joshhopkins / coinograph

Coinograph Javascript API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


npm standard

coinograph JavaScript API


npm install --save coinograph


Note: coinograph depends on fetch() being defined globally.

// Example
global.fetch = require("node-fetch");
const Coinograph = require("coinograph");

In order to authenticate, you need to sign up to get a free access token.

To connect to coinograph and start fetching data you need to instantiate the Coinograph class and pass your access token. By default, coinograph expects all time in epoch timestamp (in seconds). To use native Date instance, set dateToTimestamp to true (optional).

const token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
const coinograph = new Coinograph({ token: token, dateToTimestamp: true });



List all the available exchanges.


  • No parameters
  • Returns (Array of Objects)...
    • name (String) Computer-friendly exchange name
    • display_name (String) Human-friendly exchange name
const exchanges = await coinograph.exchanges();

await console.log(exchanges);

// [
//   {
//     "name": "bitfinex",
//     "display_name": "Bitfinex"
//   },
//   {
//     "name": "bitstamp",
//     "display_name": "Bitstamp"
//   },
//   {
//     "name": "poloniex",
//     "display_name": "Poloniex"
//   },
//   {
//     "name": "gdax",
//     "display_name": "GDAX"
//   },
//   {
//     "name": "binance",
//     "display_name": "Binance"
//   }
// ]


Fetch the details for an exchange including the list of supported pairs.


  • exchange (String) Lower-case exchange name. See exchanges() method.
const exchange = 'gdax'
const exchangeDetail = await coinograph.exchangeDetail(exchange)

await console.log(exchangeDetail)

// {
//   "name": "gdax",
//   "display_name": "GDAX",
//   "symbols": [
//     {
//       "name": "gdax:ethbtc",
//       "base": "ETH",
//       "quote": "BTC"
//     },
//     {
//       "name": "gdax:bchusd",
//       "base": "BCH",
//       "quote": "USD"
//     },
//     {
//       "name": "gdax:bcheur",
//       "base": "BCH",
//       "quote": "EUR"
//     }
//   ]
// }


Return the latest ticker for a symbol.


  • symbol (String) Symbol to fetch. Formatted as exchange:baseCurrency + quoteCurrency. Use exchangeDetail() method to fetch available symbols.
const symbol = 'gdax:btceur'
const ticker = await coinograph.ticker(symbol)

await console.log(ticker)

// {
//   "price": 7080.19,
//   "ask": 7080.19,
//   "bid": 7080.18
// }


Get the latest order book for a symbol.


  • symbol (String) Symbol to fetch. Formatted as exchange:baseCurrency + quoteCurrency. Use exchangeDetail() method to fetch available symbols.
const symbol = 'gdax:btceur'
const orderbook = await coinograph.ticker(symbol)

await console.log(orderbook)

// {
//   "bids": [
//     {
//       "price": 100,
//       "amount": 2.101
//     }
//   ],
//   "asks": [
//     {
//       "price": 92,
//       "amount": 1.101
//     }
//   ]
// }


Historical OHLCV data for a give symbol.

candles(symbol, step, end, start)

  • symbol (String) Symbol to fetch. Formatted as exchange:baseCurrency + quoteCurrency. Use exchangeDetail() method to fetch available symbols.
  • step (Int) Interval in seconds. Defines the candle resolution (1m = 60).
  • end (Timestamp | Date) Start date in seconds (default). To use native Date instance, set dateToTimestamp to true upon instantiation of the Coinograph class. See Usage.
  • start (Timestamp | Date) Start date in seconds (default). To use native Date instance, set dateToTimestamp to true upon instantiation of the Coinograph class. See Usage.
const symbol = 'binance:btcusdt'
const step = 14400
const end = new Date()
const start = new Date('2018-07-01')
// const end = 1521823080
// const start = 1521471600

const candles = await coinograph.candles(symbol, step, end, start)
await console.log(candles)

// [
//   {
//     "open": 13784,
//     "close": 13808,
//     "high": 13808,
//     "low": 13784,
//     "volume": 17.13545717
//   },
//   {
//     "open": 10402,
//     "close": 10418,
//     "high": 10446,
//     "low": 10396,
//     "volume": 99.4153358
//   },
//   {
//     "open": 11422,
//     "close": 11443,
//     "high": 11443,
//     "low": 11410,
//     "volume": 198.10640075
//   }
// ]


Return latest/historical trades for a given symbol.

trades(symbol, start, limit)

  • symbol (String) Symbol to fetch. Formatted as exchange:baseCurrency + quoteCurrency. Use exchangeDetail() method to fetch available symbols.
  • start (Timestamp | Date) Start date in seconds (default). To use native Date instance, set dateToTimestamp to true upon instantiation of the Coinograph class. See Usage.
  • limit (Int) Number of trades to fetch. Default 100 (max 300).
const symbol = 'bitfinex:btcusd'
const start = new Date('2018-03-02T16:22:24+00:00')
// const start = 1520007744
const limit = 2

const trades = await coinograph.trades(symbol, start, limit)
await console.log(trades)

// [
//   {
//     "tid": 205073183,
//     "time": 1520007744,
//     "price": 10805,
//     "type": 1,
//     "amount": 0.00078152
//   },
//   {
//     "tid": 205073184,
//     "time": 1520007744,
//     "price": 10805,
//     "type": 1,
//     "amount": 0.00239579
//   }
// ]




Coinograph Javascript API

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%