joshuadanpeterson / travel-snap

Portfolio Project for Nucamp's NodeJS, Express and MongoDB bootcamp. TravelSnap is a Node.js and Express-powered web platform for travel enthusiasts to share, explore, and discuss stunning travel photographs, leveraging MongoDB for data storage and Google Cloud Storage for photo management.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TravelSnap: Travel Photography Sharing Platform


TravelSnap is a Node.js and Express-powered web platform for travel enthusiasts to share, explore, and discuss stunning travel photographs, leveraging MongoDB for data storage and Google Cloud Storage for photo management.

Technical Stack

  • Backend: Node.js with Express
  • Database: MongoDB
  • File Storage: Google Cloud Storage (for photo storage)
  • Frontend: (To be decided, e.g., React)

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get your development environment set up:

  1. Clone the repo: git clone [repository-url]
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd TravelSnap
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Set up your environment variables for database connection and Google Cloud Storage.
  5. Start the server: npm start

Routers and Endpoints

User Router (/users)

Handles user-related operations.

  • GET /users: Retrieve all users.
  • POST /users: Create a new user.
  • PUT /users/:userId: Update a user's information.
  • DELETE /users/:userId: Delete a user.

Photo Router (/photos)

Manages photo uploads and information.

  • GET /photos: Retrieve all photos.
  • GET /photos/:photoId: Retrieve a specific photo.
  • POST /photos: Upload a new photo.
  • PUT /photos/:photoId: Update photo details.
  • DELETE /photos/:photoId: Delete a photo.

Comments Router (/comments)

Facilitates commenting on photos.

  • GET /photos/:photoId/comments: Retrieve comments for a photo.
  • POST /photos/:photoId/comments: Post a comment on a photo.
  • DELETE /photos/:photoId/comments/:commentId: Delete a comment.

Authentication Router (/auth)

Handles user authentication.

  • POST /auth/login: User login.
  • GET /auth/logout: User logout.

Project Setup

  • Subfolder: TravelSnap in 5-NodeJS-Express-MongoDB.
  • Git Repository: Initialized with .gitignore for node_modules.
  • Dependencies: Express, body-parser, and morgan.
  • Routes: Implemented in the routes subfolder.

Data Storage

  • Photo Metadata: Stored in MongoDB.
  • Photo Files: Stored in Google Cloud Storage.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details



Portfolio Project for Nucamp's NodeJS, Express and MongoDB bootcamp. TravelSnap is a Node.js and Express-powered web platform for travel enthusiasts to share, explore, and discuss stunning travel photographs, leveraging MongoDB for data storage and Google Cloud Storage for photo management.

License:MIT License