(Or your dad needs a law site badly and like he still has an AOL email, too, so you know it's bad.)
This application was generated with the rails_apps_composer gem provided by the RailsApps Project.
Rails Composer is supported by developers who purchase our RailsApps tutorials.
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Your application contains diagnostics in the README file. Please provide a copy of the README file when reporting any issues.
If the application doesn't work as expected, please report an issue and include the diagnostics.
This application requires:
- Ruby 2.2.4 (for the magic)
- Rails (for the magic)
- Postgres (for the database)
Learn more about Installing Rails.
bundle install
- spin up your server
- test db
- replace my uncle's picture and info with your dad's
- push to git
- deploy to heroku
git push heroku master
It's a heroku instance. So if they're really a lawyer then why the hell not spring for hobby dynos? It's like $7 USD. That's like 0 bitcoin, bro.