joshuadanpeterson / joshuadanpeterson

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Welcome to my GitHub profile!

I'm an aspiring web developer passionate about writing clean, efficient, and impactful code. I love exploring the synergy between technology and creativity, crafting solutions that not only solve problems but also delight users. Here's a bit about me:

Josh's GitHub Stats

Josh's GitHub Contributions and Streaks title=

Josh's Most Used Languages

πŸ›  Tech Stack

🌱 I’m currently learning

  • Advancing my skills in Python, React and diving deeper into the modern JavaScript ecosystem.
  • Exploring full-stack development to understand both client-side and server-side intricacies.
  • Enhancing my workflow automation scripts to streamline my development process.

πŸ’‘ Projects

  • Web Development Portfolio: A collection of my web development projects showcasing my skills in Python, React, JavaScript, and responsive design.
  • Automation Scripts: A series of useful scripts written in Python to automate mundane tasks and increase productivity.
  • Neovim Config: My personalized Neovim setup, optimized for web development with integrated support for JavaScript, React, and Python.

πŸš€ Goals

  • To become a proficient full-stack developer, skilled in creating end-to-end web applications.
  • Continuously learn and adapt to the ever-evolving web technologies landscape.
  • Develop open-source projects that can help the community or contribute to existing impactful projects.

πŸ˜„ Fun Facts

  • I'm a big fan of automating everything I can to make time for exploring new technologies.
  • Love diving into documentation and getting lost in the endless learning.
  • I'm a huge music nerd

πŸ“« How to reach me

Email LinkedIn XCodePen Replit

Feel free to fork, star, or contribute to any of my repositories. Collaboration is key!

πŸ’» Look me up on LeetCode

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Let's code, create, and collaborate!



My personal repository