josephxsxn / atlas_stream_processors

Joe's example Stream Processors

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Repo of MongoDB Atlas Stream Processing artifacts


Three main examples are indexed below: code_snipplets which are example MQL solutions to specific problems, example_procesors are end to end processors, and terraform examples for reference.


Examples of MQL code to solve various problems


Example end to end processors


Terraform examples

How To Enable Change Stream Sources

Enable col for fullDocuments in given database, the below code will enable ALL collections in the database it is ran in.

var cols = db.getCollectionNames()

for (const el of cols){
    db.runCommand( {
        collMod: el,
        changeStreamPreAndPostImages: { enabled: true }
    } )

Count messages on oplog

Check how many messages on the oplog for a given namespace/collection, change test.pipelinetest to be db.coll

use local [
    {$match : {ns : "test.pipelinetest"}},
   { $group:   {_id : { op: "$op" , ns : "$ns"},  op: { $sum: 1 } }},
   { $project: { _id: 1, op : 1, ns : 1 } },
   {$sort: {"_id.ns" : 1,  "_id.op" : 1 }}
] )

Outbound Control Plane IPs for Firewall Access Lists

curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.atlas.2023-11-15+json' -s ''

Who is using a change stream

Run on admin db of a database cluster

  { $currentOp: { allUsers: true }},
  { $match: {
      "cursor.tailable": true,
      "cursor.originatingCommand.pipeline.0.$changeStream": { $exists: true }


Joe's example Stream Processors


Language:JavaScript 87.1%Language:Python 12.9%