josephuche1 / TodoList--Application

A To-do list application using Nodejs, Expressjs, Embedded JavaScript(EJS), CSS, and mongoDB. The application was created to be responsive thereby allowing it to work well with desktop and mobile devices.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TodoList Application

A To-do list application using Nodejs, Expressjs, Embedded JavaScript(EJS), and CSS. The application was created to be responsive thereby allowing it to work well with desktop and mobile devices. Deployed using Heroku with a MongoDB database. Click here to visit web application

Here is a list of features that the users are able to access:

  1. Add new tasks/items to the list
  2. Delete tasks/items from the list
  3. Create custom list
  4. Add and delete tasks/items from custom list.
  5. Delete custom lists.





Adding custom List

custom list

This Application was Created by Uche Joseph.


A To-do list application using Nodejs, Expressjs, Embedded JavaScript(EJS), CSS, and mongoDB. The application was created to be responsive thereby allowing it to work well with desktop and mobile devices.


Language:EJS 55.0%Language:JavaScript 27.9%Language:CSS 17.1%Language:Procfile 0.0%