jramseygreen / osu_bot_framework-v3

A powerful framework to create and manage bots for osu

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The most accessible platform for creating, sharing and using osu multiplayer bots.

This software has been designed to be as accessible as possible, whether you are a Python developer, Javascript developer or just a normal user.

alt text

This is a work in progress!


  • Simply download the source code and execute launch.exe. Easy as cake!


  • Install Python 3 with apt install python3 or similar for your distro
  • Install pip with apt install python3-pip (if not bundled with the python 3 installation)
  • Install the required libraries with python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Execute launch.sh

Please! If you like this software consider donating to me so that I can continue to develop it. Paypal


  • Join and create game rooms
  • Join any public channel
  • Download, share and create logic profiles with ease (Python & Javascript supported!)
  • Full webapp GUI with end-to-end AES256 CBC Encryption
  • Full chat functionality
  • Automatic beatmap download from Chimu.moe
  • Search for beatmaps through Chimu.moe
  • Command management system
  • Message broadcasts on a timer in any channel
  • Much more!


Contributer Osu profile Github profile contribution
qqzzy https://osu.ppy.sh/u/qqzzy https://github.com/jramseygreen/ Project Creator, Coded entire project
meowhal https://osu.ppy.sh/u/meowhal https://github.com/meowhal Smoothed logo, prototype webapp design, bug fixing, inspiration for the project
martin71 https://osu.ppy.sh/u/martin71 https://github.com/MerePebble logo design, initial design,extensive testing, help writing docs

Getting started

How to download

Simply click on the green code button and choose download ZIP. this

Obtaining login username and password

Go to this site to get your irc credentials for logging in to the bot framework. They are different from your regular login details

How to get the framework working

Once you have your username and password, open launch.exe

If all works correctly, it should look like this.: this

Using the webapp

Copy the link the app gives you after successful login. (Visible on the picture above: Webapp server started at http://localhost:8080/ - you might have to use a different port number.) Next open any browser (E.g. Chrome/Internet Explorer...) and browse to it. You should be presented with the webapp interface below. this

If you are greeted with login page, the password is the same you used to log in in the command prompt.

If you want to get right into the action, click on the make room or join channel buttons.

Making a room

For clarification: When you make a room, you create a real lobby in the osu! multiplayer where anyone can join. If you make too many of them bancho will not allow you to make more. Don't forget to close them via Close room button in the channel options, as it takes some time for them to close on their own after an inactivity period.


As you can see, there are lots of initial options on what kind of lobby to make.

  1. Title and password
    Those are pretty straightforward. Anything but special characters works.
  2. Game Mode
    Pick your desired game mode for the lobby. E.g.: If you go for the mania game mode - the osu will automatically convert all the beatmaps picked if they are not mania. Also, there is a ton of other features where the framework checks for the game mode.
  3. Team type & Score type
    Nothing fancy, these work the same way they do in normal osu! multiplayer.
  4. Beatmap ID
    Pick the first beatmap you want to display in the lobby. (Beatmap ID can be obtained like this:) this
  5. Logic profile
    You can choose your desired logic profile for the lobby. There are quite a few premade and you can find out more about them in the Logic profiles section. For now just know that logic profiles are what determines how the lobby works e.g. who gets the host, what are the conditions to get the host, what are the conditions to play a beatmap, how does picking a beatmap work and much more!
  6. Room size
    Number of available slots in the room.
  7. Invite players
    Sends an invite link to all the chosen players. Your name is in the list by default but you can easily add or remove other players. (Just don't forget to click the small blue + next to the username bar to actually add the player to the list.)

Note: You don't have to fill anything to create a lobby, you can set everything afterwards in the lobby options. More on that in the Channel options section.

Joining a channel (or existing lobby)

After you type the name of the channel you simply join it. You can join the public channels like #osu etc. but you will have limited options for what you can do there since it is not an actual match lobby. (Works even without # ,e.g. lobby would connect you to the #lobby channel.)

The same goes for an existing game room, just get the match link and paste it in the test box.

this Remember that you can easily rejoin your own lobbies but if you join a lobby you did not create yourself or you are not a referee of the lobby nothing will work in the webapp because bancho won't give the webapp permissions to do anything.

Personal messages

They are connected to the game chat, meaning that you can chat with anyone without even opening the game! this


Before we dive deeper into the functions of the lobbies, there are still some features in the webapp remaining outside of the lobbies.

  1. Security

    By default the app runs in the localhost mode, meaning that only you from your device can open the webapp.

    If you run the app outside of just your device, authentication is advised. Authentication is a feature which encrypts the communication with the webapp using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

    • How to use authentication

    To get the authentication working you head into the folder where you open the launch.exe, there open the config directory and you will find file called bot_config.conf. You can see some settings as well as your saved credentials in the file. But more importantly you are looking for server_authentication": false, If you change the false to true the webapp will demand a password for you to get inside the next time you restart the app. The password is the same one you use to open the app and if you saved it it's listed in the bot_config.conf.


    Note: You need to restart the app if you make any changes in the files for them to implement!

    • Remember me

    To remember the password the webapp uses a cookie. The cookie lasts for exactly one day as long as you are using the same browser on the same device.

    You can also manually wipe the cookie by pressing the Clear cookies button on the first page after logging in.

  2. Logic profile manager

    this A simple way of downloading and sharing logic profiles.

  3. Global player blacklist


    More info on blacklists in the Blacklist (a player) section.

  4. Shut down

    You can turn the app off with the Shut down button. It shuts down the app completely at the host device. shut_down

    You can also shut down the program by typing exit in the command prompt

Channel options

After you successfully create a lobby like this: lobby

A new channel will pop up on the side. Click on the channel to see its options.lobby

In the pictures the numbers correspond to where you can see/change each setting.

  1. To edit the title, use the gray Edit title button in the right upper corner.
  2. To edit password, use the blue Edit password button with number two assigned to it in the second picture.
  3. There are multiple options ranging from difficulty settings to the type of maps allowed - check the beatmap checker section if you think they don't work.
  4. Beatmap ID does not have a button assigned to it. If you want to use the beatmap of your choice, you can manually type command: !mp map (e.g.)1192807 (0-3) 0-osu!, 1-taiko, 2-catch the beat, 3-mania. Usually you specify gamemode only if you want to convert the beatmap.
  5. Logic profile determines the way the bot behaves, more on them in Logic profiles section.
  6. If you click on the little square with the number of present players you will see a simple window to change the number of free slots.

Advanced options


  1. Beatmap checker

Beatmap checker automatically aborts all the matches if the beatmap conditions are not met. Not only does it abort but by default it prevents you from choosing beatmaps which are not fulfilling the conditions you set. (In rare cases it will allow you to choose a beatmap which doesn't meet the requirements. However, it will always abort.)

If you ever feel like something is not right and the lobby doesn't care about the conditions you set for the maps. Check if the beatmapchecker is on!

  1. Allow Beatmap Conversion

Make the bot automatically convert beatmaps for the selected game mode.

For instance: In the webapp I select game mode mania. Now all the picked beatmaps are going to be automatically converted to mania. - Works only for game modes where osu! supports conversion.

  1. Allow unsubmitted beatmaps

Not only does it allow you to pick the unsubmitted beatmaps it also allows unsubmitted beatmaps to be picked by the !randmap command. Works basically the same way the Map Status options work located next to the Mods options.

  1. Maintain room tile & Maintain room password & Maintain room size

These three options save the settings and after every finished match they revert everything back to what was set with the last !mp comand.

  1. Start match automatically when all players are ready

Very self explanatory. If all the players pressed ready, match starts.

  1. Queue match to start when beatmap is selected (in seconds)

Match starts automatically after given time period.

Note: -1 = infinity; Any positive whole number will work.

  1. Welcome message

It is sent to whoever joins the lobby no matter how many times they join.

  1. Download beatmaps automatically from Chimu.moe

You don't need to click on the download button in osu lobby. You don't even need to have osu! running. All selected beatmaps get downloaded with the snap of fingers. By default they are saved to the freamwork files location.(They literally get saved next to the launch.exe)

  1. Download with video (if available)

The same as regular downloading with or without video.

  1. Open beatmaps automatically after downloading

After you download the beatmap it is opened no matter the file location. Since osu! automatically deletes extracted beatmaps, they get deleted wherever you chose the download location and they are saved as folders in your osu! songs directory, where all your beatmaps are.

  1. Redownload owned beatmaps

If you give the app your osu folder location. It will check for the beatmap set ID. If it confirms you have it. The download is not going to proceed.

  1. Blacklists and Whitelists (for beatmaps)

  • Blacklist bans beatmap from being picked or found by the !randmap command.

  • Whitelist orders the framework to only allow beatmap picks included in the Whitelist or limits beatmaps found with the !randmap command.

User options

lobby By clicking on any player's name in the list of the players you will see a menu with simple and working options. (You can view someone's profile by clicking on his profile icon or his name as well.)

Blacklist (a player)


You can ban players from entering your lobby either lobby-wide or app-wide. In other words, the players you ban will not be able to join the concrete lobby or any lobby you created within the current session. Also, banning people who are present in the lobby will kick them automatically immediately.


To access the (app-wide) global blacklist you just head to the home page and press the Global player blacklist button.

Config page

On the top of the page right below the title of the room you can click the view configuration page link or write !config in the chat to get the link and a new configuration page will open with all the current settings. lobby The link is adaptable, meaning that every time you change any setting, it will get updated and produce a new config page with the current settings.

  • The page is divided in 3 big sections but basically just 2. The upper section is for the current settings and stats and the lower is for the available commands. (The number of available commands changes drastically depending on what logic profile you use.)

  • While the Config page is a useful overview of all the available options it is also great for copying the settings. You can create one lobby, set everything up and now if you want to send the same settings to your friend or save them for the next time you create a new lobby. All you need to do is to use the Import configuration button and you just copy the link of the config site to transfer the settings.

  • The Clone from button works the same way but it's quicker and works only locally with the existing lobbies in the list. lobby


The Broadcasts button broadcasts infinitely the message you set until the bot leaves the lobby. Just set the period for the message and it will get resent every cycle. (Great caution recommended when it comes to the big channels like #osu and #lobby. If the moderators see your message pop up very often, you are likely to get chat banned for spam very quickly.)


Logic Profiles


  • Logic profiles are what gives the bot its structure. Each contains unique commands and works differently to suit the needs of the players.

  • There are several premade logic profiles which show the possibilities of the framework. However, creating new logic profiles is highly encouraged as the default ones are meant to be more exemplary rather then widely used.

  • Basically whatever you can think of is possible. There many possibilities from picking automatically maps on some set conditions to change the host based off a simple !roll. I recommend trying the premade out for yourself to see what they are capable of. More on how to create your logic profile later on. (The framework supports both java script and python!)

For those who want to confirm the functions of default Logic profiles.:

  • Autohost - The bot keeps the host and picks random maps within the set conditions.
  • AutoHostRotate - Passes the host to the next player in the queue.
  • Autosong - Keeps the host and randomly picks beatmaps matching the conditions after you finish a map and gives the next start countdown.
  • HighRollers - Who !rolls the highest number up to 100 wins the host.
  • KingOfTheHill - Who wins, gets the host.
  • LinerHostRotate - Host is passed always down to next player.
  • Manager - Profile with all the commands for someone who wants to test things or have an interactive lobby.
  • Template - Simple template useful to start with when creating your own logic profiles.
  • TemplateJs - Same thing as the Tample but made with Java Script

Config file (bot_config.conf)


This is an important file you might need to interact with at some point. It is located in the config folder. Here is a basic rundown.:

  • Lines 2 and 3 store the login information you used during your first login, that is if you used the option to save them of course. You can manually rewrite them here if you want to change them or you can just delete them to get prompted again the next time you open the app.

  • Lines 4 and 5 are to stay like that until peppy decides to change the bancho bot site or port.

  • Server authentication on line 6 simply enables/disables password when opening the webapp. (Change with true/false)

  • On line 7 you change the IP of the app, there are 4 main options:

    1. Using localhost you can open the webapp only from the device where you run the app.

    2. If you use your IP address you can use the network on your LAN. To find your IP address (on Windows) simply open cmd and write in ipconfig then look for either IPv4 or IPv6 address depending on what you're using. Then just write it in the browser on your other device connected to your LAN network e.g. wifi and you should see the webapp interface. lobby

    3. Use to make the webapp accessible on all available network interfaces in your enclosed LAN or in the Internet. (Recommended for people who want to use a server to run the app.)

    4. Leaving the string blank "" will disable the webapp completely!

  • Line 8 allows you to choose any available port for the webapp.

  • Line 9 is a for all those who would need to change the port which the frontend uses to communicate with the backend.

  • On line 10 you can change the number of messages visible in the chat box both in the frontend and the backend.

  • Lines 11 and 12 dictate the rate at which requests are send to the Bancho bot. The default settings of cap:"2" & period:"1" have been tested and are thought to be the best possible for a good reaction time while you don't get silenced by the bot for sending too many requests.

  • Line 13 is simply a question of whether you want to make log files in ./config/logs folder.

  • Verbose is the option to make all the messages which would normally get sent to the log file be sent straight in the cmd interface of the app.

Programatically managing osu

The startup file

You can control what happens upon booting the framework with the startup.py file located in the config directory.

# any code here will run on starting the framework
def startup(bot):
    # Add below line
    # ---------------------------------------------

As we can see, this is where the bot instance actually starts and connects to the osu irc server, as well as starting up the webapp server.

Any code added to this method will be run, meaning you can invoke any method belonging to the Bot class. For example, you could programaticaly create a game room, implement a logic profile and change the allowed difficulty range:

channel = bot.make_room(title="My room", logic_profile="Manager")
channel.set_diff_range((4, 5))


Messages are dictionaries and have three components;

  • The channel it belongs to
  • The username of the account who sent it
  • The message content
-> {"channel": "#osu", "username": "qqzzy": "content": "Hi guys"}

When sending or receiving a message, that message gets added to the message log.

  • bot.send_personal_message(username, message)

    • sends a personal message to the username provided
    • all parameters are strings
  • bot.get_personal_message_log()

    • returns the log of personal messages received as a list of dictionaries
  • channel.send_message(message)

    • sends a message to the channel
    • message is a string
  • channel.get_message_log()

    • returns the log of messages received in a channel as a list of dictionaries

Dealing with channels and game rooms

You can join and part channels and game rooms in much the same way with a couple of differences.

  • bot.get_channels()

    • returns a dictionary of all the channels and the corresponding channel objects
  • bot.get_channel(channel)

    • returns a channel object related to the channel string whcih was provided
  • bot.join(channel)

    • joins a channel with the framework - e.g. #osu, #mp_123456
      • a game room is joinable by either the channel ID or a match history url
    • returns a channel object
  • bot.part(channel)

    • leaves a channel which is currently monitored by the framwork
      • parting a game room does not close it
  • bot.make_room(title, password, size, beatmapID, mods, game_mode, team_type, scoring_type, allow_convert, logic_profile, invite_list)

    • creates a tournament room and joins it wirth the framework
    • all parameters are optional keyword parameters
      • title is a string denoting the title of the game room to create
        • defaults to "username's game"
      • password is a string containing the password to apply to the game room
        • blank by default
      • size is an integer denoting the number of available slots
        • defaults to 16
      • beatmapID is the fist beatmap to be selected when the room is created
        • beatmapID is an integer and defaults to the osu tutorial
      • mods is a list of mods to enforce
        • the list is comprised of strings and defaults to ["any"]
      • game_mode is the game mode to lock the game room to
        • by default this is set to "any"
      • team_type is the team type to set the game room to
        • default is "any"
      • scoring_type is the scoring type to set the game room to
        • default is "any"
      • allow_convert is a boolean value denoting whether to allow beatmap conversion
        • default is True
      • logic_profile is a string denoting the logic profile to apply upon creation of the game room
        • defualt is to apply no logic profile
      • invite_list is a list of usernames to invite to the game room upon creation
        • the default invite list contains the username of the account running the bot
    • returns a channel object
  • channel.close()

    • closes a game room
    • executes on_close() event method

Managing logic profiles

You can implement logic profiles and even swap out logic on the fly programatically. Logic profiles can be written in either Javascript or Python.

Bot methods

  • bot.refresh_logic_profiles()

    • re-imports all logic profiles contained in the logic_profiles directory
  • bot.get_logic_profiles()

    • returns a dictionary containing all the logic profiles which have been imported to the framework
      • the keys are strings pertaining to the names of the logic profiles' classes
      • the values are referances to the instantiable classes of the logic profiles
    • Example
      # get a logic profile from the logic profiles dictionary
      Logic_Profile = bot.get_logic_profiles()["Manager"]
      # create an instance of the class
      manager_instance = Logic_Profile(bot, channel)
      # all the methods are accessible through this class
      # useful if you want to swap out logic between profiles
  • bot.get_logic_profile(profile)

    • returns the instantiable class of the given profile parameter
    • profile is a string of the name of the class belonging to the desired logic profile
  • bot.implement_logic_profile(profile)

    • implements a logic profile, but only implements the on_personal_message() event method
    • always active regardless of a channel
    • profile is a string of the name of the class you want to implement
  • bot.load_logic_profile(profile)

    • loads a logic profile from the logic_profiles folder
    • profile is a string denoting the name of the logic profile
    • only works for Python logic profiles
  • bot.load_js_logic_profile(profile)

    • loads a logic profile from the logic_profiles folder
    • profile is a string denoting the name of the logic profile
    • only works for Javascript logic profiles

Channel methods

  • channel.implement_logic_profile(profile)

    • implements a logic profile by first instantiating it then binding the present overridable event methods to the channel
      • channels have on_join(), on_part(), on_message() and on_personal_message() available
      • game rooms have all event methods available
    • profile is a string of the name of the class you want to implement
  • channel.get_logic_profile()

    • returns a string of the current logic profile class which is implemented

Swapping out logic / changing event methods

Individual event methods can be changed at any time. Simply invoke the on_event_method() of your choice with a new method or None to disable it.


# Replacement event method
def new_on_join_method(username):
    channel.send_message("on_join was replaced")

# make a game room  
channel = bot.make_room()

# implement a logic profile

# swap out the on_join logic
  • channel.get_logic()

    • returns a dictionary of all the event methods of the channel
  • channel.clear_logic()

    • removes all event methods currently employed
  • channel.clear_logic_profile()

    • unloads a logic profile and any commands it set

Sharing logic profiles

Logic profiles can be easily shared and downloaded. This is achieved through the use of paste2.org as a secure intermediary.

  • bot.upload_logic_profile(profile)

    • uploads a logic profile to paste2.org and returns the url of the page
    • profile is a string of the class name of the logic profile
  • bot.get_logic_profile_link(profile)

    • returns the paste2.org link of the given profile
      • uploads the profile if a link does not already exist
    • profile is a string of the class name of the logic profile
  • bot.get_logic_profile_links()

    • returns a dictionary of all the logic profiles and their respective links
  • bot.download_logic_profile(url)

    • downloads a logic profile from the given paste2.org url
    • downloads to the logic_profiles directory

Managing room attributes

You can analyse, import and clone all channel attributes including broadcasts and toggles.

  • bot.clone(channel1, channel2)

    • clones all logic and attributes from channel1 to channel2
    • channel1 and channel2 are channel objects
  • channel.get_attrbiutes()

    • returns a dictionary of all attrbutes of a channel
  • channel.import_attributes(attrbutes)

    • imports attributes from a given dictionary of channel attributes
      • the required attributes parameter is identical to the dictionary returned from channel.get_attributes()

Creating Logic Profiles

Logic profiles are designed to be self contained bots which can run logic independently in joined channels. Logic profiles are contained in the logic_profiles directory and are automatically loaded when the framework is launched.

Event method architecture

The basis of logic profiles are overridable event methods. These methods are designed to run on individual threads and are only executed after any room attributes have been updated.

Example - Template.py

A logic profile will be named according to the file name and class name assigned to it (they must match). In the initialiser, the current bot object and channel object will be passed as parameters.

# logic profile named Template
class Template:
    # a logic profile must always take a bot object and a channel object as parameters
    def __init__(self, bot, channel):
        self.bot = bot
        self.channel = channel

Example - TemplateJs.js A Javascript logic profile is named after its file name. The constructor method is mandatory and has the bot and channel objects passed as parameters.

You can interact with everything in the same way as Python, only with Javascript syntax!

LogicProfile = {
  constructor: function (bot, channel) {
    LogicProfile.bot = bot;
    LogicProfile.channel = channel;

The available overridable event methods are listed below. Some methods have optional parameters which you can include if needed. By including any of the methods in your logic profile, the code contained inside will be run when that event has occured.


# runs when a personal message is received
# message is a dictionary containing the username, channel and message
# channel parameter in message dictionary is the bot username
def on_personal_message(self, message):

# runs when a message is received in the channel
# message is a dictionary containing the username, channel and message
def on_message(self, message):

# runs when a user joins the channel
# slot is an integer of the slot number joined
# username is a string of the user's username who joined
def on_join(self, username, slot):

# runs when a user leaves the channel
# slot is an integer of the slot number joined
# username is a string of the user's username who joined
def on_part(self, username, slot):

# runs when the match is started
def on_match_start(self):

# runs when the match finishes normally
def on_match_finish(self):

# runs when a match is aborted with either a command or the method channel.abort_match()
def on_match_abort(self):

# runs when the host is changed
# old_host is the username of the user who had host before the change
# new_host is the username of the user who has just received host
def on_host_change(self, old_host, new_host):

# runs when a user changes team
# username is the username of the user who changed team
# team is the colour of the team joined
def on_team_change(self, username, team):

# runs when a user is added to a team
# username is the username of the user who changed team
# team is the colour of the team joined
def on_team_addition(self, username, team):

# runs when a user changes slot
# slot is an integer of the slot number joined
# username is a string of the user's username who joined
def on_slot_change(self, username, slot):

# runs when all players in the room have readied up
def on_all_players_ready(self):

# runs when the beatmap is changed
# old beatmap is the previous beatmap before the change
# new_beatmap is the beatmap which hasw just been changed to
def on_beatmap_change(self, old_beatmap, new_beatmap):

# runs when host enters map select
def on_changing_beatmap(self):

# runs when a game room is closed
def on_room_close(self):

# runs when the host is cleared
# old_host is the host prior to clearing the room
def on_clear_host(self, old_host):

# runs when an enforced attribute is violated
# error contains:
# type - the type of on_rule_violation
# message - a message to explain what is going on
def on_rule_violation(self, error):


// runs when a personal message is received
// message is a dictionary containing the username, channel and message
// channel parameter in message dictionary is the bot username
on_personal_message: function (message) {

// runs when a message is received in the channel
// message is a dictionary containing the username, channel and message
on_message: function (message) {
// runs when a user joins the channel
// slot is an integer of the slot number joined
// username is a string of the user's username who joined
on_join: function (username, slot) {

// runs when a user leaves the channel
// slot is an integer of the slot number joined
// username is a string of the user's username who joined
on_part: function (username, slot) {

// runs when the match is started
on_match_start: function () {

// runs when the match finishes normally
on_match_finish: function () {

// runs when a match is aborted with either a command or the method channel.abort_match()
on_match_abort: function () {

// runs when the host is changed
// old_host is the username of the user who had host before the change
// new_host is the username of the user who has just received host
on_host_change: function (old_host, new_host) {

// runs when a user changes team
// username is the username of the user who changed team
// team is the colour of the team joined
on_team_change: function (username, team) {

// runs when a user is added to a team
// username is the username of the user who changed team
// team is the colour of the team joined
on_team_addition: function (username, team) {

// runs when a user changes slot
// slot is an integer of the slot number joined
// username is a string of the user's username who joined
on_slot_change: function (username, slot) {

// runs when all players in the room have readied up
on_all_players_ready: function () {

// runs when the beatmap is changed
// old beatmap is the previous beatmap before the change
// new_beatmap is the beatmap which hasw just been changed to
on_beatmap_change: function (old_beatmap, new_beatmap) {

// runs when host enters map select
on_changing_beatmap: function () {

// runs when a game room is closed
on_room_close: function () {

// runs when the host is cleared
// old_host is the host prior to clearing the room
on_clear_host: function (old_host) {

// runs when an enforced attribute is violated
// error contains:
// type - the type of on_rule_violation
// message - a message to explain what is going on
on_rule_violation: function (error) {


You can easily create commands inside of the initialiser / constructor function of your logic profile.

Use the set_command() method to add a command to the current channel.


  • Python

    class Template:
        # a logic profile must always take a bot object and a channel object as parameters
        def __init__(self, bot, channel):
            self.bot = bot
            self.channel = channel
            channel.set_command("!simple_command", "Text to send as a response", "A description of the command")
            channel.set_command("!advanced_command", self.response_method, "A description of the command")
        def response_method(self, message):
            self.channel.send_message(message["username"] + " sent " + message["content"] + " in " + message["channel"])
  • Javascript

    LogicProfile = {
      constructor: function(bot, channel) {
          LogicProfile.bot = bot;
          LogicProfile.channel = channel;
          channel.set_command("!simple_command", "Text to send as a response", "A description of the command")
          channel.set_command("!advanced_command", LogicProfile.response_method, "A description of the command")
      response_method: function (message) {
          LogicProfile.channel.send_message(message.username + " sent " + message.content + " in " + message.channel)

As we can see in the above example, a simple command can be set where some predefined text is provided as a response. Alternatively, a custom method can be employed utilising the event method architecture to execute the method on a thread.

Using a custom method for a command means that you can receive a message as a parameter. Messages have three components;

  • The channel it belongs to
  • The username of the account who sent it
  • The message content

Certain pre-made methods have been included for common use case commands, accessible through a channel object.


# command selecting a random map
channel.set_command("!randmap", channel.common_commands.randmap, "When host or referee, searches for a random beatmap matching the room's limits and ranges")

Available pre defined command methods

Method Description
channel.common_commands.config_link Returns a link to the game room configuration page
channel.common_commands.randmap When host or referee, searches for a random beatmap matching the room's limits and ranges
channel.common_commands.altlink Returns an alternate link for the current beatmap from Chimu.moe
channel.common_commands.ar_range Sets the ar range for the room
channel.common_commands.od_range Sets the od range for the room
channel.common_commands.hp_range Sets the hp range for the room
channel.common_commands.cs_range Sets the cs range for the room
channel.common_commands.bpm_range Sets the bpm range for the room
channel.common_commands.diff_range Sets the difficulty range for the room
channel.common_commands.length_range Sets the length range for the room in seconds
channel.common_commands.map_status Sets the allowed map statuses for the room
channel.common_commands.mods Sets the allowed mods for the room
channel.common_commands.scoring_type Sets the allowed scoring mode for the room
channel.common_commands.team_type Sets the allowed team mode for the room
channel.common_commands.game_mode Sets the allowed game mode for the room
channel.common_commands.welcome_message Sets the welcome message for the room
channel.common_commands.add_broadcast Starts a broadcast in the channel
channel.common_commands.del_broadcast Stops a broadcast in the channel given it's ID
channel.common_commands.add_beatmap_blacklist adds a beatmap ID to the blacklist
channel.common_commands.del_beatmap_blacklist Removes a beatmap ID from the blacklist
channel.common_commands.add_beatmap_whitelist adds a beatmap ID to the whitelist
channel.common_commands.del_beatmap_whitelist Removes a beatmap ID from the whitelist
channel.common_commands.add_beatmap_creator_blacklist Adds a beatmap creator to the blacklist
channel.common_commands.add_beatmap_creator_whitelist Adds a beatmap creator to the whitelist
channel.common_commands.del_beatmap_creator_whitelist Removes a beatmap creator from the whitelist
channel.common_commands.del_beatmap_creator_blacklist Removes a beatmap creator from the blacklist
channel.common_commands.add_artist_whitelist Adds an artist to the whitelist
channel.common_commands.add_artist_blacklist Adds an artist to the blacklist
channel.common_commands.del_artist_whitelist Removes an artist from the whitelist
channel.common_commands.del_artist_blacklist Removes an artist from the blacklist
channel.common_commands.implement_logic_profile Implements a logic profile
channel.common_commands.get_logic_profiles Shows available logic profiles
channel.common_commands.enable_beatmap_checker Enables beatmap checker
channel.common_commands.disable_beatmap_checker Disables beatmap checker
channel.common_commands.start_timer When host or referee, starts the game with optional countdown timer
channel.common_commands.abort_start_timer When host or referee, aborts start timer
channel.common_commands.enable_start_on_players_ready enables starting the match when all players are ready
channel.common_commands.disable_start_on_players_ready disables starting the match when all players are ready
channel.common_commands.set_auto_start_timer Automatically adds start countdown after map is selected
channel.common_commands.add_player_blacklist adds a player to the blacklist
channel.common_commands.del_player_blacklist Removes a player from the blacklist
channel.common_commands.enable_maintain_title Enables maintaining title
channel.common_commands.disable_maintain_title disables maintaining title
channel.common_commands.enable_maintain_password Enables maintaining password
channel.common_commands.disable_maintain_password disables maintaining password
channel.common_commands.enable_maintain_size Enables maintaining size
channel.common_commands.disable_maintain_size Disables maintaining size
channel.common_commands.enable_auto_download Enables automatic downloading of maps for the bot administrator
channel.common_commands.disable_auto_download Disables automatic downloading of maps for the bot administrator
channel.common_commands.topdiff When host, upgrades the beatmap to the highest difficulty within the room limits and ranges
channel.common_commands.update_beatmap Updates current beatmap
channel.common_commands.allow_convert Allows beatmap conversion
channel.common_commands.disallow_convert Disallows beatmap conversion
channel.common_commands.allow_unsubmitted Allows unsubmitted beatmaps
channel.common_commands.disallow_unsubmitted Disallows unsubmitted beatmaps
channel.common_commands.make_room Creates a game room with title which is managed by the bot
channel.common_commands.join Joins a channel with the bot
channel.common_commands.clone clones the channel into the current channel
channel.common_commands.fight Fight another user! Victories stack up

You can check if a command exists using channel.has_command(command) returning True where command is the string assigned to the given command.

  • channel.get_command(command)

    • returns the response and description of a given command as a dictionary
  • channel.get_commands()

    • returns a dictionary of all commands

Useful methods

Things to note

  • When developing a logic profile, virtually every aspect of a game room / channel has been abstracted into easy methods.
  • Usernames associated with messages are not identical to those in the user list. Message usernames have all spaces replaced by underscores (_). Certain methods e.g. channel.get_formatted_users() will return 'formatted' strings (spaces replaced with underscores).
  • Methods checking aspects about usernames will work regardless of whether the username parameter is formatted or not, e.g. channel.is_host() or channel.is_referee()
  • Game rooms inherit from Channels, all methods available to a Channel is also available to a Game room.

User methods

Bot methods

  • bot.fetch_user_profile(username)

    • Fetches information from the user profile returned as a dictionary
    • Example
    • bot.fetch_user_profile("qqzzy")
      ->> {"avatar_url":"https:\/\/a.ppy.sh\/10911588?1637935165.gif","country_code":"GB","default_group":"default","id":10911588,"is_active":true,"is_bot":false,"is_deleted":false,"is_online":true,"is_supporter":false,"last_visit":"2021-12-14T13:49:27+00:00","pm_friends_only":false,"profile_colour":null,"username":"qqzzy","cover_url":"https:\/\/osu.ppy.sh\/images\/headers\/profile-covers\/c3.jpg","discord":null,"has_supported":true,"interests":null,"join_date":"2017-09-27T15:49:08+00:00","kudosu":{"total":0,"available":0},"location":"United Kingdom","max_blocks":50,"max_friends":250,"occupation":null,"playmode":"osu","playstyle":null,"post_count":2,"profile_order":["me","recent_activity","top_ranks","medals","historical","beatmaps","kudosu"],"title":null,"title_url":null,"twitter":null,"website":null,"country":{"code":"GB","name":"United Kingdom"},"cover":{"custom_url":null,"url":"https:\/\/osu.ppy.sh\/images\/headers\/profile-covers\/c3.jpg","id":"3"},"is_admin":false,"is_bng":false,"is_full_bn":false,"is_gmt":false,"is_limited_bn":false,"is_moderator":false,"is_nat":false,"is_restricted":false,"is_silenced":false,"account_history":[{"description":"spamming in #osu","id":10349025,"length":1200,"timestamp":"2021-12-05T04:09:53+00:00","type":"silence"},{"description":"spamming in #lobby","id":10309070,"length":600,"timestamp":"2021-11-28T21:02:43+00:00","type":"silence"},{"description":"spamming in #lobby","id":10306375,"length":300,"timestamp":"2021-11-28T13:35:32+00:00","type":"silence"}],"active_tournament_banner":null,"badges":[],"beatmap_playcounts_count":4792,"comments_count":1,"favourite_beatmapset_count":10,"follower_count":141,"graveyard_beatmapset_count":2,"groups":[],"loved_beatmapset_count":0,"mapping_follower_count":0,"monthly_playcounts":[{"start_date":"2017-09-01","count":6},{"start_date":"2017-10-01","count":27},{"start_date":"2018-01-01","count":160},{"start_date":"2018-02-01","count":4},{"start_date":"2018-04-01","count":20},{"start_date":"2018-06-01","count":13},{"start_date":"2018-10-01","count":23},{"start_date":"2018-11-01","count":92},{"start_date":"2018-12-01","count":19},{"start_date":"2019-05-01","count":157},{"start_date":"2019-06-01","count":90},{"start_date":"2019-09-01","count":954},{"start_date":"2019-10-01","count":714},{"start_date":"2019-11-01","count":367},{"start_date":"2019-12-01","count":5},{"start_date":"2020-01-01","count":150},{"start_date":"2020-02-01","count":570},{"start_date":"2020-03-01","count":237},{"start_date":"2020-04-01","count":643},{"start_date":"2020-05-01","count":271},{"start_date":"2020-06-01","count":1155},{"start_date":"2020-07-01","count":1183},{"start_date":"2020-08-01","count":973},{"start_date":"2020-09-01","count":155},{"start_date":"2020-10-01","count":658},{"start_date":"2020-11-01","count":442},{"start_date":"2020-12-01","count":301},{"start_date":"2021-01-01","count":59},{"start_date":"2021-02-01","count":687},{"start_date":"2021-03-01","count":669},{"start_date":"2021-04-01","count":430},{"start_date":"2021-05-01","count":510},{"start_date":"2021-06-01","count":28},{"start_date":"2021-07-01","count":450},{"start_date":"2021-08-01","count":747},{"start_date":"2021-09-01","count":188},{"start_date":"2021-10-01","count":364},{"start_date":"2021-11-01","count":788},{"start_date":"2021-12-01","count":327}],"page":{"html":"<div 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creator.\n\n[url][img]https:\/\/s11.flagcounter.com\/count2\/LafM\/bg_FFFFFF\/txt_000000\/border_CCCCCC\/columns_2\/maxflags_10\/viewers_0\/labels_0\/pageviews_0\/flags_0\/percent_0\/[\/img][\/url]"},"pending_beatmapset_count":0,"previous_usernames":[],"ranked_beatmapset_count":0,"replays_watched_counts":[{"start_date":"2019-11-01","count":1},{"start_date":"2020-10-01","count":1},{"start_date":"2021-04-01","count":1},{"start_date":"2021-06-01","count":1},{"start_date":"2021-07-01","count":3},{"start_date":"2021-08-01","count":1},{"start_date":"2021-11-01","count":1}],"scores_best_count":100,"scores_first_count":0,"scores_recent_count":3,"statistics":{"level":{"current":100,"progress":25},"global_rank":36978,"pp":5318.92,"ranked_score":22412156036,"hit_accuracy":98.8431,"play_count":14633,"play_time":1518585,"total_score":51925668653,"total_hits":6290119,"maximum_combo":2498,"replays_watched_by_others":9,"is_ranked":true,"grade_counts":{"ss":34,"ssh":9,"s":600,"sh":111,"a":1514},"country_rank":1296,"rank":{"country":1296}},"support_level":0,"user_achievements":[{"achieved_at":"2021-08-24T13:15:45+00:00","achievement_id":201},{"achieved_at":"2021-08-01T23:57:36+00:00","achievement_id":123},{"achieved_at":"2021-04-18T19:10:54+00:00","achievement_id":177},{"achieved_at":"2021-04-18T17:33:58+00:00","achievement_id":138},{"achieved_at":"2021-02-23T23:08:47+00:00","achievement_id":5},{"achieved_at":"2020-11-02T02:52:57+00:00","achievement_id":143},{"achieved_at":"2020-10-11T02:45:41+00:00","achievement_id":119},{"achieved_at":"2020-10-03T23:25:07+00:00","achievement_id":40},{"achieved_at":"2020-08-09T19:18:03+00:00","achievement_id":150},{"achieved_at":"2020-08-09T19:14:13+00:00","achievement_id":63},{"achieved_at":"2020-08-08T21:08:08+00:00","achievement_id":222},{"achieved_at":"2020-08-03T23:51:33+00:00","achievement_id":50},{"achieved_at":"2020-08-03T23:42:55+00:00","achievement_id":68},{"achieved_at":"2020-08-02T00:45:45+00:00","achievement_id":168},{"achieved_at":"2020-06-22T22:53:24+00:00","achievement_id":127},{"achieved_at":"2020-06-18T12:17:54+00:00","achievement_id":20},{"achieved_at":"2020-06-17T21:21:11+00:00","achievement_id":62},{"achieved_at":"2020-03-16T00:02:23+00:00","achievement_id":176},{"achieved_at":"2020-01-31T17:14:06+00:00","achievement_id":156},{"achieved_at":"2019-11-01T22:34:54+00:00","achievement_id":55},{"achieved_at":"2019-09-22T10:24:48+00:00","achievement_id":148},{"achieved_at":"2019-09-15T18:01:56+00:00","achievement_id":64},{"achieved_at":"2019-09-15T14:35:48+00:00","achievement_id":65},{"achieved_at":"2019-09-10T00:29:47+00:00","achievement_id":39},{"achieved_at":"2019-09-09T21:59:07+00:00","achievement_id":132},{"achieved_at":"2019-09-06T16:40:41+00:00","achievement_id":15},{"achieved_at":"2019-05-30T14:33:46+00:00","achievement_id":61},{"achieved_at":"2019-05-30T13:02:05+00:00","achievement_id":66},{"achieved_at":"2018-11-30T13:12:01+00:00","achievement_id":57},{"achieved_at":"2018-11-30T12:16:04+00:00","achievement_id":121},{"achieved_at":"2018-11-12T00:43:36+00:00","achievement_id":122},{"achieved_at":"2018-01-24T03:09:15+00:00","achievement_id":67},{"achieved_at":"2018-01-22T17:10:22+00:00","achievement_id":124},{"achieved_at":"2018-01-22T04:43:14+00:00","achievement_id":60},{"achieved_at":"2018-01-22T02:19:09+00:00","achievement_id":4},{"achieved_at":"2018-01-22T02:08:44+00:00","achievement_id":3},{"achieved_at":"2018-01-21T20:27:46+00:00","achievement_id":59},{"achieved_at":"2018-01-21T20:07:55+00:00","achievement_id":58},{"achieved_at":"2018-01-21T20:07:55+00:00","achievement_id":1},{"achieved_at":"2017-10-24T21:26:32+00:00","achievement_id":56}],"rankHistory":{"mode":"osu","data":[38147,38187,38234,38274,38328,38388,38451,38515,38570,38613,38665,38712,38770,38825,38883,38930,38981,39018,39059,39107,39168,39215,39250,39294,39341,39386,39434,39494,39533,39590,39623,39667,39719,39764,39803,39850,39894,39935,39979,40027,40053,40096,40124,39665,39673,39712,39728,39742,39776,39822,39854,39902,39931,39974,40014,40034,40071,40102,36045,35969,36034,35938,35986,36028,36063,36114,36159,36150,36175,36207,36249,36296,36347,36390,36427,36477,36528,36538,36563,36561,36615,36650,36689,36720,36753,36797,36849,36895,36949,36978]},"rank_history":{"mode":"osu","data":[38147,38187,38234,38274,38328,38388,38451,38515,38570,38613,38665,38712,38770,38825,38883,38930,38981,39018,39059,39107,39168,39215,39250,39294,39341,39386,39434,39494,39533,39590,39623,39667,39719,39764,39803,39850,39894,39935,39979,40027,40053,40096,40124,39665,39673,39712,39728,39742,39776,39822,39854,39902,39931,39974,40014,40034,40071,40102,36045,35969,36034,35938,35986,36028,36063,36114,36159,36150,36175,36207,36249,36296,36347,36390,36427,36477,36528,36538,36563,36561,36615,36650,36689,36720,36753,36797,36849,36895,36949,36978]},"ranked_and_approved_beatmapset_count":0,"unranked_beatmapset_count":0}
  • bot.format_username(username)

    • returns a username string with spaces replaced with underscores (_)
  • bot.set_player_blacklist(blacklist)

    • sets the global player blacklist to the provided list
    • the global blacklist is applied to all current and future game rooms
  • bot.add_player_blacklist(username)

    • adds the username to the global player blacklist
    • the username is added to all current and future game room blacklists
  • bot.del_player_blacklist(username)

    • removes the username from the global blacklist
    • the username is removed from all current game room blacklists
  • bot.get_player_blacklist()

    • returns a list of all globally blacklisted players
  • bot.get_formatted_player_blacklist()

    • returns a list of all globally blacklisted players with spaces replaced by underscores

Channel methods

  • channel.add_user(username)

    • adds a username to the channel's user list
  • channel.del_user(username)

    • removes a username from the channel's user list
  • channel.get_users()

    • returns a list of all usernames currently in the channel
  • channel.get_formatted_users()

    • returns a list of all usernames currently in the channel with spaces replaced by underscores
  • channel.has_user(username)

    • returns True if the user list contains the username

Game room methods

  • channel.get_creator()

    • returns a string of the username that created the game room
  • channel.is_creator(username)

    • returns True if the username provided is the game room creator
  • channel.add_user(username)

    • additionally adds the username to a slot
  • channel.del_user(username)

    • additionally removes the username from a slot
  • channel.kick_user(username)

    • kicks a user from the channel
  • channel.set_slot(slot, data)

    • sets a slot's data
    • slot is an integer from 0 - 15
    • data is a dictionary, e.g.:
      • {"username": "qqzzy", "team": "", "score": {}}
      • {"username": "qqzzy", "team": "blue", "score": {}}
  • channel.del_slot(slot)

    • deletes a slot by slot number
    • slot is an integer 0 - 15
  • channel.get_slot(username)

    • returns slot data tied to a username
  • channel.get_formatted_slot(username)

    • returns slot data tied to a username with data.username spaces replaced by underscores
  • channel.get_slot_num(username)

    • returns the slot number associated with a username
  • channel.get_slot_username(slot_num)

    • returns the username associated with a slot number
    • slot_num is an integer
  • channel.get_formatted_slot_username(slot_num)

    • returns the username associated with a slot number with spaces replaced by underscores
  • channel.get_next_empty_slot_num(offset)

    • returns the slot number of the next available empty slot
    • offset is an integer relating to the slot to start searching for empty slots
  • channel.get_next_empty_slot(offset)

    • returns the slot dictionary of the next available empty slot
    • offset is an integer relating to the slot to start searching for empty slots
  • channel.get_next_full_slot_num(offset)

    • returns the slot number of the next available full slot
    • offset is an integer relating to the slot to start searching for full slots
  • channel.get_next_full_slot(offset)

    • returns the slot dictionary of the next available full slot
    • offset is an integer relating to the slot to start searching for full slots
  • channel.get_slots()

    • returns the dictionary with all slots
  • channel.get_formatted_slots

    • returns the dictionary wtih all slots with username spaces replaced with underscores
  • channel.set_host(username)

    • changes the current host to the username
  • channel.get_host()

    • returns the current host
  • channel.get_formatted_host()

    • returns the current host with spaces replaced by underscores
  • channel.is_host(username)

    • returns True if the username is currently the host
  • channel.get_referees()

    • returns a list of all referees
  • channel.get_formatted_referees()

    • returns a list of all referees with spaces replaced by underscores
  • channel.add_referee(username)

    • adds a username to the referee list
  • channel.del_referee(username)

    • removes a username from the referee list
  • channel.has_referee(username)

    • returns True if username is a referee
  • channel.set_player_blacklist(blacklist)

    • sets the global player blacklist to the provided list
    • the global blacklist is applied to all current and future game rooms
  • channel.add_player_blacklist(username)

    • adds the username to the player blacklist
  • channel.del_player_blacklist(username)

    • removes the username from the blacklist
  • channel.get_player_blacklist()

    • returns a list of all blacklisted players
  • channel.get_formatted_player_blacklist()

    • returns a list of all blacklisted players with spaces replaced by underscores

Score methods

Scores are stored as a dictionary with lots of information

  • Example
    -> {"id":null,"username":"qqzzy","user_id":19001310,"accuracy":0.7921279212792128,"mods":[],"score":317840,"max_combo":79,"passed":true,"perfect":0,"statistics":{"count_50":10,"count_100":54,"count_300":195,"count_geki":30,"count_katu":12,"count_miss":12},"rank":null,"created_at":null,"best_id":null,"pp":null,"match":{"slot":0,"team":"none","pass":true}}

The scores come from the Match History page which is scraped and the most recent game's score data is applied to the scores in the slots. This occurs whenever a match concludes.


  • channel.get_score(username)

    • returns a score dictionary tied to the username provided
  • channel.get_scores()

    • returns a list of all the scores in the order they were read from the match history
  • channel.clear_scores()

    • removes all scores
  • channel.get_red_scores()

    • returns all the scores which belong to the red team
  • channel.get_blue_scores()

    • returns all the scores which belong to the blue team
  • channel.get_ordered_scores()

    • returns all scores ordered the same way as the osu results screen
      • the scores are split into passed and failed lists
      • the scores are ordered by the current scoring type, defaulting to score if any is selected
      • the ordered passed scores are concatenated to the ordered failed scores, such that the first score is the highest scoring passed score
  • channel.has_score(username)

    • checks if a score currently exists for the provided username
      • useful if you have players who have just joined a lobby and need to loop through only players who have scores from a previous round

Team methods

Teams are returned as strings blue or red

  • channel.get_red_team()

    • returns all usernames who are in the red team in a list
  • channel.get_blue_team()

    • returns all usernames who are in the blue team in a list
  • channel.get_team(username)

    • returns the team associated with the provided username
  • channel.clear_teams()

    • clears all the teams held by the bot
    • does not clear the teams in the actual game

Managing broadcasts

Broadcasts can be added programatically in much the same way as in the webapp. This applies to any game room or public channel. You must have joined a channel you wish to broadcast to.

The broadcast controller

Broadcasts are managed by an external object called the broadcast controller. The broadcast controller ensures that each broadcast always has a unique ID and is responsible for managing threads created for sending a message to the specified channel on the timer set.

Bot commands

  • bot.get_broadcast_controller()

    • returns the broadcast controller object
  • bot.get_broadcasts()

    • returns a dictionary of all broadcasts
      • keys are the channels
      • values are lists of broadcast dictionaries
      • Example
        -> {"id": id, "channel": channel, "message": message, "secs": float(secs)}
  • bot.get_broadcasts(channel)

    • returns a list of broadcast dictionaries associated with the given channel
    • the channel is a string e.g. #osu or #mp_123456
  • bot.get_broadcast(id)

    • returns a specific broadcast dictionary based on the given id
    • the id is an integer
  • bot.has_broadcast_id(id)

    • returns True if the broadcast id is present in the broadcast controller
    • the id is an integer
  • bot.add_broadcast(channel, message, secs)

    • adds a broadcast to the broadcast controller
    • returns the generated broadcast id associated with the broadcast as an integer
      • channel is a string e.g. #osu or #mp_123456
      • message is a string containing the message to send on a timer
      • secs is a number of seconds to wait between sending the message
  • bot.del_broadcast(id)

    • removes a broadcast from the broadcast controller
    • the id is an integer

Channel methods

  • channel.add_broadcast(message, secs)

    • adds a broadcast to the broadcast controller
    • returns the generated broadcast id associated with the broadcast as an integer
      • message is a string containing the message to send on a timer
      • secs is a float of the number of seconds to wait between sending a message
    • channel.del_broadcast(id)
    • removes a broadcast from the broadcast controller
    • the id is an integer
  • channel.has_broadcast(id)

    • returns True if the id belongs to the channel in the broadcast controller
  • channel.get_broadcasts()

    • returns a list of all the broadcasts associated with the channel
    • the list contains broadcast objects
    • Example
      -> {"id": id, "channel": channel, "message": message, "secs": float(secs)}

Broadcast Controller methods

These methods shouldn't be used as they are accessible through the bot object.

  • BroadcastController.get_broadcast_controller()

    • returns the broadcast controller object
  • BroadcastController.get_broadcasts()

    • returns a dictionary of all broadcasts
      • keys are the channels
      • values are lists of broadcast dictionaries
      • Example
        -> {"id": id, "channel": channel, "message": message, "secs": float(secs)}
  • BroadcastController.get_broadcasts(channel)

    • returns a list of broadcast dictionaries associated with the given channel
    • the channel is a string e.g. #osu or #mp_123456
  • BroadcastController.get_broadcast(id)

    • returns a specific broadcast dictionary based on the given id
    • the id is an integer
  • BroadcastController.has_id(id)

    • returns True if the broadcast id is present in the broadcast controller
    • the id is an integer
  • BroadcastController.add_broadcast(channel, message, secs)

    • adds a broadcast to the broadcast controller
    • returns the generated broadcast id associated with the broadcast as an integer
      • channel is a string e.g. #osu or #mp_123456
      • message is a string containing the message to send on a timer
      • secs is a number of seconds to wait between sending the message
  • BroadcastController.del_broadcast(id)

    • removes a broadcast from the broadcast controller
    • the id is an integer

Limits and ranges

The beatmap checker

The beatmap checker is responsible for checking attributes of selected beatmaps and enforcing limits and ranges set within the framework. It can be toggled with channel.set_beatmap_checker(True)

The beatmap checker will revert any beatmap selections back to the previous selection if any of the beatmap attributes violate attributes set in the framework. A message will also be sent to the channel informing users of the rejection of the beatmap.

If a user somehow starts the match before the map has been reverted, then the game will automatically be aborted without triggering the on_match_abort() event method, instead triggering the on_rule_violation() event method.

Methods available pertaining to the beatmap checker

When setting ranges, you must provide a tuple as such: (min, max) with the min and max being integers or floats.

  • channel.set_beatmap_checker(status)

    • toggles the beatmap checker on or off
    • status is a boolean
    • when the beatmap checker is off all beatmaps are allowed, however random beatmaps using the Chimu.moe wrapper still adhere to the limits and ranges
  • channel.beatmap_checker_on()

    • returns True if the beatmap checker is on
  • channel.set_ar_range(range)

    • sets the acceptable ar range for beatmaps
    • range is a float tuple
  • channel.get_ar_range()

    • returns a float tuple of the allowed ar range
  • channel.set_od_range(range)

    • sets the accaptable od range for beatmaps
    • range is a float tuple
  • channel.get_od_range()

    • returns a float tuple of the allowed od range
  • channel.set_hp_range(range)

    • sets the acceptable hp range for beatmaps
    • range is a float tuple
  • channel.get_hp_range()

    • returns a float tuple of the allowed hp range
  • channel.set_cs_range(range)

    • sets the acceptable cs range for beatmaps
    • range is a float tuple
  • channel.get_cs_range()

    • returns a float tuple of the allowed cs range
  • channel.set_bpm_range(range)

    • sets the acceptable bpm range for beatmaps
    • range is a float tuple
    • a maximum of -1 denotes unlimited maximum bpm
  • channel.get_bpm_range()

    • returns a float tuple of the allowed bpm range
  • channel.set_diff_range(range)

    • sets the acceptable star difficulty range for beatmaps
    • range is a float tuple
    • a maximum of -1 denotes unlimited maximum difficulty
  • channel.get_diff_range()

    • returns a float tuple of the allowed star difficulty range
  • channel.set_length_range(range)

    • sets the accetable length range for beatmaps
    • range is an integer tuple of seconds
    • a maximum of -1 seconds denotes unlimited maximum length
  • channel.get_length_range()

    • returns a tuple of the allowed length range in seconds
  • channel.set_allow_convert(status)

    • toggles allowing beatmap conversion
    • status is a boolean
  • channel.is_allow_convert()

    • returns true if beatmap conversion is allowed
  • channel.set_beatmap_status(statuses)

    • sets what beatmap statuses are allowed to be picked
    • statuses is a list containing strings from the selection:
      • any, ranked, loved, qualified, approved, pending, graveyard, wip,
  • channel.get_beatmap_status()

    • returns a list of the allowed beatmap statuses
  • channel.allow_unsubmitted(status)

    • toggles allowing unsubmitted beatmaps or not
    • a beatmap is unsubmitted if it does not exist on the osu website
    • status is a boolean
  • channel.is_allow_unsubmitted()

    • returns true if unsubmitted beatmaps are allowed

Other limits

When these limits are set, a match will abort immediately upon start if there is a rule violation.

  • channel.set_team_type(type)

    • sets the acceptable team type for matches
    • type is a string denoting one of the four team types
      • any, head-to-head, team-vs, tag-team-vs, tag-coop
  • channel.get_team_type()

    • returns a string of the currently allowed team type
  • channel.set_game_mode(mode)

    • sets the acceptable game mode for matches and the beatmap checker
    • mode is a string of one of the four osu game modes
      • any, osu, taiko, mania, fruits
  • channel.get_game_mode()

    • returns a string of the currently allowed game mode
  • channel.set_scoring_type(mode)

    • sets the acceptable scoring mode for matches
    • mode is a string of one for the four scoring modes
      • any, score, scorev2, combo, accuracy
  • channel.get_scoring_type()

    • returns a lsit of strings of the currently allowed scoring types
  • channel.set_mods(mods)

    • sets the allowed mods of the room
    • mods is a list containing strings from the selection:
      • any, freemod, DT, HR, HD, EZ, NC, HT, SD, NF, FL, RX, AP, SO
  • channel.get_mods() returns a list of strings of the currently allowed mods

Whitelists and blacklists

There are 3 whitelists and 3 blacklists available:

  • beatmap whitelist
  • artist whitelist
  • creator whitelist
  • beatmap blacklist
  • artist blacklist
  • creator blacklist

These whitelists and blacklists apply to the beatmap checker such that:

  • if an item is present in a whitelist only items matching the whitelist are allowed
  • if an item is present in a blacklist any items matching the blacklist are not allowed

  • channel.add_beatmap_whitelist(beatmapID)

    • adds a beatmap ID to the whitelist
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • channel.del_beatmap_whitelist(beatmapID)

    • removes a beatmap ID from the whitelist
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • channel.get_beatmap_whitelist()

    • returns a list of beatmap IDs which are whitelisted
  • channel.add_beatmap_blacklist(beatmapID)

    • adds a beatmap ID to the blacklist
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • channel.del_beatmap_blacklist(beatmapID)

    • removes a beatmap ID from the blacklist
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • channel.get_beatmap_blacklist()

    • returns a list of beatmap IDs which are blacklisted
  • channel.add_artist_whitelist(artist)

    • adds an artist to the whitelist
    • artist is a string
  • channel.del_artist_whitelist(artist)

    • removes an artist from the whitelist
    • artist is a string
  • channel.get_artist_whitelist()

    • returns a list of artists which are whitelisted
  • channel.add_artist_blacklist(artist)

    • adds an artist to the blacklist
    • artist is a string
  • channel.del_artist_blacklist(artist)

    • removes an artist from the blacklist
    • artist is a string
  • channel.get_artist_blacklist()

    • returns a list of artists which are blacklisted
  • channel.add_beatmap_creator_whitelist(creator)

    • adds a beatmap creator to the whitelist
    • creator is a string
  • channel.del_beatmap_creator_whitelist(creator)

    • removes a beatmap creator from the whitelist
    • creator is a string
  • channel.get_beatmap_creator_whitelist()

    • returns a list of beatmap creators which are whitelisted
  • channel.add_beatmap_creator_blacklist(creator)

    • adds a beatmap creator to the blacklist
    • creator is a string
  • channel.del_beatmap_creator_blacklist(creator)

    • removes a beatmap creator from the blacklist
    • creator is a string
  • channel.get_beatmap_creator_blacklist()

    • returns a list of beatmap creators which are blacklisted

Other game room controls

Virtually every aspect of a game room can be controlled programmatically with this framework.

Channel commands

  • channel.get_channel()

    • returns a string of the channel code - e.g. #osu, #mp_123456
  • channel.is_game()

    • returns True if the channel is a game room

Game room commands

  • channel.start_match(secs)

    • starts a match in the current game room
    • executes on_match_start event method
    • secs is an optional integer parameter
      • if present, starts the match after the given number of seconds has elapsed
  • channel.abort_match()

    • aborts a currently in progress match
    • executes on_match_abort event method
  • channel.in_progress()

    • returns True if the game room currently has a match in progress
  • channel.set_password(password)

    • updates the current password of the game room
    • updates the invite link to the game room
    • password is a string
  • channel.get_password()

    • returns a string of the current game room's password
  • channel.set_beatmap(beatmap)

    • sets the current beatmap to the one provided
    • beatmap is a beatmap dictionary
  • channel.change_beatmap(beatmapID)

    • changes the current beatmap to the id provided
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • channel.get_beatmap()

    • returns a dictionary of the current beatmap
    • Example
      {'beatmapset_id': 3756, 'difficulty_rating': 0.67, 'id': 22538, 'mode': 'osu', 'status': 'graveyard','total_length': 114, 'user_id': 2, 'version': 'Gameplay basics', 'accuracy': 0, 'ar': 0,'bpm': 160.38, 'convert': False, 'count_circles': 4, 'count_sliders': 3, 'count_spinners': 1, 'cs': 3,'deleted_at': None, 'drain': 0, 'hit_length': 18, 'is_scoreable': False,'last_updated': '2014-03-10T16:31:10+00:00', 'mode_int': 0, 'passcount': 202069, 'playcount': 209908,'ranked': -2, 'url': 'https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/22538','checksum': '3c8b50ebd781978beb39160c6aaf148c', 'failtimes': {'fail': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 9, 2, 22, 6, 14, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],'exit': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 135, 153, 27, 18, 27,25, 13, 10, 7, 5, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 9, 18, 0, 1, 9, 2, 9, 9, 38, 5, 11, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,0, 0, 216]}, 'max_combo': 28}
  • channel.set_size(size)

    • sets the size of the game room
    • size in an integer 1 - 16
  • channel.get_size()

    • returns the current game room's size as an integer
  • channel.set_title(title)

    • updates the current title of the game room
    • title is a string
  • channel.get_title()

    • returns the current game room's title as a string
  • channel.set_invite_link(link)

    • sets the invite link to the game room
    • link is a string
  • channel.get_invite_link()

    • returns a string of the invite link to the current game room
  • channel.start_on_players_ready(status)

    • sets whether to start when all players have clicked Ready
    • status is a boolean
  • channel.is_start_on_players_ready()

    • returns True if the game room will start when all players have clicked ready
  • channel.lock()

    • locks the game room such that players cannot change slot or team
  • channel.unlock()

    • unlocks the game room such that players are free to change slot or team
  • channel.is_locked()

    • returns True if the game room is locked
    • depends on the use of the methods channel.lock() and channel.unlock()
  • channel.move(username, slot_num)

    • moves the username to the given slot
    • username is a string
    • slot_num is an integer 0 - 15
  • channel.set_team(username, colour)

    • sets the given username to the provided team
    • username is a string
    • colour is a string out of blue or red

Fetching from osu.ppy.sh

Certain methods exist to fetch data directly from osu.ppy.sh

Bot methods

  • bot.fetch_beatmap(beatmapID)

    • returns a dictionary of a beatmap fetched with the given beatmap ID
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • bot.fetch_beatmapset(beatmapsetID)

    • returns a dictionary of a beatmapset fetched with the given beatmap set ID
    • beatmapsetID is an integer
  • bot.fetch_parent_set(beatmapID)

    • returns a dictionary of a beatmapset fetched with the given beatmap ID
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • bot.fetch_user_profile(username)

    • returns a dictionary of a user profile linked to the given username
    • username is a string

Game room methods

Getter methods rely on the most recently fetched match history.

  • channel.fetch_match_history()

    • returns the match history as a dictionary
    • updates all match data for getter methods
  • channel.get_match_history()

    • returns the most recently fetched match history as a dictionary
  • channel.get_match_data()

    • returns the most recent match from the most recently fetched match history as a dictionary

Vote manager

Vote managers can be used to hold votes with one or more options. To invoke a vote manager, the channel.new_vote_manager(method) method returns a vote manager object for use in a channel. In order to use the vote manager, you must also provide a method to be executed when the threshold for voting has been reached.


  • Python
    def __init__(self, bot, channel):
        self.bot = bot
        self.channel = channel
        self.vote = channel.new_vote_manager(self.carry_vote)
    def carry_vote(self, vote_manager):
        self.channel.send_message("vote was carried!")
        self.channel.send_message("results: " + vote_manager.get_results())
  • Javascript
    constructor: function (bot, channel) {
        LogicProfile.bot = bot;
        LogicProfile.channel = channel;
        LogicProfile.vote = channel.new_vote_manager(LogicProfile.carry_vote);
    carry_vote: function (vote_manager) {
        LogicProfile.channel.send_message("vote was carried!");
        LogicProfile.channel.send_message("results: " + vote_manager.get_results());

Casting ballots and holding votes

When you want to hold a vote, you can choose to enforce votes from a specific selection or you can simply allow anything to be added to the results. To hold a vote, use the vote_manager.hold_vote(choices, threshold) method, with optional parameters.

  • Choices

    • The choices parameter is a list of strings which are acceptable votes. If present, votes made without one of these choices will not be counted.
    • Without the choices a threshold is determined to be reached based on the number of votes cast rather than the number of votes cast with a specific choice.
  • Threshold

    • The threshold parameter is the number of votes needed before the event method is triggered upon a vote's end. You can choose to provide this as an integer, or the default behaviour is for a dynamic threshold which at all times is equal to floor(number of users / 2) + 1, usually resulting in half the number of users + 1 as a threshold, or when all players in a channel have voted.

    • The vote manager will collect votes and keep track of users who are present in the channel as well as those who have voted. When a player leaves the channel, the vote manager updates such that if that player has voted, the vote is rescinded. A player cannot vote twice.

  • Casting ballots

    • You can use the vote_manager.cast_ballot(username, choice) method to cast a ballot
    • The username is required to cast a ballot however the choice can be optional depending on the selections you made when holding the vote.
    • If a ballot is cast before a vote is being held, then a vote will be immediately held with default settings
      • No choices and dynamic threshold
  • Ending a vote

    • A vote will stop by using the vote_manager.stop() method
    • A vote will stop if the event method is triggered
    • A cooldown of 5 seconds will apply before another ballot can be cast

vote_manager methods

  • vote_manager.hold_vote(choices, threshold)

    • places the vote manager in_progress status to True
    • choices is an optional list parameter containing the allowed choices for voting
    • threshold is an optional integer parameter dictating how many votes are needed before triggering the event method
  • vote_manager.in_progress()

    • returns True if a vote is currently in progress
  • vote_manager.stop()

    • stops a vote and discards results
  • vote_manager.restart(threshold)

    • restarts the vote with the same choices as previously used
    • threshold is an optional integer parameter, if not present the default dynamic behaviour is exhibited
  • vote_manager.cast_ballot(username, choice)

    • casts a a ballot for the given username
    • optional choice parameter which is a string
  • vote_manager.get_choices()

    • returns a list of strings of the choices included when starting to hold the vote
  • vote_manager.get_results(choice)

    • returns all the results in the vote manager
    • optional choice parameter
      • returns a list of only the results matching the specified choice
  • vote_manager.get_users(choice)

    • gets all the users whom have voted
    • optional choice parameter
      • returns a list of users who have voted for the specified choice
  • vote_manager.get_ballot(username)

    • gets a ballot cast by the given username
  • vote_manager.get_ballot_number(choice)

    • returns the number of ballots cast
    • choice is an optional parameter
      • returns the number of ballots for the specified choice
  • vote_manager.get_majority_vote()

    • returns the most voted for choice
  • vote_manager.get_threshold()

    • returns the current threshold to trigger the event method as an integer
  • vote_manager.set_threshold(threshold)

    • sets the threshold of votes needed to trigger the event method
    • threshold is an integer

Example logic profile

  • Python

    # Logic profile to hold a start vote
    class StartVoteExample:
        def __init__(self, bot, channel):
            self.bot = bot
            self.channel = channel
            # command to vote
            channel.set_command("!start", self.vote_start, "Votes to start the match")
            # vote manager
            self.vote = channel.new_vote_manager(self.carry_vote)
        # event method for !start command
        def vote_start(self, message):
            # cast ballot to start match if it isn't already in progress
            if not self.channel.in_progress():
                self.vote.cast_ballot(message["username"], "Start Match")
        # event method to trigger on successful vote
        def carry_vote(self, vote_manager):
            # start the match
        # event method triggered when a match starts
        def on_match_start(self):
            # stop any vote in progress
  • Javascript

LogicProfile = {
    constructor: function (bot, channel) {
        LogicProfile.bot = bot;
        LogicProfile.channel = channel;

        // command to vote
        channel.set_command("!start", LogicProfile.vote_start, "Votes to start the match");

        // vote manager
        LogicProfile.vote = channel.new_vote_manager(LogicProfile.carry_vote);

    // event method for !start command
    vote_start: function (message) {
        // cast ballot to start match if it isn't already in progress
        if (!LogicProfile.channel.in_progress()) {
            LogicProfile.vote.cast_ballot(message.username, "Start Match");

    // event method to trigger on successful vote
    carry_vote: function (vote_manager) {
        // start the match

    // event method triggered when a match starts
    on_match_start: function () {
        // stop any vote in progress

Chimu.moe wrapper

This is a wrapper for the Chimu.moe api and allows:

  • Fetching beatmaps / beatmapsets

    • When fetching beatmaps / beatmapsets, you will have a dictionary returned similar to that which comes from osu.ppy.sh while using the bot.fetch_beatmap() method
    • Example
      Tutorial from osu.ppy.sh -> {'beatmapset_id': 3756, 'difficulty_rating': 0.67, 'id': 22538, 'mode': 'osu', 'status': 'graveyard','total_length': 114, 'user_id': 2, 'version': 'Gameplay basics', 'accuracy': 0, 'ar': 0,'bpm': 160.38, 'convert': False, 'count_circles': 4, 'count_sliders': 3, 'count_spinners': 1, 'cs': 3,'deleted_at': None, 'drain': 0, 'hit_length': 18, 'is_scoreable': False,'last_updated': '2014-03-10T16:31:10+00:00', 'mode_int': 0, 'passcount': 202069, 'playcount': 209908,'ranked': -2, 'url': 'https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/22538','checksum': '3c8b50ebd781978beb39160c6aaf148c', 'failtimes': {'fail': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 9, 2, 22, 6, 14, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],'exit': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 135, 153, 27, 18, 27,25, 13, 10, 7, 5, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 9, 18, 0, 1, 9, 2, 9, 9, 38, 5, 11, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,0, 0, 216]}, 'max_combo': 28}
      Tutorial from Chimu.moe -> {"BeatmapId":22538,"ParentSetId":3756,"DiffName":"Gameplay basics","FileMD5":"3c8b50ebd781978beb39160c6aaf148c","Mode":0,"BPM":160.375,"AR":0.0,"OD":0.0,"CS":3.0,"HP":0.0,"TotalLength":114,"HitLength":18,"Playcount":97903,"Passcount":94312,"MaxCombo":28,"DifficultyRating":0.696774,"OsuFile":"Peter Lambert - osu! tutorial (peppy) [Gameplay basics].osu","DownloadPath":"/d/3756"}
  • Downloading beatmaps / beatmapsets

    • Download links from Chimu.moe can be returned as strings
    • Beatmaps can be downloaded programatically
    • Beatmaps can be opened automatically when downloaded with the default application for .osz files
  • Searching for beatmaps / beatmapsets

    • Include an optional query
    • Optional keyword arguments matching the Chimu.moe api documentation
    • Example
      # Access the Chimu.moe wrapper through a Bot object with bot.chimu
      ->> {"BeatmapId":22538,"ParentSetId":3756,"DiffName":"Gameplay basics","FileMD5":"3c8b50ebd781978beb39160c6aaf148c","Mode":0,"BPM":160.375,"AR":0.0,"OD":0.0,"CS":3.0,"HP":0.0,"TotalLength":114,"HitLength":18,"Playcount":97903,"Passcount":94312,"MaxCombo":28,"DifficultyRating":0.696774,"OsuFile":"Peter Lambert - osu! tutorial (peppy) [Gameplay basics].osu","DownloadPath":"/d/3756"}


  • bot.chimu.fetch_beatmap(beatmapID)

    • returns a dictionary of the beatmap related to the given beatmap ID
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • bot.chimu.fetch_beatmapset(beatmapsetID)

    • fetches a dictionary of the beatmapset related to the given beatmapset ID
    • beatmapsetID is an integer
  • bot.chimu.fetch_parent_set(beatmapID)

    • returns a dictionary of the beatmapset related to the given beatmap ID
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • bot.chimu.search(query, pages, **attributes)

    • returns a list of beatmapsets matching the given parameters
    • All parameters are optional
      • query is a string denoting a search term
      • pages is an integer denoting how many pages to return in the results
      • **attributes are any keyword parameters included (matching the chimu.moe api)
        • if using Javascript you can pass keyword paramaters as an object
        • Example
          search_params = {
              "min_ar": 9,
              "max_od": 8
          LogicProfiile.bot.chimu.search("", 5, search_params);
    • Example
      bot.chimu.search(min_ar=9, max_ar=10, min_diff=5.1)
  • bot.chimu.fetch_download_link(beatmapID)

    • returns a string of a download link from chimu.moe for the given beatmap ID
    • beatmapID is an integer
  • bot.chimu.fetch_set_download_link(beatmapsetID)

    • returns a string of a download link from chimu.moe for the given beatmapset ID
    • beatmapsetID is an integer
  • bot.chimu.download_beatmap(beatmapID, path, with_video, auto_open, blocking)

    • Downloads a beatmap as a .osz file
    • beatmapID is an integer
    • path, with_video, auto_open and blocking are optional parameters
      • path is a string of the path to download the beatmap to
      • with_video is a boolean denoting whether to download the beatmap with video if available
      • auto_open is a boolean denoting whether to open the beatmap automatically once downloaded
      • blocking is a boolean denoting whether not to run the download on a separate thread
  • bot.chimu.download_beatmapset(beatmapsetID, path, with_video, auto_open, blocking)

    • Downloads a beatmapset as a .osz file
    • beatmapsetID is an integer
    • path, with_video, auto_open and blocking are optional parameters
      • path is a string of the path to download the beatmap to
      • with_video is a boolean denoting whether to download the beatmap with video if available
      • auto_open is a boolean denoting whether to open the beatmap automatically once downloaded
      • blocking is a boolean denoting whether not to run the download on a separate thread
  • bot.chimu.fetch_random_beatmap(channel, **attributes)

    • fetches a random beatmap id using the chimu.moe search
    • all parameters are optional
      • channel is a channel object to match the search attributes to the limits / ranges
      • **attrbiutes are any keyword parameters matching the chimu.moe api for searching
        • include keyword attributes as an object if using Javascript
        • Example
          search_params = {
              "min_ar": 9,
              "max_od": 8
          LogicProfiile.bot.chimu.search(null, search_params);
  • bot.chimu.set_songs_directory(path)

    • sets the path to the songs directory for osu
      • used for determining if a beatmap is already owned when downloading
    • path is a string
  • bot.chimu.get_songs_directory()

    • returns a string pointing to the osu songs directory
  • bot.chimu.set_redownload(status)

    • sets whether to redownload owned beatmaps
    • relies on knowing the song directory
    • status is a boolean
  • bot.chimu.is_redownload()

    • returns True if redownloading owned beatmaps is allowed

Paste2.org functionality

With this framework you can easily upload information to paste2.org as a secure way to transfer information to other users which you may not want to send over the irc.

This functionality is built into the framework with the game room configuration link accessible through the webapp and as a default command !config. This results in the ability to also download paste2.org entries as lists containing the lines of the paste as strings.

Bot methods

  • bot.paste2_upload(description, content)

    • creates a paste on paste2.org and returns it's url as a string
      • the description appears underneath the paste
      • the content appears as the main body of the paste
    • all parameters are strings
  • bot.paste2_download(url)

    • returns the main body of a paste2.org paste
      • returns a list of strings containing each line of the paste's body
    • url is a string of the url for the paste2.org paste - e.g. https://paste2.org/mOAKWgZv

Game room methods

These are more to do with the extended functionality of the game room

  • channel.get_config_link()

    • returns a paste2.org link with all the current settings of the framework
  • channel.set_custom_config(text)

    • adds the provided text to the top of the config page for the game room
    • text is a string
  • channel.get_custom_config()

    • returns the current string which is appended to the top of the config page
  • channel.import_config(url)

    • clones all settings from the provided paste2.org configuration page
      • implements the logic profile if a matching one has been imported to the framework
      • clones all limits, ranges and toggles
    • url is a string of the paste2.org link to the configuration page to import

Extended game room controls

These methods extend the functionality of the lobby in some way (and I didn't know where else to put them...)

Bot methods

  • bot.add_player_blacklist(username)

    • adds a player to the global player blacklist
      • usernames added to this blacklist are added to every current and future game room's player blacklist
    • username is a string of the player's username
  • bot.del_player_blacklist(username)

    • removes a username from the global player blacklist
      • removes the username from all current channels' player blacklists also
  • bot.get_player_blacklist()

    • returns a list of all globally blacklisted players

Game room methods

  • channel.set_welcome_message(message)

    • sets the welcome message of the game room
      • the welcome message is sent to any user joining the game room as a personal message
      • setting a blank message disables the functionality
    • message is a string
  • channel.get_welcome_message()

    • returns a string of the current welcome message of the game room
  • channel.maintain_password(status)

    • when enabled, the game room password will be reset after every match or if the room empties of players
    • status is a boolean
  • channel.is_maintain_password()

    • returns True if maintaining the game room's password is enabled
  • channel.maintain_title(status)

    • when enabled, the title of the game room will be reset after every match or if the room empties of players
    • status is a boolean
  • channel.is_maintain_title()

    • returns True if maintaining the game room's title is enabled
  • channel.maintain_size(status)

    • when enabled, the available slots of the game room will be reset after every match or if the room empties of players
  • channel.add_player_blacklist(username)

    • blacklists a player from the game room
      • entails immediately kicking the player from the game room if they join
      • sends a personal message to them informing them of their ban
    • username is a string of the player's username
  • channel.del_player_blacklist(username)

    • removes the provided username from the player blacklist
  • channel.get_player_blacklist()

    • returns a list of usernames as strings of players who are blacklisted from the game room
  • channel.start_on_players_ready(status)

    • if enabled, automatically starts the match when all players have clicked Ready
    • status is a boolean
  • channel.is_start_on_players_ready()

    • returns True if configured to start the match when all players have clicked Ready
  • channel.set_autostart_timer(status, secs)

    • if enabled, starts a timer for the provided number of secs before starting the match
      • the timer starts after a map has been selected
    • status is a boolean
    • secs is an integer for the number of seconds to count down
  • channel.get_autostart_timer()

    • returns the number of seconds to wait before automatically starting the match
      • returns -1 if disabled
    • returns an integer
  • channel.is_autostart_timer()

    • returns true if automatically starting the match after a timer is enabled
    • the timer starts after a map has been selected

Changing configuration file settings

All the options which exist in config/bot_config.conf can be edited while the framework is running. Note that these changes only override the configuration file for the current session.

  • bot.get_username()

    • returns the irc username provided by the administrator
  • bot.get_password()

    • returns the irc password provided by the administrator
  • bot.set_verbose(status)

    • toggles verbosity in the console
      • displays everything which would be put in a log file in the console aswell
    • status is a boolean
  • bot.is_verbose()

    • returns True if verbosity is enabled
  • bot.set_logging(status)

    • toggles saving events to log files
      • log files are stored in config/logs/
    • status is a boolean
  • bot.is_logging()

    • returns True if logging is enabled
  • bot.log(message)

    • logs a message
  • bot.set_default_message_log_length(length)

    • sets the number of messages to save in the log
    • length is an integer
  • bot.get_default_message_log_length()

    • returns the number of messages to save in the log as an integer
  • bot.set_personal_message_log_length(length)

    • sets the number of messages to save in the log
    • length is an integer
  • bot.get_personal_message_log_length()

    • returns the number of messages to save in the log as an integer
  • bot.set_authenticate(status)

    • toggles using authentication for the webapp status is a boolean
  • bot.is_authenticate()

    • returns True if authentication is enabled for the webapp


These methods can be used to change certain aspects of the functionality of the framework

Bot methods

  • bot.exit_handler()

    • shuts down the framework nicely
  • bot.start()

    • starts all services on the bot
      • logs into osu irc
      • starts webapp

Auto Host Rotate Example Walkthrough

In this section I will take you through a simple design for an auto host rotate logic profile.

What we aim to do is create a queue of players who join the game room and cycle through the queue after a game finishes.

  1. Set up the logic profile
  • Python
    class AutoHostRotateExample:
        def __init__(self, bot, channel):
            self.bot = bot
            self.channel = channel
            self.queue = []
  • Javascript
    LogicProfile = {
        constructor: function (bot, channel) {
            LogicProfile.bot = bot;
            LogicProfile.channel = channel;
            LogicProfile.queue = [];
  1. Override the on_join() and on_part event methods to update the queue
  • Python
    def __init__(self, bot, channel):
        self.bot = bot
        self.channel = channel
        self.queue = []
    def on_join(self, username):
    def on_part(self, username):
  • Javascript
    LogicProfile = {
        constructor: function (bot, channel) {
            LogicProfile.bot = bot;
            LogicProfile.channel = channel;
            LogicProfile.queue = [];
        on_join: function (username) {
        on_part: function (username) {
            LogicProfile.queue.splice(LogicProfile.queue.indexOf(username), 1);
  1. Override the on_match_finish() event method
  • Python
    def __init__(self, bot, channel):
        self.bot = bot
        self.channel = channel
        self.queue = []
    def on_join(self, username):
    def on_part(self, username):
    def on_match_finish(self):
        # rotate the queue
        # set the new host
  • Javascript
    LogicProfile = {
        constructor: function (bot, channel) {
            LogicProfile.bot = bot;
            LogicProfile.channel = channel;
            LogicProfile.queue = [];
        on_join: function (username) {
        on_part: function (username) {
            LogicProfile.queue.splice(LogicProfile.queue.indexOf(username), 1);
        on_match_finish: function () {
            // rotate the queue
            // set the new host
  1. Make sure that the first player in the room receives the host
  • Python
    def __init__(self, bot, channel):
        self.bot = bot
        self.channel = channel
        self.queue = []
    def on_join(self, username):
        # check if the game room only has the new user in it
        if self.channel.get_users() == [username]:
            # give them the host
    def on_part(self, username):
    def on_match_finish(self):
        # rotate the queue
        # set the new host
  • Javascript
    LogicProfile = {
        constructor: function (bot, channel) {
            LogicProfile.bot = bot;
            LogicProfile.channel = channel;
            LogicProfile.queue = [];
        on_join: function (username) {
            // check if the game room only has 1 user in it
            if (LogicProfile.channel.get_users().length === 1) {
                // give them the host
        on_part: function (username) {
            LogicProfile.queue.splice(LogicProfile.queue.indexOf(username), 1);
        on_match_finish: function () {
            // rotate the queue
            // set the new host
  1. If the host leaves pass the host to the next player in the queue
  • Python
    def __init__(self, bot, channel):
        self.bot = bot
        self.channel = channel
        self.queue = []
    def on_join(self, username):
        # check if the game room only has the new user in it
        if self.channel.get_users() == [username]:
            # give them the host
    def on_part(self, username):
        # check if the leaving user is host and there are still users in the game room and is not in progress
        if self.channel.is_host(username) and self.channel.has_users() and not self.channel.in_progress():
            # change the host to the top of the queue
    def on_match_finish(self):
        # rotate the queue
        # set the new host
  • Javascript
    LogicProfile = {
        constructor: function (bot, channel) {
            LogicProfile.bot = bot;
            LogicProfile.channel = channel;
            LogicProfile.queue = [];
        on_join: function (username) {
            // check if the game room only has 1 user in it
            if (LogicProfile.channel.get_users().length === 1) {
                // give them the host
        on_part: function (username) {
            LogicProfile.queue.splice(LogicProfile.queue.indexOf(username), 1);
            // check if the leaving user is host and the game room still has users and is not in progress
            if (LogicProfile.channel.is_host(username) && LogicProfile.channel.has_users() && !LogicProfile.channel.in_progress()) {
                // change the host to the top of the queue
        on_match_finish: function () {
            // rotate the queue
            // set the new host
  1. Create a command to check the queue order
  • Python
    def __init__(self, bot, channel):
        self.bot = bot
        self.channel = channel
        self.queue = []
        # add a command with a method
        channel.set_command("!queue", self.show_queue, "Shows the queue of players")
    # method to execute when !queue command is received
    def show_queue(self):
        # send the queue of players to the channel
        self.channel.send_message("The current queue is: " + ", ".join(self.queue))
    def on_join(self, username):
        # check if the game room only has the new user in it
        if self.channel.get_users() == [username]:
            # give them the host
    def on_part(self, username):
        # check if the leaving user is host and there are still users in the game room and game is not in progress
        if self.channel.is_host(username) and self.channel.has_users() and not self.channel.in_progress():
            # change the host to the top of the queue
    def on_match_finish(self):
        # rotate the queue
        # set the new host
  • Javascript
    LogicProfile = {
        constructor: function (bot, channel) {
            LogicProfile.bot = bot;
            LogicProfile.channel = channel;
            // add a command with a method
            channel.set_command("!queue", LogicProfile.show_queue, "Shows the queue of players")
            LogicProfile.queue = [];
        show_queue: function () {
            LogicProfile.channel.send_message("The current queue is: " + LogicProfile.queue.join(", "));
        on_join: function (username) {
            // check if the game room only has 1 user in it
            if (LogicProfile.channel.get_users().length === 1) {
                // give them the host
        on_part: function (username) {
            LogicProfile.queue.splice(LogicProfile.queue.indexOf(username), 1);
            // check if the leaving user is host and the game room still has users and the match is not in progress
            if (LogicProfile.channel.is_host(username) && LogicProfile.channel.has_users() && !LogicProfile.channel.in_progress()) {
                // change the host to the top of the queue
        on_match_finish: function () {
            // rotate the queue
            // set the new host


A powerful framework to create and manage bots for osu

License:MIT License


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