joshbackstein / arm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

D Tasks - Complete

  • Compile an assembly program with gcc
    • In makefile.
  • Use the debugger to step through a program
    • Run the program in GDB using gdb <executable file>, then start, then si to make individual steps through the program.
  • Use the debugger to look at the contents of registers
    • When running the program in GDB, use the command info registers or i r for the shorthand version. Additionally, to view specific registers, the registers can be appended to the end of the command. For example, to view registers r0 and r4, use the command i r r0 r4.
  • Use the debugger to look at the contents of memory
    • When running the program in GDB, use the command x <address here>. For example, to view the memory at the address 0x8000, we can use the command x *0x8000. If a register is storing an address, we can use x $r<number> to view the memory at the address in the register. If register r0 is holding the address 0x8000, using the command x $r0 performs the same action as the previous example. Different amounts of data can be displayed in different forms by appending /<number><type> to the x command.
  • Set a breakpoint in the debugger
    • When running the program in GDB, using the command b <address here> will set a breakpoint on that address. The command b *0x8000 will set a breakpoint on address 0x8000. Additionally, labels can be used in place of addresses to make testing easier.
  • Output text to the console using printf
    • Under the interact label in d_prof.s.
  • Output non-text data to the console as text using printf
    • Under the interact label in d_prof.s.
  • Get input from the console using scanf
    • Under the interact label in d_prof.s.
  • Execute a system call
    • In root folder in utilities.s under the printString label.
  • Create static data in memory
    • At the top of d_prof.s.
  • Create a global variable
    • At the top of d_prof.s.
  • Create a local variable on the stack
    • In the math section of d_prof.s.
  • Do simple math (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
    • In the math section of d_prof.s.
  • Create a loop
    • In c-tasks folder in pro.s under the while and for labels.
  • Create an if statement
    • In c-tasks folder in pro.s under the checkAge label.
  • Create a function
    • In c-tasks folder in pro.s under the PromptAge label.

C Tasks - Complete

  • Write a program that compiles with as/ld, without C libs
    • In
  • Create a struct
    • At the top of pro.s.
  • Create a while loop
    • In pro.s under the while label.
  • Create a for loop
    • In pro.s under the for label.
  • Create an if/else statement
    • In pro.s under the while label.
  • Create an if/elseif/else statement
    • In pro.s under the checkAge label.
  • Create a function that returns some value
    • In pro.s under the PromptAge label.
  • Create a function that takes an argument by value
    • In pro.s under the StoreAgeInStruct label.
  • Create a function that takes an argument by reference
    • In pro.s under the StoreAgeInStruct label.
  • Cast from byte to short
    • In cast.s under the CastByteToShort label.
  • Cast from short to int
    • In cast.s under the CastShortToInt label.
  • Do simple math with bytes
    • In cast.s under the ByteMath label.
  • Do simple math with shorts
    • In cast.s under the ShortMath label.
  • Do simple math with long (64-bit) integers
    • In longmath.s.

B Tasks - Complete

  • Allocate heap memory using malloc
    • In malloc.s.
  • Create a function that takes more than 4 arguments
    • In addSixNumbers.s and root folder in utilities.s under the addSixNumbers label.
  • Create a function with floating point arguments
    • In under the getLuminance label.
  • Use a system call to output data to the console
    • In root folder in utilities.s under the printString label.
  • Use a system call to get input from the console
    • In under the GetFilename label.
  • Write a simple program using only Thumb2 instructions
    • In thumb.s.
  • Create a while loop using Thumb2 instructions
    • In thumb.s.
  • Create a for loop using Thumb2 instructions
    • In thumb.s.
  • Create an if/else statement using Thumb2 instructions
    • In thumb.s.
  • Cast from int to long
    • In intToLong.s.
  • Create and traverse an array
    • In array.s.
  • Write the following utility functions (without C libs)
    • Return whether an int is a power of 2 or not
      • In powerOfTwo.s and root folder in utilities.s under the powerOfTwo label.
    • Use a system call to output text to console
      • In root folder in utilities.s under the printString label.
    • Use a system call to output an integer to console
      • In root folder in utilities.s under the printUInt label.

A Tasks - Incomplete

  • Allocate heap memory using the brk system call
    • In root folder in utilities.s under the brk label.
  • Allocate heap memory using the mmap system call
    • In under the MapFileToMemory label.
  • Use system calls to output data to a file
    • In under the WriteChangesToFile label.
  • Use system calls to get input from a file
    • In under the MapFileToMemory label.
  • Create a simple object using a struct and a set of functions
  • Create an object type that inherits from the first
  • Solve the vector code optimization problem
  • Optimize the power of 2 test function
    • In b-tasks folder in powerOfTwo.s and root folder in utilities.s under the powerOfTwo label.
  • Create a select block
  • Do something with GPIO pins (LED for example)
  • Boot Pi into your own kernel that does something



Language:Assembly 91.4%Language:Makefile 7.8%Language:C++ 0.8%Language:Shell 0.1%