Joud Khattab (joudkh)


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Location:Damascus, Syria

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This course is a study of the design, analysis and representation of algorithms. Topics include: Models of computation, fundamental strategies divide-and-conquer, recursion, search and traversal, backtracking, branch-and-bound, analysis tools and techniques for algorithms, representation of sets and graphs, algorithms on graphs, NP-completeness and intractability.



Introduction to compilation, interpretation, translation, formal languages and grammars, major compilation phases such as lexical analysis, syntax analysis, intermediate code generation, semantic analysis, optimization, and code generation.



This course covers the principals of programming languages. It includes the structures of programming languages. Formal specifications of syntax, semantics and translation. Data structures, data control, subprograms, storage management concepts and techniques employed in major languages.



The course is covering the following points: Introduction to basic principles for knowledge extraction and types of data, Acquire necessary skills in data mining implementation, Basic techniques: classification, clustering, dimension reduction, feature selection, knowledge discovery.



This course is an overview of system analysis and design. Concepts and methods used in the analysis, design, and deployment of information systems. Explore the major issues at each stage in the system development life cycle, including requirement analysis, logical design, functional design, and implementation. Technical tools such as data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, and CASE tools are introduced.



This course covers: an introductory study of evolution, services, and structure of operating systems. The basic concepts of operating system design, implementation and management of system resources such as CPU, Input/Output devices and drivers, memory and software. Examples given from modern operating system such as Unix and Windows driven operating systems.



This course is focused on procedural programming using an appropriate programming language. It covers : arrays, functions, pointers, Dynamic memory allocation, Structures, classes and related topics. All implemented in C++.



This course covers all the practical elements included in the ICDL certificate and consists of the following: Introduction to Information Technology, Windows operating system, Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Internet and e-mail Explorer and Outlook, Access database system.



This course consists of an introduction to problem understanding and solving. Introduction to algorithms, their representation, design, structuring, analysis and optimization. Implementation of algorithms as structured programs in a high level language. Introduction to programming with the use of a suitable high level language.



This course represents an introduction and fundamentals of computer graphics. Lines and circles algorithms. Geometrical transformation in 2D and 3D (Translation, Scaling, Rotation). Composing transformations, projection, methods for forming 2D views using curves.



This course covers essentially the following topics: Basics of System Design, Design Methods, Object oriented software engineering, Introduction to OO concepts, Evolution of OO concepts, OO Analysis, OO Design, UML basics, OO Test and Maintenance, OO Project management, CASE tools.



This course covers the following topics: Fundamentals of software engineering using a group project as the basic vehicle. Software crisis, managing complexity, requirements specification, architectural and detailed design, UML, testing and analysis, software process, and tools and environments.
