jpyepez / AzureTalosCAAC

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Azure Talos is an expressive multi-string mechatronic chordophone. This repository includes a collection of computer-aided algorithmic composition (CAAC) and interaction examples. Each composition explores a different type of CAAC system that can be played by Azure Talos.


  1. Randomness: A dice game that randomly selects pre-composed musical blocks subsequently.
  2. Probability: A stochastic arpeggiator that plays different string patterns for various chord progressions.
  3. Phase Music: A phase composition that explores three concurrent voices that are displaced by a few milliseconds to generate constantly evolving musical patterns.
  4. CAAC_Interaction: Randomness and probability examples controlled via MaxMSP user interfaces.




Language:Max 51.7%Language:ChucK 48.3%