jpmens / pudo

Upload JSON documents and attachments to a CouchDB instance

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



pudo directory URI


pudo reads the specified directory for JSON files (*.json) or YAML files (*.yaml) and creates corresponding documents in the CouchDB database at the specified URI. If doc.json respectively doc.yaml has a corresponding directory doc.attachments, all files therein are uploaded to the doc document.

If the read file contains an _id field it is used as the document's key, otherwise the base filename (sans .json / .yaml) is used.


Consider the directory movies with the following files in it:

drwxr-xr-x    238 Apr 28 16:02 movies
-rw-r--r--     88 Apr 28 12:33 movies/airforce1.json
drwxr-xr-x    102 Apr 28 16:03 movies/cpd.attachments
-rw-r--r--  43128 Nov 16 05:42 movies/cpd.attachments/n41380.jpg
-rw-r--r--    231 Apr 28 16:02 movies/cpd.yaml
drwxr-xr-x    136 Apr 28 12:30 movies/k-19.attachments
-rw-r--r--  40882 Apr 28 12:29 movies/k-19.attachments/cover.jpg
-rw-r--r--   1192 Apr 28 12:30 movies/k-19.attachments/review.txt
-rw-r--r--     93 Apr 28 12:25 movies/k-19.json

Now I run pudo:

$ pudo movies
	n41380.jpg (image/jpeg)
	cover.jpg (image/jpeg)
	review.txt (text/plain)

creating three documents; the k-19 document has two files attached to it:

$ curl -s
   "_id" : "k-19",
   "title" : "K-19: The Widowmaker",
   "_attachments" : {
      "cover.jpg" : {
	 "revpos" : 38,
	 "length" : 40882,
	 "content_type" : "image/jpeg",
	 "stub" : true
      "review.txt" : {
	 "revpos" : 39,
	 "length" : 1192,
	 "content_type" : "text/plain",
	 "stub" : true
   "_rev" : "39-728042cfe9666e945e3720f625d5b5ed",
   "director" : "Kathryn Bigelow",
   "year" : 2002

YAML sample

The following YAML file

title: Clear and Present Danger
year: 1994
 - action
 - drama
 - thriller
plot: >
   CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the
   US government against a Colombian drug cartel.
director: Phillip Noyce

translates to JSON as

   "director" : "Phillip Noyce",
   "genre" : [
   "plot" : "CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel.\n",
   "title" : "Clear and Present Danger",
   "_attachments" : {
      "n41380.jpg" : {
	 "revpos" : 17,
	 "length" : 43128,
	 "content_type" : "image/jpeg",
	 "stub" : true
   "year" : "1994"

(Note that the field plot has an ugly newline character on it.)

See Also


I (Jan-Piet Mens) wrote this. I was greatly inspired by couchapp, and I might have stolen a bit of code and ideas from couchdb-push (thanks). (The movie information stems from IMDB and any copy/paste errors are mine.)


Probably. In any case pudo should be changed to support CouchDB's bulk interface.


Upload JSON documents and attachments to a CouchDB instance