jqwik-team / jqwik-micronaut

Micronaut support for jqwik

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Java CI with Gradle

Jqwik Micronaut Support

This project provides an extension to support testing of Micronaut applications with Jqwik.

title: "Micronaut Test Extension for Jqwik: System Context"

flowchart TB
    User["Software Engineer 

A software engineer willing to use
property-based testing along with
Java IoC frameworks"]

MTEJ["Micronaut Test Extension for Jqwik
[Software System]

Enables property-based testing
using Jqwik with Micronaut Test"]

MF["Micronaut Framework
[Software System]

Provides Micronaut
TestContext API"]

[Software System]

Provides test execution
lifecycle hooks API"]

User -- "Uses" --> MTEJ
MTEJ -- "Consumes API" --> MF
MTEJ -- "Consumes API" --> JQ

classDef focusSystem fill:#1168bd,stroke:#0b4884,color:#ffffff
classDef supportingSystem fill:#666, stroke:#0b4884,color:#ffffff
classDef person fill:#08427b,stroke:#052e56,color:#ffffff

class MTEJ focusSystem
class User person
class MF,JQ supportingSystem

click JQ "https://github.com/jqwik-team/jqwik" _blank
click MTEJ "https://github.com/jqwik-team/jqwik-micronaut" _blank
click MF "https://micronaut-projects.github.io/micronaut-test/latest/guide" _blank

Table of Contents

How to Install


Follow the instructions here and add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    // ...

You can look at a sample project TBD using Jqwik, Micronaut and Gradle.


Follow the instructions here and add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:





Supported Micronaut Versions

You have to provide your own version of Micronaut through Gradle or Maven. The jqwik-micronaut library has been tested with versions:

  • 3.8.9.

Please report any compatibility issues you stumble upon.

Standard Usage

To enable autowiring of a Micronaut application context or beans you just have to add @JqwikMicronautTest to your test container class:

import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import net.jqwik.api.ForAll;
import net.jqwik.api.Property;
import net.jqwik.api.constraints.AlphaChars;
import net.jqwik.api.constraints.StringLength;

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;

class MyMicronautProperties {
    private MyMicronautBean myMicronaut;

    @Property(tries = 1)
    void nameIsAddedToHello(@ForAll @AlphaChars @StringLength(min = 1) final String name) {
        final String greeting = myMicronaut.sayHello(name);

Configuration and autowiring of values is delegated to Micronaut's own test framework and @JqwikMicronautTest supports all parameters that @MicronautTest comes with (see the Javadocs).


Micronaut will recreate its application context for each annotated class. That means:

  • Singleton beans will only be created once for all tests of one test container class.
  • Properties and tries within the same class share mutual state of all Micronaut-controlled beans.

By default, a property will recreate the app context for each try. If you want to change this, you have to use the property parameter perTry = true. For example:

import io.micronaut.test.annotation.TransactionMode;

import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import net.jqwik.api.Property;
import net.jqwik.api.lifecycle.AfterProperty;
import net.jqwik.api.lifecycle.BeforeProperty;
import net.jqwik.micronaut.JqwikMicronautTest;

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

@JqwikMicronautTest(transactionMode = TransactionMode.SINGLE_TRANSACTION, perTry = false)
class MyMicronautTest {
    private EntityManager entityManager;

    void setUpOne() {
        final Book book = new Book();
        book.setTitle("The Stand");

    void setUpTwo() {
        final Book book = new Book();
        book.setTitle("The Shining");

    void tearDown() {
        // check setups were rolled back. By default, Micronaut will rollback txs after tests execution.
        final CriteriaQuery<Book> query = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(Book.class);

    @Property(tries = 1)
    void testPersistOne() {
        final CriteriaQuery<Book> query = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(Book.class);

    @Property(tries = 1)
    void testPersistTwo() {
        final CriteriaQuery<Book> query = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery(Book.class);

Parameter Resolution of Autowired Beans

Autowired beans will be injected as parameters in example and property methods, in all lifecycle methods and also in the test container class's constructor - if there is only one:

import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import net.jqwik.api.Property;
import net.jqwik.api.lifecycle.BeforeProperty;
import net.jqwik.micronaut.JqwikMicronautTest;

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

class MyOtherMicronautTest {
    MyOtherMicronautTest(final AppBean appBean) {

    void injectStatic(final AppBean appBean) {

    @Property(tries = 1)
    void testPropertyInjected(final AppBean appBean) {

Micronaut JUnit Jupiter Testing Annotations

jqwik's Micronaut support is trying to mostly simulate how Micronaut's native Jupiter support works. Therefore, some of that stuff also works, but a few things do not.


We are not aware of any at this time.

Release Notes


  • Uses jqwik 1.7.4.
  • Tested with Micronaut 3.8.9.


Micronaut support for jqwik

License:Eclipse Public License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%