jpreese / go-tidbits

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  • When running go get on a project that uses ldflags, they won't be set. The application will have blank data. (e.g. version, build). Something to consider when using this functionality and suggesting users to get your project via go get instead of providing a binary produced through your build system.

  • When running go get outside of the main module for an application (i.e. working directory is not in the modules path), replace/exclude directives do not apply. This can result in go get operations that fail to compile if the module takes the liberty of replacing and excluding certain dependencies.


  • Go 1.13 introduced the -trimpath argument which can assist in creating reproducible builds. When an error occurs, the stack trace has information relating to the build environment, this means a binary can be different based on where its built from. -trimpath removes these paths and only uses the module path.


  • When resolving whether or not a type satisfies an interface, if the type has a pointer receiver, if you create that type as a value type, the type will not satisfy the interface. However, if the type has a value receiver, then creating that type as a pointer or value will satisfy the interface.

This is typically known as the method set of a type.

type Fooer interface {

type A struct { }

func (a A) Foo() { }

type B struct { }

func (b *B) Foo() { }

func main() {

	aVal := A{}
	aPtr := &A{}
	bVal := B{}
	var f Fooer
	f = aVal
	f = aPtr
    // This fails to compile because bVal was constructed
    // as a value type. It's receiver is a pointer type.
    // Thus, the interface is not satisfied.
	f = bVal

  • With embeded types, the embeded types semantic (i.e. pointer or value), takes precedences over the parent semantic.
    // Even though Admin is using value semantics, User will still use pointer.
    // If User is embedded into Admin, methods on User are still pointer semantics. TYPE LIFE.
	admin := Admin{
		User: &User{
			Name:  "john smith",
			Email: "",
		Level: "super",
  • When embedding types, if methods collide, the parent method takes precedence.


  • When checking if an error is a specific type, value and pointer semantics still matter. e.g.

If the API you're using uses Value semantics for an error, you must use the same type when using errors.As() from 1.13. A lot of example tutorials say

var e *MyError
errors.As(err, &e)

This fails if MyError uses value semantics from the API, i.e.

return MyError{}

Because MyError is of type MyError, not *MyError

Other Fun Facts Unrelated to Go


  • When using the --target argument, you can target a specific build step to be built in a Dockerfile. However, the FROM layers above will still be built, even if the target has no dependency on it.


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