Go Training
Go Course lab assignments repository.
Repo originally forked from anz-bank/go-course
- In each directory there is a problem to solve.
- Most questions will ask for specific function signatures, but don't be afraid to change anything to become more testable.
- One PR should contain ONLY one solution.
- branch names should follow the convention
- Required status checks on linting actions and testing actions, with test coverage above 90% of code lines required.
- If you think there could be an improvement in instructions, or if you think there are good resources for a specific problem, feel free to open a PR.
- Install
go 1.15
according to official installation instruction - Install
according to instructions
Build, execute, test, lint
Run the hello-world sample with
go run 00_hello_world/main.go
Alternative build and execute a binary with
go build -o hello_world ./00_hello_world
Test it with
go test ./...
Lint it with
golangci-lint run
Review coverage with
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... && go tool cover -html=coverage.out
Pre-PR checklist
- Ensure your source code changes
- Build
- Test
- Lint
- Have above 80% test coverage
- Ensure good commit messages
- Separate subject from body with a blank line
- Limit the subject line to 60 characters
- Use the imperative mood in the subject line
- Do not end the subject line with a period
- Wrap the body at 80 characters
- Use the body to explain what and why vs. how
- Use
git rebase -i COMMIT_HASH
to rework your commits if necessary
- Review the "Files changed" section of your PR
- "Think of the reviewer: your code needs to be reviewable and that should be a prime concern when writing your code, commits and PRs." (@camh-anz)
- Review a colleague's PR and add a link to the review in your own PR description