jpmattern / EnKF_3D_github

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Ensemble Kalman filter application for an ocean biogeochemical model in an idealized 3-dimensional channel

The Matlab code included in this repository is used to perform the deterministic formulation of Ensemble Kalman Filter (DEnKF) in the Regional Ocean Modelling System ROMS.

This set of code was developed by the MEMG group in Dalhousie University, Canada.

The code in this repository is configured for a 3-dimensional ocean biogeochemical model (using ROMS) in an idealized channel that experiences the wind-driven upwelling as in Yu et al. (2018). This code will initiate the ensemble runs with the perturbed wind forcing and biological parameters, then assimilate observations to update the model state variables, and restart the ensemble runs from the updated initial state. In this application, we have two assimilation steps. In the first step, we assimilate the physical observations (i.e., sea surface height, sea surface temperature, and in-situ profiles of temperature) to update both physical and biological model state variables (i.e., temperature and NO₃). In the second step, we assimilate the biological observations (i.e., surface chlorophyll and in-situ profiles of NO₃) to update only biological model state variables (i.e., chlorophyll, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and NO₃)

To start a new data assimilation run

Before you start, be aware that is application is build for a cluster computer, requires Matlab, a FORTRAN compiler (to compile ROMS), and MPI or OpenMP to run ROMS on multiple nodes.

Step 1: Download the ROMS code

Register at the ROMS website and download the source code.

Step 2: Prepare the model input files and save them in the in directory (the path of these files will be specified in step 5)

2.1) The ROMS executable (typically oceanM or romsM)

  • Set options <MY_ROOT_DIR> <MY_ROMS_SRC> in the build script (typically in/executable/ or in/executable/ These options will tell the script where the ROMS source code is.
  • Set options <FORT> to specify the FORTRAN compiler that will be used, e.g. ifort.
  • Compile ROMS by running the following command in terminal:



Note: the CPP options used in the model are defined in the header file (e.g., upwelling.h). The head file is specified by the option <ROMS_APPLICATION> in the build script.

2.2) The ROMS input file

  • Open in/infiletemplates/ in a text editor.
  • Search for '(edit)' to find settings that need changes to run this application.

2.3) The model grid file

  • Download the model grid file (available here) and place it into the in/roms_input/ directory.

2.4) The model forcings

  • Download the wind forcing files upw_suvstr_3hourly_180d_2Lm_06_\*.nc, available here, and place them into the in/roms_input/wind_forcing/ directory (alternatively, adjust the frccond variable in mfiles/main/main.m to point to the files).
  • Download the initial condition file, available here, and place it into the in/roms_forcing/ directory (alternatively, adjust the inicond variable in mfiles/main/main.m to point to the file).
  • Note, that open boundary condition are not required in this test case, but can be used (and modified by data assimilation) by changing the configuration.

2.5) The observation file

  • Download the observation file, available here, and place it into the in/roms_input/ directory (alternatively, adjust the obsfile variable in mfiles/main/main.m to point to the file).

2.6) The input file of ocean biogeochemical model

  • No changes to the input file of ocean biogeochemical model (in/infiletemplates/ are required in this test case, but users are encouraged to test different parameter values.

Step 3: Template of a job submission script

This application uses Slurm as the default workload manager with which model simulations are run on a cluster computer (see note below, if another workload manager is used). The Slurm sbatch command requires job submission scripts which are typically cluster computer-specific, and this application requires a template job submission script, which should be named mfiles/roms/filemanipulation/templatefiles/mpirun_<clusternamelowercase>.template, where <clusternamelowercase> is the name of the cluster computer in lower case letters. Example job submission scripts are located in mfiles/roms/filemanipulation/templatefiles/, a simple template may look like this:

#SBATCH --ntasks=<<NP>>
#SBATCH --export=ALL
#SBATCH --no-requeue
#SBATCH --job-name=<<QNAME>>
#SBATCH --output=<<OUTFILE>>

# move to the project directory
cd <<DIR>>

# run executable
mpirun <<EXECUTABLE>> <<INFILE>>

Note here, that expressions in <<>> (<<DIR>>, <<EXECUTABLE>>, <<INFILE>>, etc.) will be replaced with appropriate paths when running the data assimilation. The "cd <<DIR>>" statement is currently required to be in the job submission script template, and so is a statement that is starting the ROMS executable ("mpirun <<EXECUTABLE>> <<INFILE>>" in the example above).

Note: If the cluster is not using Slurm as a workload manager, four Matlab scripts need to be adapted for other workload managers:

  • mfiles/roms/autorun/qtools/qdel.m -- to delete jobs from cluster
  • mfiles/roms/autorun/qtools/qjobqueue.m -- to check job host
  • mfiles/roms/autorun/qtools/qjobstatus.m -- to check job status
  • mfiles/roms/autorun/qtools/qsubmpi.m -- to submit jobs

Step 4: Set up the data assimilation experiment

Go to the main directory and change settings in the setting up scripts (i.e. main.m,romsassim_settings_1kfiles.m, KFilter_2steps_*.m) Search for '(edit)' to find settings that likely require changes to run this application. Other settings might have been tested for other applications.

Step 5: Run a configuration check (optional)

In mfiles/main/main.m, set

perform_configuration_check = true;

and then run main.m in Matlab to perform an optional configuration check, testing is some of the paths and file names are set correctly. When this test produces no warnings, move to step 6 to start a data assimilation run.

Step 6: Run the main driver main.m in mfiles/main/

In mfiles/main/main.m, turn off the configuration check by setting

perform_configuration_check = false;

then run main.m to perform a data assimilation run.

Note: Running main.m will submit jobs to the workload manager, create a new directory, and create, modify and delete files in the newly created directory. The name an location of the newly created directory is set by the rundir variable in mfiles/main/KFilter_2steps_1.m. For testing purposes, the number of jobs submitted to the workload manager can be reduced by decreasing the number of ensemble members (set by the variable nens in mfiles/main/main.m).

Step 7: Customize the data assimilation

After completing the first data assimilation run, feel free to modify the configuration or data assimilation settings or even change the ROMS configuration to perform data assimilation in a differnet model domain.

Guide to the subdirectories

matlab -- toolbox directory, e.g. netcdf

mfiles -- data assimilation code directory

     main -- data assimilation setting up scripts

          main.m -- the main driver

          romsassim_settings_2kfiles.m -- settings about ROMS model

          KFilter_2steps_*.m -- settings about the data assimilation
                                (in this application, we have two KFilter_2steps_*.m scripts becuase we have two update steps)

     EnKF -- data assimilation functions

     roms -- ROMS interface scripts

     local -- scripts to add toolbox

     helper -- helper routines

in -- input files directory

    executable -- executable file of ROMS

    infiletemplates -- input files of ROMS

    roms_input -- input forcing files

out -- output files directory

matfiles -- temporary matrixes saved and used in data assimilation

figures -- reading output directory

Note: The first 2 directories (i.e., matlab and mfiles) contain codes for data assimilation and are suggested being saved under the home directory on the clusters. The last 4 directories contain data and are typical large in size. Therefore they are suggested being saved under a different directory, e.g. the scratch directory. The path of in, out, and matfiles directories will be specified by users in the setting up scripts:

1). to specify the path of in and out directories in the script ./main/romsassim_settings_2kfiles.m

% main directory with the runfiles
rundir = fullfile('/misc/7/output/bwang/EnKF_3D_Nature_Primer/out/', prefix); % (edit)

if writefiles
    % create rundir now

% all paths are relative to rundir

% the executable file of ROMS (e.g. oceanM)
executable = '../../in/executable/romsM'; % (edit)

% the main in-file (e.g.
maininfile = '../../in/infiletemplates/'; % (edit)

% the biological parameter file (
bioparamfile = '../../in/infiletemplates/'; % (edit)

% directory for the netcdf output files
outdir = fullfile('nc_out'); % this directory is inside the rundir.
  1. to specify the path of matfiles directory in ./main/KFilter_2step_*m
% path of the sub-directory matfile: matrixes created and used in data
% assimilation will be saved under this directory, e.g. distance and
% horizontal localization coefficient
kfparams.matfilesdir = '/misc/7/output/bwang/EnKF_3D_Nature_Primer/matfiles'; % (edit)

And the out directory will be created by the code if it does not exist (and its parent directory exists).


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


License:MIT License


Language:MATLAB 95.1%Language:C 3.7%Language:Shell 1.1%Language:Java 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%