jrasm91 / interview

Interview practice problems, notes, links, etc

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Interview practice problems, notes, links, etc

Table of Contents

  1. General Notes
  2. JS
  3. CSS
  4. HTML
  5. Linked Lists
  6. Trees / Graphs

General Notes


  • Closure: a function created within another function. Variables belong to the closure that they were created in.



  • doctype - indicates that the page is using HTML5.
  • quirks: old browser behavior, full standards: html/css spec, almost standards: few quirks still implemented
  • XHTML - xml + html, inline css and javascript will often violate XHTML spec.
  • lang attribute can used to let the browser know what language is present in a page (or in a specific element).
  • i18next is perfect for strings that can be translated in javascript.
  • Language considerations: dir="rtl", font-size, character encodings, length of words (spacing)
  • data-* attributes can be used for custom attributes, and allow data to pass between HTML and DOM via script or css.
  • html5 is built on improved elements, markup, video, audio, javascript API, gelolocation API, webworker, data storage API, and also specifies how to handle invalid markup.
  • cookie - http header sent with every request, key values pairs
  • localStorage - persists until cleared/deleted.
  • sessionStorage - persists after page refresh, but is cleared when window/tab is closed.
  • <script async> - Execute script when available, without blocking
  • <script defer> - Defer script execution.

Linked Lists

  • Traversing, Inserting, Deleting
  • Always test for the end of a linked list while traversing
  • Deletion and insertion require a pointer or reference to the element immediately preceding the deletion or insertion location.
  • Having the list size available makes it easy to solve the mth-from-the-end problem
  • Cycle testing can be implemented using two pointers at different speeds

Trees / Graphs

  • Tree often means a binary tree
  • Lookup is an O(log(n)) operation in a balanced BST


Interview practice problems, notes, links, etc


Language:JavaScript 100.0%