jpcweb / openldap-kubernetes

OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin with Kubernetes using Longhorn

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin using Kubernetes and Longhorn

Run a lightweight directory access protocol using openLDAP with Kubernetes.
Manage your PVC(s) with Longhorn.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


A K8s cluster with longhorn ready.


Create both env and secret files for your admin password.

# Create the env file
kubectl create configmap openldap --from-env-file=env

# Create the secret file
cat <<< 'LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=DFSe34csPs54519x' > secret
kubectl create secret generic openldap --from-env-file=./secret

Then create the objects (pvc, deployment, service).

kubectl apply -f pvc.yml 
# ...

These objects are voluntarily separated into several files.
The service is a NodePort by the way.

Try it

You can create some ldif files and add them

# Suppose you have a users_ou.ldif in a ldifs folder
ldapadd -h Your_node_IP -p 31389 -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" \
-f ./ldifs/users_ou.ldif -W

# List everything
ldapsearch -h Your_node_IP -p 31389 -x -LLL -b dc=example,dc=com "*" \
-D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -W

Built With


  • Jeremie Payet - Initial work - JPCWeb


This project is licensed under the MIT License



OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin with Kubernetes using Longhorn

License:MIT License