Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


7-2:Create selectOneEvent.php

Create a PHP page called selectOneEvent.php. This page will use an SQL SELECT query with a WHERE clause to pull one event from your events table. It will display the record in a table like format on the page. If there is nothing in your table it will display a message for your client.

The page will do the following:

  1. Connect the page to your database using the dbConnect file.

  2. Create an SQL SELECT command in PDO using Prepared Statements to pull one event from your event table.

  3. Use the WHERE clause to access a single event from the table. For testing purposes hard code your event number into the variable.

  4. Process the SQL command and create a result. It will include error handling in case your SELECT fails to run properly or the table is empty.

  5. Use a PHP loop to process the record/row in the result.

  6. Format the row from the result into a table like format. You can use and HTML table or use CSS Flexbox or Grid to display a table like format.

  7. Display the final results to the client.



Language:PHP 68.0%Language:SCSS 32.0%