = j), otherwise interactions may be ignored (value in ResAcctFor = 0).
  • ResAcctFor.txt: Stands for "Resonances Accounted For". A nonzero value in Resonance above is accounted for if a moon is in resonance with only one other moon. Otherwise, the code cannot compute the orbital evolution resulting from the interactions between more than two moons. In that case, the resonance accounted for is that between the pair of moons for which j is smallest (resonance for which the most moon-moon conjunctions occur per orbit). For equal values of j (e.g. for a 4:2:1 resonance, j would be 1 between the inner and middle moon, and also 1 between the middle and outer moon), the newer resonance is ignored. For moons with nonzero values, orbital evolution is computed by an averaged Hamiltonian subroutine (Meyer & Wisdom 2008). Otherwise, orbital evolution is computed solely due to effects from moon-primary and moon-ring interactions, ignoring moon-moon interactions.
  • PCapture.txt: This output is not taken into account in computations, but provides an indicative probability of capture into resonance based on the equations of Borderies & Goldreich (1984). Whether or not capture occurs in a simulation depends on the outcome of orbital evolution computed with the averaged Hamiltonian routine. This matrix is not made symmetric, so usually the value of a coefficient in a position symmetric to that of a nonzero value is 0. In that case, only the nonzero value is meaningful.

Cryolava code

The cryolava routine outputs three files:

  • Cryolava_molalities.txt (10 columns, n_ice_or_crust_grid_zones rows) shows the cryolava content in H2, CH4, CH3OH, CO, CO2, NH3, N2, H2S, SO2, Ar in mol per kg of liquid water
  • Cryolava_partialP.txt, with the same layout as the molalities file, shows the partial pressure of each of these 10 species
  • Cryolava_xvap.txt has the same amount of rows, but only 6 columns which show the depth under the surface (km), total gas pressure (bar), volumic vapor fraction x_vap (a dimensionless indicator of exsolution), fluid cryolava density (kg m-3), stress intensity K_I at the crack tip (Pa m^0.5), a boolean (0: no crack propagation; 1: crack propagation).

Compression code

The compression routine outputs one file, Compression.txt, which provides pressures and densities as a function of radius, both accounting for self-compression (output) and not accounting for it (output of the thermal code). The file structure, format, and units are explained in the file itself.

WaterRock_ParamExplor code

This routine outputs a file, ParamExploration.txt, that looks much like the PHREEQC selected output specified in the IcyDwarf/PHREEQC-3.1.2/io folder, with a few added columns at the beginning (starting T in celsius, P in bar, pH, pe, log fO2 at FMQ(T,P) buffer, pe-FMQ). The file is formatted for easy import into a spreadsheet, with each line describing a different simulation. Lines filled with zeros are PHREEQC simulations that did not converge.

The PHREEQC input file, IcyDwarf/PHREEQC-3.1.2/io/inputIcyDwarf, can be modified, but be aware that IcyDwarfPlot will plot results accurately only if the SELECTED_OUTPUT block is left unchanged.

Modifying the source code

If you wish to modify the code, set up your compiler and linker so that all the relevant flags are added.

Compiler setup

My compiling instructions look like this:

For IcyDwarf (gcc 11.2.0 on Mac OS 13.6 Ventura):

gcc -I/usr/local/include -I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/include -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/RInside/include -O3 -g -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -arch x86_64 -fopenmp -o IcyDwarf.o ../IcyDwarf.c
gcc -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib -o IcyDwarf IcyDwarf.o /usr/local/lib/libiphreeqc-3.7.3.dylib /usr/local/lib/libiphreeqc.dylib /usr/local/lib/libiphreeqc.a -lgomp -lR -ld64

For IcyDwarfPlot (gcc 6.2 on Mac OS 10.12 Sierra):

gcc -I/usr/include -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL2_image.framework/Versions/A/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL2_ttf.framework/Versions/A/Headers -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Headers -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.framework/Versions/A/Headers -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers -O3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o IcyDwarfPlot.o ../IcyDwarfPlot.c 
gcc -F/Library/Frameworks -arch x86_64 -framework openGL -framework Cocoa -framework GLUT -framework SDL2 -framework SDL2_image -framework SDL2_ttf -o IcyDwarfPlot IcyDwarfPlot.o 

You might need to specify the full path to gcc (e.g. /usr/local/bin/gcc) rather than simply the gcc alias.

Your include directories might be more simply found at -I/usr/include.

Email me if you have any issues.

Doing science with the code

If you communicate or publish scientific results using this code, please acknowledge one of the references listed below from newest to oldest. Each describes the development of one piece of the code. Thanks!

Neveu M., Rhoden A. (2019) Evolution of Saturn’s mid-sized moons. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-019-0726-y. (Fully coupled thermal-orbital evolution with moon-primary, moon-ring, and simplified moon-moon interactions, ability to simulate several objects simultaneously)

Neveu M., Desch S., Castillo-Rogez J. (2017) Aqueous geochemistry in icy world interiors: equilibrium fluid, rock, and gas compositions, and fate of antifreezes and radionuclides. Geochimica & Cosmochimica Acta 212, 324-371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2017.06.023. (WaterRock_ParamExplor code)

Neveu M., Rhoden A. (2017) The origin and evolution of a differentiated Mimas. Icarus 296, 183-196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.06.011. (Tidal dissipation with basic orbital evolution driven by moon-primary interactions)

Neveu M., Desch S. (2015) Geochemistry, thermal evolution, and cryovolcanism on Ceres with a muddy ice mantle. Geophysical Research Letters 42, 10197-10206. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015GL066375. (Retention of part of rock in icy mantle)

Neveu M., Desch S., Castillo-Rogez J. (2015) Core cracking and hydrothermal circulation profoundly affect Ceres' geophysical evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 120, 123-154. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2014JE004714. (Thermal evolution code in C, cracking subroutine, convective transfer in rocky core by hydrothermal situation)

Neveu M., Desch S., Shock E., Glein C. (2015) Prerequisites for explosive cryovolcanism on dwarf planet-class Kuiper belt objects. Icarus 246, 48-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.03.043. (Cryolava code)

Rubin M., Desch S., Neveu M. (2014) The effect of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities on the thickness of undifferentiated crusts on Kuiper belt objects. Icarus 236, 122-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.03.047. (Refined treatment of ice-rock differentiation)

Desch, S., Cook, J., Doggett, T., Porter, S. (2009) Thermal evolution of Kuiper belt objects, with implications for cryovolcanism. Icarus 202, 694-714. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2009.03.009. (Thermal evolution code in Fortran)

Other references (alphabetical)

Borderies, N., Goldreich, P. (1984) A simple derivation of capture probabilities for the J+1:J and J+2:J orbit-orbit resonance problems. Celestial Mechanics 32, 127-136. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01231120.

Meyer, J., Wisdom, J. (2008) Tidal evolution of Mimas, Enceladus, and Dione. Icarus 193, 213-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2007.09.008.

Segatz, M., Spohn, T., Ross, M. and Schubert, G. (1988) Tidal dissipation, surface heat flow, and figure of viscoelastic models of Io. Icarus 75, 187-206. https://doi.org/10.1016/0019-1035(88)90001-2.


Coupled geophysical-geochemical-orbital evolution model of icy worlds.


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