jotavare / inception

This project aims to broaden my knowledge of system administration by using Docker.

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AboutDownloadCreate a New Virtual MachineInstall Debian OSInstall Necessary SoftwarePort ForwardingSave the ConfigurationPre-Configure DockerChange Domain and Install CertificatesLicense


This project is designed to enhance my understanding of system administration by utilising Docker to virtualise multiple images within my virtual machine. The objective is to establish a streamlined infrastructure incorporating WordPress alongside a LEMP Stack (consisting of Nginx, MariaDB, and PHP) using Docker and Docker-Compose while ensuring compliance with predefined guidelines specified in the subject.

In this README, you'll find a pseudo-step-by-step guide.



Name and Operating System

Name inception
Machine Folder /home/<intra_user>/VirtualBox VMs
Type Linux
Version Debian (64-bit)

Memory Size

  • 1024 MB (4-8 GB RAM) or 4096 MB (16 GB RAM or above)

Hard Disk

  • Do not add a virtual hard disk
  • Create a virtual hard disk now
  • Use an existing virtual hard disk file

Hard Disk File Type

  • VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)
  • VHD (Virtual Hard Disk)
  • VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk)

Storage on Physical Hard Disk

  • Dynamically allocated
  • Fixed size

File Location and Size

  • /home/jotavare/VirtualBox VMs/Inception/Inception.vdi
  • 8,00 GB

Choose a Disk File

  • Settings > Storage > Click on Empty
  • Click on disk icon > Choose a disk file... > Insert debian.iso file


If needed, you can add more processor cores to the virtual machine: Settings > System > Processor.



TAB Move
Space Select
Enter Confirm

Debian GNU/Linux Installer Menu (BIOS mode)

  • Graphic Install
  • Install
  • Advanced Options
  • Accessible Dark Contrast Installer Menu
  • Help
  • Install with Speech Synthesis

Select a Language

  • English

Select Your Location

  • Other > Europe > Portugal

Configure Locales

  • United States

Configure the Keyboard

  • American English

Configure the Network

Hostname inception
Domain Name <empty>

Set Up Users and Passwords

Root Password <password>
Full Name for the New User <intra_user>
Username for Your Account <intra_user>
Choose a Password for the New User <password>

Configure the Clock

  • Lisbon
  • Madeira Islands
  • Azores

Partition Method

  • Guided - Use entire disk
  • Guided - Use entire disk and set up LVM
  • Guided - Use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM
  • Manual

Select Disk to Partition

  • SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) - 8.6 GB ATA VBOX HARDISK

Partition Scheme

  • All files in one partition (recommended for new users)

Partition Disks

  • Finish partitioning and write changes to disk
  • Write the changes to disks? Yes

Configure the Package Manager

  • Scan extra installation media? No
  • Portugal
  • HTTP proxy information (blank for none): <empty> Continue

Configure Popularity-Contest

  • Participate in the package usage survey? No

Software Selection

  • Select only SSH server

Install the GRUB Boot Loader

  • Install the GRUB boot loader to your primary drive? Yes

Configuring grub-pc

  • Enter device manually
  • /dev/sda (ata-VBOX_HARDISK_VB2e44d73e-45a0c522)

Finish the Installation and Reboot

  • Continue


Create Snapshot

  • Open the VirtualBox;
  • Left Click on top of the right icon of your VM;
  • Click on Snapshots;
  • Click on Take;
  • Write a name for future reference;

Save on Cloud

  • Go to the VirtualBox folder and compress the inception folder;
  • Also you can use the Export function in VirtualBox;
  • Upload to the internet, usually 1-2 GB;

Open on a Different PC

  • Find the main folder of VirtualBox virtual machines;
  • Copy and uncompress the files inside the folder;
  • Open VirtualBox and everything should appear correctly;


inception login root
Password <insert_password>
Update repository list apt update
Install necessary apps apt install -y sudo ufw docker docker-compose make openbox xinit kitty firefox-esr
Run GUI startx
Test Firefox Right Click > Applications > Internet > Firefox ESR
Test terminal Right Click > Applications > System > kitty
Close GUI Right Click > Exit


Don't forget to take a snapshot and save it in the cloud.


Configure SSH

Edit sshd_config file nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change ssh port to 4242 #Port 22 to Port 4242
Enable root login #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password to PermitRootLogin yes
Enable password authentication (Optional) #PasswordAuthentication yes to PasswordAuthentication yes
Save and exit sshd_config file Ctrl + X > Y > Enter

Restart Services

Restart ssh service ssh restart
Restart sshd service sshd restart
Check SSH status service ssh status

Configure Firewall

Check status ufw status
Enable ufw ufw enable
Open port 4242 (ssh) ufw allow 4242
Open port 80 (http) ufw allow 80
Open port 443 (https) ufw allow 443
Close virtual machine shutdown now

Port Forwarding

Name Protocol Host IP Host Port Guest IP Guest Port
ssh TCP 4242 4242
http TCP <empty> 80 <empty> 80
https TCP <empty> 443 <empty> 443

Login with the OS terminal

Start VM and login with ssh on host pc ssh root@localhost -p 4242
Check the ip adress ip a or hostname -I
Check for known ssh hosts cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Display socket information ss -tunlp


Don't forget to take a snapshot and save it in the cloud.


Sudo Configuration

Open sudoers file nano /etc/sudoers
Under # User privilege specification Add <intra_user> ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Save and exit Ctrl + X > Y > Enter

Add User to Docker Group

Add user to docker group sudo usermod -aG docker <intra_user>
Check user groups groups <intra_user>

Test Configuration

Switch user su <intra_user>
Go to home directory cd ~/
Download Docker sample git clone
Change directory and build Docker cd simple_docker_nginx_html/ && docker-compose up -d && cd ~/
Open browser and write in the URL (NAT) or <vm_ip_adress> (Bridged Adapter)
Verify website It should display My html config is work!

Create Project Directories and Files

Create .sh file nano
Copy and past the bash code (Paste the provided bash code bellow)
Save and exit Ctrl + X > Y > Enter
Give permissions to file chmod 777
Run .sh file ./


Change <intra_user> to your username. There are three instances. CTRL + \ to search and replace.

mkdir project
mkdir project/srcs
touch project/Makefile
mkdir project/srcs/requirements
touch project/srcs/docker-compose.yml
touch project/srcs/.env
echo "DOMAIN_NAME=<intra_user>" > project/srcs/.env
echo "CERT_=./requirements/tools/<intra_user>" >> project/srcs/.env
echo "KEY_=./requirements/tools/<intra_user>" >> project/srcs/.env
echo "DB_NAME=wordpress" >> project/srcs/.env
echo "DB_ROOT=rootpass" >> project/srcs/.env
echo "DB_USER=wpuser" >> project/srcs/.env
echo "DB_PASS=wppass" >> project/srcs/.env
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/bonus
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/mariadb
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/conf
touch project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/conf/
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/tools
echo "" > project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/tools/.gitkeep
touch project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/Dockerfile
touch project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/.dockerignore
echo ".git" > project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/.dockerignore
echo ".env" >> project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/.dockerignore
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/nginx
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/nginx/conf
touch project/srcs/requirements/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/nginx/tools
touch project/srcs/requirements/nginx/Dockerfile
echo ".git" > project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/.dockerignore
echo ".env" >> project/srcs/requirements/mariadb/.dockerignore
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/tools
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/wordpress
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/wordpress/conf
touch project/srcs/requirements/wordpress/conf/
mkdir project/srcs/requirements/wordpress/tools
echo "" > project/srcs/requirements/wordpress/tools/.gitkeep
touch project/srcs/requirements/wordpress/Dockerfile
touch project/srcs/requirements/wordpress/.dockerignore
echo ".git" > project/srcs/requirements/wordpress/.dockerignore
echo ".env" >> project/srcs/requirements/wordpress/.dockerignore


Don't forget to take a snapshot and save it in the cloud.


Install mkcert

Step Command
Update list of repositories sudo apt update -y
Install utilities for mkcert sudo apt install -y wget curl libnss3-tools
Download mkcert binary (Copy and paste the command bellow)
Rename the binary mv mkcert-v*-linux-amd64 mkcert
Give all permissions chmod 777 mkcert
Move mkcert to bin directory sudo mv mkcert /usr/local/bin/
Check mkcert version mkcert --version
curl -s| grep browser_download_url  | grep linux-amd64 | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi -

Change Local Domain

Edit hosts file sudo nano /etc/hosts
NAT configuration Change localhost to <intra_user> localhost
Bridged Adapter configuration Add <vm_ip_address> <intra_user>
Start Docker cd ~/simple_docker_nginx_html/ && docker-compose up -d && cd ~/
Start GUI sudo startx
Open Firefox in VM Right Click > Open Firefox
Type the following URL http://<intra_user>

Create a Certificate

Change directory cd ~/project/srcs/requirements/tools/
Obtain certificate mkcert <intra_user>
Change extension name mv <intra_user> <intra_user>
Change extension name mv <intra_user> <intra_user>

Reconfigure Docker NGINX File

Edit NGINX configuration nano ~/simple_docker_nginx_html/nginx/conf.d/nginx.conf
Paste configuration code (Copy and paste the provided configuration code bellow)


Change <intra_user> to your username. There are three instances. CTRL + \ to search and replace.

server {
    # Listen on port http
    listen      80;
    # Listen on port https - ssl
    listen      443 ssl;
    # Set the domain we will work on:
    server_name  <intra_user> <intra_user>;
    # Specify the root directory of the project:
    root    /var/www/public/html;
    # The next section is commented out for
    # normal operation with the host machine.
    # Redirect from http to https:
    #if ($scheme = 'http') {
    #    return 301 https://<intra_user>$request_uri;
    # Specify the path to the certificate and key:
    ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/ssl/<intra_user>;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/<intra_user>;
    # Specify supported tls protocols:
    ssl_protocols            TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
    # Specify caching options and timeouts:
    ssl_session_timeout 10m;
    keepalive_timeout 70;
    # Tell the server which file extension
    # to look for in our root folder:
    location / {
        try_files $uri /index.html;

Reconfigure Docker YML File

Stop Docker cd ~/simple_docker_nginx_html/ && docker-compose down && cd ~/
Edit Docker YML File cd ~/simple_docker_nginx_html/ && nano docker-compose.yml && cd ~/
In the volume section add /home/${USER}/project/srcs/requirements/tools:/etc/nginx/ssl
In the ports section add "443:443"

Run Project Via HTTPS With GUI

Start Docker cd ~/simple_docker_nginx_html/ && docker-compose up -d && cd ~/
Start GUI sudo startx
Open Firefox in VM Check the browser for self-signed certificate
Type the following URL <intra_user> or or <vm_ip_adress>


Create Makefile nano ~/simple_docker_nginx_html/Makefile
Copy and paste the Makefile rules (Copy and paste the provided configuration code bellow)
name = simple_nginx_html

        @printf "Running the configuration ${name}...\n"
        @docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d

        @printf "Assembling the configuration ${name}...\n"
        @docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d --build

        @printf "Stopping the configuration ${name}...\n"
        @docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml down

        @printf "Rebuilding the configuration ${name}...\n"
        @docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d --build

clean: down
        @printf "Cleaning the configuration ${name}...\n"
        @docker system prune -a

        @printf "Complete cleanup of all docker configurations...\n"
        @docker stop $$(docker ps -qa)
        @docker system prune --all --force --volumes
        @docker network prune --force
        @docker volume prune --force

.PHONY: all build down re clean clean


Software Used

Nginx Proxying Web Server 443
PHP Scripting language for the web -
Php-Fpm A set of libraries for the FastCGI API 9000
WordPress Content Management System -
MariaDB Relational Database 3306

Create a Dockerfile

Go to the folder of our nginx cd ~/project/srcs/requirements/nginx/
Create a Dockerfile in it nano Dockerfile
Copy and paste (copy and paste the code below)
Check latest alpine version Visit Alpine Linux website
FROM	alpine:3.16
RUN	apk update && apk upgrade && apk add --no-cache nginx
CMD	["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Create a Configuration File

Create our config file nginx.conf nano conf/nginx.conf
Copy and paste (copy and paste the code below)
Copy certificate keys to the nginx tools folder cp ~/project/srcs/requirements/tools/* ~/project/srcs/requirements/nginx/tools/
server {
    listen      443 ssl;
    server_name  <intra_user> www.<intra_user>;
    root    /var/www/;
    index index.php index.html;
    ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/ssl/<intra_user>;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/<intra_user>;
    ssl_protocols       TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
    ssl_session_timeout 10m;
    keepalive_timeout 70;
    location / {
        try_files $uri /index.php?$args /index.html;
        add_header Last-Modified $date_gmt;
        add_header Cache-Control 'no-store, no-cache';
        if_modified_since off;
        expires off;
        etag off;
#    location ~ \.php$ {
#        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
#        fastcgi_pass wordpress:9000;
#        fastcgi_index index.php;
#        include fastcgi_params;
#        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
#        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
#    }

Creating a docker-compose Configuration

Open docker-compose.yml cd ../../ && nano docker-compose.yml
Copy and paste (Copy and paste the code below)
Turn off test configuration cd ~/simple_docker_nginx_html/ && docker-compose down
Launch the new configuration cd ~/project/srcs/ && docker-compose up -d
Access via HTTPS in the browser
https://<intra_user> in the GUI
version: '3'

      context: .
      dockerfile: requirements/nginx/Dockerfile
    container_name: nginx
#    depends_on:
#      - wordpress
      - "443:443"
      - ./requirements/nginx/conf/:/etc/nginx/http.d/
      - ./requirements/nginx/tools:/etc/nginx/ssl/
      - /home/${USER}/simple_docker_nginx_html/public/html:/var/www/
    restart: always


This work is published under the terms of 42 Unlicense.


This project aims to broaden my knowledge of system administration by using Docker.

License:MIT License