joss12 / Code-Challenge-Javascript

Code challenge JavaScript. Code along and master your skills gradually from scratch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

1.Book Store Application

Keep track of the number of available copies.

1.Title 2.Author 3.ISBN 4.numCopies

getAvailability() => "Out of stock" if 0 available copies, "low stock" if < 10 copies and "in stock" otherwise

sell(numSold) restock(cumCopies)

.Use JavaScript classes and functional programming .Use a getter method

1.1 Book Store Application

Inheritance Create an inheritable application that inherits from the book store application that will render the edition of the book getEdition(){ Your code here... }

2.Movie Application

Create a movie object that takes 5 arguments .Title .Director .Genre .Release year .Rating

The movie content should have a getOverview(), which logs the following overview of each film. ", a film directed by was released in . It received a rating of " You can use either Class syntax class Movie{ ...your code } or Function syntax function Movie(){ ...your code }

3.ClassRoom Attendance

De-structuring: It's an expression that allows us to extract values from objects and arrays into variables

create a function .getStudents() .hasTeachingAssistant

4.Coffee Calculations

Array reduce method runs a function once for every item in an array and returns a single value. The reduce function is a function that you provide. That takes an accumulator value and a current value. The accumulator value is the combined total. of previous callback function runs

[2,3,1,5] Price per coffee = $1.25 Sum of coffees = $13.75 You should return the answer in the following format

"The total bill is ${total}"

5.Vegetarian Dinner

Array come with many built-in loops and functions that allow us to manipulate data. In this project we are going to use the filter method. The filter method it's a callback function that gets run once for every item in the array and overturns a new array of items that pass a certain criteria

create a dish = [ { name: 'Eggplant Parmesan", isVegetarian: true, }, { name" "fry chicken", isVegetarian: false, }, { name: "spaghetti", isVegetarian: true, }, { name: "beef", isVegetarian: false, } ]

Create an unordered list of all vegetarian dinner options. You should directly generate the list of items in the DOM

6.Ticking Time

Callback functions are functions that get passed to other functions as an argument and get called at later point in time. SetTimeout is one javaScript function which requires a callback function. We pass setTimeout a function and after our function gets executed.

You will create a ticking clock in the document body. .Ticking clock .Div with and id of "clock" .Display the current hours, minutes, and seconds

7.Food truck

Set are primitive JavaScript type that allow us ton create a unique set of items. We can use Set when we have a dataset that contains repeating values, and we want to remove duplicate instances.

8.Train generator

Generators are function that can be exited, and in the later point in time, reentered while maintaining their context. Generator functions used to used to be really great in solving problems with asynchronous programming, but recently, they've kind of been replaced by javaScript async await

9. Dynamic colors

closures are functions that close over their lexical environment or their scope. This allows us to access an outer function scope form an inner function.

10. API's async call

Fetching API


Code challenge JavaScript. Code along and master your skills gradually from scratch


Language:JavaScript 89.2%Language:HTML 10.8%