jpscard / jpscard

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Typing SVG

“It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.”
Isaac Asimov


💻 Tech Stackss

📫 How to reach me:


Profile views

  • AI Researcher at Laboratory of AI (LIA) -UFPA and Sustainable Systems Analysis laboratory ( LAss ) at Embrapa Eastern Amazon
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Mobile Developer React and Android
  • Ai engineer | Computer vision engineer | Machine learning engineer

jpscard's most languages

♟Playing Chess

📃 Resume


  • 📖 Master's Degree in Applied Computation
    📆 2022 - 2024
    📍 State University of Para - Belém-Pará, Brazil.

  • 📖 Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering
    📆 2013 - 2019
    📍 Federal University of Para - Belém-Pará, Brazil.

  • 📖 Licentiate Degree in Mathematics
    📆 2009 - 2014
    📍 State University of Para - Belém-Pará, Brazil.
