jphackworth / clj-cjdns

Library for communicating with cjdns admin RPC interface

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Library for communicating with cjdns admin RPC interface

This is library provides support for the several of the admin functions.

Leiningen Project Dependency

[clj-cjdns "0.1.3"]


Crashey support

I've begun adding admin functions that are only available in the crashey branch of cjdns.

To use these functions, you must set the crashey-enabled atom to true, otherwise an exception will be thrown.

An example of a new admin function is get-peers:

user=> (use 'clj-cjdns.core 'clojure.pprint)
user=> (pprint (get-peers "fcf1:4c00:7171:d61a:d4ce:3a5d:ea79:ad3e"))

Exception Error: This function requires the crashey branch of cjdns. Set crashey-enabled to true use this: (reset! crashey-enabled true)  clj-cjdns.core/crashey-enabled? (core.clj:49)
user=> (reset! crashey-enabled true)
user=> (pprint (get-peers "fcf1:4c00:7171:d61a:d4ce:3a5d:ea79:ad3e"))
{:error "none",
:ms 364,
:result "peers"}

Crashey admin function support is minimal at this stage. More coming in future versions.


A configuration file must be loaded via the (read-config!) function. It looks by default in $HOME/.cjdnsadmin or the path specified.

Before you can make any requests, you must read-config! first.

After reading the config file, the configuration parameters are in the @config atom, as demonstrated below.

user=> (use 'clj-cjdns.core)
user=> (doc read-config!)
([& [config-path]])
  Reads a JSON-formatted config file at either $HOME/.cjdnsadmin or path specified. 
  Example config file: 

 Get the address, port and password values from your cjdroute.conf in the "admin" section.
user=> @config
user=> (read-config!)
{:addr "", :port 11234, :password "abcd"}
user=> @config
{:addr "", :port 11234, :password "abcd"}

Public Functions

Public functions do not require a password.

At present, the following public RPC functions are supported.


Checks if admin connection is alive.

Reference: ping()

user=> (ping)
{:q "pong"}


Checks memory used (in bytes) my router.

Reference: memory()

user=> (memory)
{:bytes 1207080}

Admin Functions

Admin functions require a password.

At present, the following admin RPC functions are supported.


This function lists admin functions available via the RPC interface. Not all of these have matching functions in clj-cjdns. However, you can use the lower-level (auth-request) and (looped-auth-request) in the interim.

Reference: Admin_availableFunctions()

user=> (clojure.pprint/pprint (admin-available-functions))
{:Admin_asyncEnabled {},
 :Admin_availableFunctions {:page {:required 0, :type "Int"}},
 {:authType {:required 0, :type "Int"},
  :password {:required 1, :type "String"},
  :user {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :AuthorizedPasswords_list {},
 :AuthorizedPasswords_remove {:user {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :Core_initTunnel {:desiredTunName {:required 0, :type "String"}},
 {:interfaceNumber {:required 0, :type "Int"},
  :state {:required 0, :type "Int"}},
 {:interfaceNumber {:required 0, :type "Int"},
  :macAddress {:required 1, :type "String"},
  :password {:required 0, :type "String"},
  :publicKey {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :ETHInterface_new {:bindDevice {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 {:pubkey {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :InterfaceController_peerStats {:page {:required 0, :type "Int"}},
 {:ip4Address {:required 0, :type "String"},
  :ip6Address {:required 0, :type "String"},
  :publicKeyOfAuthorizedNode {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 {:publicKeyOfNodeToConnectTo {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :IpTunnel_listConnections {},
 :IpTunnel_removeConnection {:connection {:required 1, :type "Int"}},
 :IpTunnel_showConnection {:connection {:required 1, :type "Int"}},
 :NodeStore_dumpTable {:page {:required 1, :type "Int"}},
 {:linkNum {:required 1, :type "Int"},
  :parent {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :NodeStore_getNode {:ip {:required 0, :type "String"}},
 {:childAddress {:required 1, :type "String"},
  :pathToParent {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :RainflyClient_addKey {:ident {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :RouterModule_lookup {:address {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 {:path {:required 1, :type "String"},
  :timeout {:required 0, :type "Int"}},
 :SearchRunner_showActiveSearch {:number {:required 1, :type "Int"}},
 :Security_dropPermissions {},
 :Security_setUser {:user {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :SessionManager_getHandles {:page {:required 0, :type "Int"}},
 :SessionManager_sessionStats {:handle {:required 1, :type "Int"}},
 {:data {:required 0, :type "String"},
  :path {:required 1, :type "String"},
  :timeout {:required 0, :type "Int"}},
 {:address {:required 1, :type "String"},
  :interfaceNumber {:required 0, :type "Int"},
  :password {:required 0, :type "String"},
  :publicKey {:required 1, :type "String"}},
 :UDPInterface_new {:bindAddress {:required 0, :type "String"}},
 :ping {}}


Check whether async communication is allowed. This is related to admin logging.

Reference: Admin_asyncEnabled()

user=> (async-enabled?)
{:asyncEnabled 1}


This function stops cjdns.

Reference: Core_exit()



This function returns stats for all connected peers, including traffic volume in/out, connection direction, public key, state, and user identifier.

Important: These stats are in-memory, accrued from the lifetime of your cjdroute process. When you restart cjdns, these stats will start from 0.

Reference: InterfaceController_peerStats

user=> (clojure.pprint/pprint (peer-stats))
[{:bytesIn 27011,
  :bytesOut 66045,
  :duplicates 0,
  :isIncoming 1,
  :last 1396688748788,
  :lostPackets 0,
  :publicKey "8g8bndw7928ss5tx1tqw46wqz9xux0b1r56jz38zq8hpq28r6un0.k",
  :receivedOutOfRange 0,
  :state "ESTABLISHED",
  :switchLabel "0000.0000.0000.0023",
  :user "Local Peers"}
 {:bytesIn 45800324,
  :bytesOut 46084453,
  :duplicates 0,
  :isIncoming 0,
  :last 1396688748854,
  :lostPackets 21,
  :publicKey "w983vxlkg13qp8lqr2dxy4f85gfqf3883zsvhsdxtrst80qhdy60.k",
  :receivedOutOfRange 0,
  :state "ESTABLISHED",
  :switchLabel "0000.0000.0000.0025"}]


Dumps the router's routing table.

Reference: NodeStore_dumpTable()



Adds a password to the router's live configuration, with a user identifier.

Important: This does not persist the password configuration to disk. You must separately add it to cjdroute.conf if you want it available on restart.

Reference: AuthorizedPasswords_add()


  • password: The password to add
  • user-identifier: A string identifying the user
user=> (add-password "abcd123" "alice")
{:error "none"}


Lists the user identifiers for passwords in the router's live configuration.

Reference: AuthorizedPasswords_list()

user=> (list-users)
{:total 3, :users ["alice" "password [0]" "Local Peers"]}


Removes the password from the router's live configuration based on the user identifier.

Reference: AuthorizedPasswords_remove(user)


  • user: The user identifier for the password to remove
user=> (list-users)
{:total 3, :users ["alice" "password [0]" "Local Peers"]}
user=> (remove-user "alice")
{:error "none"}
user=> (list-users)
{:total 2, :users ["password [0]" "Local Peers"]}


Disconnect the peer identified by the specified public key. You can use (peer-stats) to identify connected peers and their public keys.

Important: This does not prevent the peer from reconnecting. You must also remove the peer's password (in the live router config and in the on-disk config file) if you want it permanent.

Reference: InterfaceController_disconnectPeer(pubkey)

user=> (disconnect-peer "8g8bndw7928ss5tx1tqw46wqz9xux0b1r56jz38zq8hpq28r6un0.k")
{:sucess 1}


Pings a remote cjdns node.


  • node-path: May either be a cjdns IP address, a route, or a cjdns IP via a specific route. See reference below for examples
  • timeout (optional): timeout in milliseconds

Reference: RouterModule_pingNode()

user=> (node-ping "fcbf:7bbc:32e4:716:bd00:e936:c927:fc14")
{:from "fcbf:7bbc:32e4:0716:bd00:e936:c927:fc14@0000.0000.0004.c0c5", :ms 473, :protocol 6, :result "pong"}
user=> (node-ping "fcbf:7bbc:32e4:716:bd00:e936:c927:fc14" 200)
{:ms 201, :result "timeout"}


Send a switch-level ping without a routing table lookup.

Reference: SwitchPinger_ping()

(switch-ping path & [{:data "abcd" :timeout 2000}])

(switch-ping "0000.0000.04f5.2555")


Copyright © 2014 John P. Hackworth

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Library for communicating with cjdns admin RPC interface

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%