joseesco24 / joseesco24

My overview md.

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Hi 👋 My name is Jose Escobar (@joseesco24)

Software Engineer

I'm a backend lover, almost anything about high performance, reactive architectures, AI or new technologies likes me. I'm currently working as a backend developer and I almost have a degree in enterprise software architecture, so I like to think that I know a little about almost anything or at least about the most important technologies and principles. I also think the really amazing thing about working with technologie is that every day a new technology emerges and always there is something new to learn that could improve our projects and as a backend developer and almost a enterprise software architect i think that the frontend also has a really important rolle and a good architect also needs to be an awesome developer so i also want to learn about frontend and become a full stack developer before continue my path on becoming an awesome enterprise software architect.

About My Skills

I'm being working mostly and currently trying to master

JavaScript TypeScript Python MySQL PostgreSQL Redis MongoDB Docker Kafka

I also know something about

C C++ Bash Java GraphQL

I'm currently learning

K6 Kubernetes Argo Rust Go

I also want to learn

Cucumber Angular React Vue Tauri

And my favorite frameworks at least by the moment

FastApi FastApi


My overview md.