josephluck / linux-config

i3wm & friends

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bootstrap & Linux Dotfiles

This repository does the following

  • Installs common useful packages (check ./ for the list)
  • Sets up i3wm configuration keybindings. See ./config for more info
  • Sets up custom keybindings for scripts such as a lock screen with cmd+shift+l and screenshots with cmd+shift+p
  • Contains configuration files for other programs (i.e. ranger, compton etc)
  • Daemon for auto mounting external drives (thunar)
  • Daemon for managing hardware keys including brightness and volume controls (xfce)
  • Instructions for setting up things like git and ohmyzsh
  • Barebones documentation for general day-to-day running of the machine

Install git

sudo apt-get install -y git-core git

Generate SSH key for git

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
git config --global "your email" && git config --global "your name"
cat ~/.ssh/

Copy terminal output to github ssh settings

Clone this package

cd the-directory-you-want-your-code-to-live
git clone
cd linux-config

Install i3wm

If the below doesn't work, RTFM.

sudo -i
echo "deb $(lsb_release -c -s) universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

Install packages

Take a look at ./ and install all the things! You can try running the command, but it's probably worth just copy and pasting in the bits you want.

Apply oh my zsh

chsh -s `which zsh`

Copy configurations

  • config is the i3 config... cp config ~/.config/i3/config
  • i3status.conf should go cp i3status.conf ~/.config/i3/i3status.conf
  • compton is the compton compositor config, cp compton ~/.config/compton/config
  • rc.conf is the ranger config, copy it to cp rc.conf ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf if you install ranger
  • is a tool for positioning a connected monitor to above the laptop. cmd+shift+u to move a workspace up, cmd+shift+d to move a workspace down

Adjust theming / DPI

  • Run xfce4-appearance-settings
  • Adjust the DPI according to your needs. 96 is good for MBP, resolution-wise, 1920x1200 seems to work well.



Included Tools

  • ranger - CLI file explorer
  • arandr - Screen layout editor GUI

Useful (but not included tools)

Note that there's keybindings set up for a few of these in the i3 config, but unless you install these packages, they won't work (obvs)

  • termite - A better terminal emulator supporting line wrapping. A config file is specified in this repository. To use it cd [this directory] && mkdir ~/.config/termite && cp ./termite-config ~/.config/termite/config. Update i3 config to use termite instead of i3-sensible-terminal on the shift+return keybind
  • gnome-screenshot - if you have installed from ubuntu - you'll have this super+shift+p to take a screenie
  • cronopete - Backup manager, you will need to set this up for your drive though
  • pulseaudio - Audio device manager
  • playerctl - Control audio from hardware buttons i.e. play, back, forward
  • i3lock-fancy - Fancy lock screen - cmd+shift+l to lock, password to unlock, you need to install a few other things, so RTFM
  • Sqlectron - Linux SQL gui
  • find - Better find tool for bash

Clean up dependencies

sudo apt-get autoremove


i3wm & friends


Language:Shell 100.0%