joshuaabrookuk / battle_revis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To run the server
rackup -p 4567

Navigate to the adress: 'http://localhost:4567/˚

To shutdown the server

to kill the server
lsof -wni tcp:4567
Identify the correct server & PID (for example '33456') then
kill -9 33456 (<- Replace with your PID)

User stories / tickets

As two Players,
So we can play a personalised game of Battle,
We want to Start a fight by entering our Names and seeing them

As Player 1,
So I can see how close I am to winning
I want to see Player 2's Hit Points

As Player 1,
So I can win a game of Battle,
I want to attack Player 2, and I want to get a confirmation

As Player 1,
So I can start to win a game of Battle,
I want my attack to reduce Player 2's HP by 10

As two Players,
So we can continue our game of Battle,
We want to switch turns

As Player 1,
So I can see how close I am to losing,
I want to see my own hit points

As Player 1,
So I can lose a game of Battle,
I want Player 2 to attack me, and I want to get a confirmation

As Player 1,
So I can start to lose a game of Battle,
I want Player 2's attack to reduce my HP by 10

As a Player,
So I can Lose a game of Battle,
I want to see a 'Lose' message if I reach 0HP first



Language:Ruby 97.5%Language:HTML 2.5%