Accompanying write-up can be found on my medium post
1 — Implement evolution strategies from scratch and use it to optimize the weights of a neural network on the task of MNIST digit recognition.
2 — Find a good set of hyperparameters of the algorithm that achieve the best results after 12 hours of training.
3 — Distribute the above across the cores of a computer (going to 4 cores). Analyze the speedup observed when going from 1 core to a 4 core implementation.
Folder structure:
├── evolution/
| ├── tests/ # contains all test
| ├──
| ├── # implimentation of ES class
| └── # main file to execute
├── notebooks/
| ├── Analyzing Results of Best Hyperparameter.ipynb # analyzing best parameter results
| ├── Analyzing Results of Hyperparameter Search.ipynb # post analysis for hyperparameter tuning
| ├── Analyzing Times of Runs by Number of Workers.ipynb # post analysis of runtimes
| ├── MNIST - Keras.ipynb # MNIST keras models
| └── bare bones implementation of NES - karpathy.ipynb # karpathy ES starter
|── .gitignore
└── requirements.txt # list of packages used
Built and tested on:
operating system: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
python version: 3.5.2
pip version: 9.0.1