jpswade / booksApi

Repository from Github https://github.comjpswade/booksApiRepository from Github https://github.comjpswade/booksApi



We are an online retailer specialising in technology books.

We have a legacy system which is proving difficult to maintain and currently has no test coverage that we are looking to replace.

We are looking to build a RESTful json API.

You have been tasked with developing a proof of concept that can demonstrate best practices in modern web development with a focus on designing something which is maintainable and testable.

This proof of concept will allow a user to:

  1. Filter books by author and/or category
  2. Create new books

Getting started

You'll need to get the mysql database up and running:

$ docker-compose up -d

Now migrate the data:

$ php artisan migrate

Now let's start laravel web service (demonised):

$ php artisan serve &

Let's run some tests:

$ composer test


  • Replace with separate categories model, database table and relationships with the existing books model
  • Complete the behat FeatureContext


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:PHP 92.2%Language:Gherkin 3.9%Language:HTML 3.1%Language:Vue 0.6%Language:Shell 0.2%