jozdee / JCAlertView

One line of code to use AlertView !

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The simplest alert !

Default AlertView


Custom AlertView





  • 1.The simplest UIAlertView replacement. You can use it just write one line of code.
  • 2.Don't be afraid that the length of message is too long. There is a UITextView to show long message automatically.It supports line break.
  • 3.Support queue to manager alertViews .
  • 4.Nice blur background .
  • 5.Block syntax.
  • 6.Support iOS 6 and greater.
  • 7.Please add Accelerate.framework before use.

How to use ?

1 CocoaPods

Add a pod entry for JCAlertView to your Podfile pod 'JCAlertView'

2 Manual

copy the JCAlertView folder to your project
add Accelerate.framework to your project

After that, please look at the following codes or download demo directly.

1.Show JCAlertView with 1 button

[JCAlertView showOneButtonWithTitle:@"title" Message:@"message" ButtonType:JCAlertViewButtonTypeDefault ButtonTitle:@"button" Click:^{

2.Show JCAlertView with 2 buttons

[JCAlertView showTwoButtonsWithTitle:@"title" Message:@"message" ButtonType:JCAlertViewButtonTypeCancel ButtonTitle:@"button0" Click:^{
} ButtonType:JCAlertViewButtonTypeDefault ButtonTitle:@"button1" Click:^{

3.Show JCAlertView with more than 2 buttons

[JCAlertView showMultipleButtonsWithTitle:@"title" Message:@"message" Click:^(NSInteger index) {
    NSLog(@"click%zi", index);
} Buttons:@{@(JCAlertViewButtonTypeDefault):@"index = 0"},@{@(JCAlertViewButtonTypeCancel):@"index = 1"},@{@(JCAlertViewButtonTypeWarn):@"index = 2"}, nil];

4. Show JCAlertView with customView

UIView *customView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 150)];
JCAlertView *customAlert = [[JCAlertView alloc] initWithCustomView:customView dismissWhenTouchedBackground:YES];
[customAlert show];

About why the statusBarStyle is changed

Use [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleLightContent; in every ViewController , when you use JCAlertView the statusBarStyle will not be changed.

Contact me

If you have any question or suggestion please feel free to connect me. Thank you!


One line of code to use AlertView !

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 99.2%Language:Ruby 0.8%