joschu / cgt

Computation Graph Toolkit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Native backend failed to build with Cython 0.20.1

neocxi opened this issue · comments

Building native backend with Cython 0.20.1 will result in Cython compiler crash:

/root/deeprl/cgt/src/cycgt.pyx:109:30: Compiler crash in CreateClosureClasses

ModuleNode.body = StatListNode(cycgt.pyx:1:0)
StatListNode.stats[16] = StatListNode(cycgt.pyx:107:5)
StatListNode.stats[0] = CFuncDefNode(cycgt.pyx:107:5,
 args = [...]/2,
 modifiers = [...]/0,
 needs_closure = True,
 visibility = u'private')
CFuncDefNode.body = StatListNode(cycgt.pyx:108:4,
 is_terminator = True)
StatListNode.stats[0] = ReturnStatNode(cycgt.pyx:109:4,
 is_terminator = True)
ReturnStatNode.value = SimpleCallNode(cycgt.pyx:109:16,
 analysed = True,
 is_temp = 1,
 result_is_used = True,
 use_managed_ref = True)
SimpleCallNode.arg_tuple = TupleNode(cycgt.pyx:109:16,
 is_sequence_constructor = 1,
 is_temp = 1,
 result_is_used = True,
 use_managed_ref = True)
TupleNode.args[0] = GeneratorExpressionNode(cycgt.pyx:109:30,
 genexpr_name = u'genexpr1',
 is_temp = 1,
 name = u'genexpr',
 needs_closure = True,
 needs_self_code = True,
 pymethdef_cname = u'__pyx_mdef_5cycgt_12cgt2py_tuple_1genexpr',
 result_is_used = True,
 use_managed_ref = True)

Compiler crash traceback from this point on:
 File "", line 170, in Cython.Compiler.Visitor.TreeVisitor._visit (Cython/Compiler/Visitor.c:4285)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Compiler/", line 2364, in visit_LambdaNode
 self.create_class_from_scope(node.def_node, self.module_scope, node)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Compiler/", line 2342, in create_class_from_scope
AttributeError: 'ClosureScope' object has no attribute 'scope_class'

Maybe we can consider having a version lower bound for Cython mentioned either in Readme or checked in make tool?

Good idea. For development, we pretty much use the latest version of all the dependencies, so Cython 0.23.2 should definitely work.