josephluck / sparkdown

:zap::point_down: Yet another static site generator

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Yet another opinionated static site generator based on markdown files.

Here's a live example of a site made using Sparkdown.

What do you mean?

Takes a source directory of markdown files and spits out a website.

What's it good for?

Sparkdown will work for sites that are content-heavy. For example, portfolio websites, blogs and documentation websites. It's fairly easy to get a continuous-delivery pipeline set up using git-hooks or otherwise, making it a good solution for open-source project documentation.

Sparkdown is opinionated, and you don't get much control over how the generated site looks. If you want more control, use something like Jekyll or Hugo.



Install node and npm or yarn

With yarn:

mkdir website; cd website
yarn init
yarn global add sparkdown

With npm

mkdir website; cd website
npm init
npm install -g sparkdown

Configuration (optional)

Make a configuration file:

touch sparkdown.json

Write to your sparkdown.json file. Sparkdown comes with some sensible defaults, but here's an example:

  "source": "./src",
  "output": "./docs",
  "bodyFont": "EB Garamond",
  "monospaceFont": "Inconsolata",
  "author": "Sparkdown",
  "description": "Sparkdown is a static site generator",
  "title": "Sparkdown"
  • source: Source directory of markdown files
  • output: Directory where sparkdown will generate HTML files
  • bodyFont: Any valid google webfont
  • monospaceFont: Any valid google webfont (used when rendering code snippets)
  • author: Populates the author meta tag
  • description: Populates the description meta tag
  • title - The base title for the site. Note this gets updated per-page automatically

Alternatively, you can add a sparkdown key to your package.json file and sparkdown will read from it instead of the config file:

  "name": "super-cool-project",
  "dependencies": {
    "sparkdown": "*"
  "scripts": {
    "build-docs": "sparkdown",
    "deploy-docs": "sparkdown && surge ./docs"
  "sparkdown": {
    "source": "./src",
    "output": "./docs",
    "bodyFont": "EB Garamond",
    "monospaceFont": "Inconsolata",
    "author": "Sparkdown",
    "description": "Sparkdown is a static site generator",
    "title": "Sparkdown"


Create markdown files in the directory you specified in the source key in your config. The following examples use src.

Page titles

Sparkdown will automatically pretty-print the name of the file to the end of the title for you. Using the configuration shown above, a file with the path:


Will generate a HTML file with the title:

Sparkdown - My First Post

Directories & Menu

Sparkdown will create a menu for you. It's always visible on desktop screens, and tucks away behind a button on mobile.

Directories can be used as a makeshift category system to nest pages. Markdown files that are placed inside a directory will be placed inside a menu item who's title is the name of the directory. For example, consider the following directory structure:


This directory structure will result in the following menu:

  My First Post
  My Second Post
  First Project
  Second Project

A subtlety thats worth noting is that directories that contain an file will have the directory title in the menu link to the index. If there is no index in the directory, sparkdown will link the directory to the first file it can find inside the directory. You can see the difference displayed above between the blog and projects directories.

There isn't a limit to the level of directory nesting sparkdown can handle, though it starts looking a bit silly if you use more than 2 levels.


Sparkdown pretty-prints directory and file names inside the menu. There isn't really any way to order the files other than alphabetically as per the file-system.

Sparkdown assumes that you have a file at the root of your src directory. Sparkdown places a special Home link at the top of the menu that links back to the index page.


You can link to pages from within your site using relative paths. For example, if I'm writing the My Second Post page from the example above, and I want to link back to My First Post, I'll write the markdown as follows:

# My Second Post

If you haven't done so already, check out the [first part](./my-first-post)

Note that I've left out the extension.

You can traverse directories too, for example, if I want to link to the contact page from the example above, I'll write the markdown as follows:

# My Second Post

Feel free to [get in touch](../contact)

You'll need to link explicitly to index pages:

# My Second Post

Feel free to [get in touch](../contact) or head back [home](../index)

Linking to external sites is pretty standard:

# My Second Post

Proudly powered by [sparkdown](


Sparkdown comes with turbolinks preconfigured for 💯 perf.


Run the following from the root directory of your project (where your package.json is):


Sparkdown will recursively read all .md files from your src directory including any subdirectories and convert them into .html files in your output directory.


You can serve the output directory to any hosting provider that can deal with basic HTML files. Netlify and Surge are both solid options.


Take a look at the example project for an details on how to use markdown (particular attention goes to how you can do relative links between pages).


:zap::point_down: Yet another static site generator


Language:TypeScript 100.0%