josantonius / php-minecraft-server-player-stat

Get live statistics about players on Minecraft servers

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PHP Minecraft Server Player Stat library

Latest Stable Version License Total Downloads CI CodeCov PSR1 PSR4 PSR12

Translations: Español

PHP library to get live statistics about players on Minecraft servers.


  • This library is compatible with the PHP versions: 8.1.

  • Minecraft Server: Spigot.

  • Minecraft Versión: 1.17.

  • Operating System: Linux | Windows.

Relevant details

  • This library was developed for an application running from the PHP command line (CLI), specifically to power a Twitch bot that displayed live player statistics. I do not recommend using it for a web environment, although it will work.


  • It probably works for recent versions of the Spigot server, but I can't say for sure as it has only been tested with the requirements detailed above. Feel free to add new tests for other servers or Minecraft versions.

  • The available terms are set from the minecraft-assets repository of InventivetalentDev.


The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.

To install PHP Minecraft Server Player Stat library, simply:

composer require josantonius/minecraft-server-player-stat

The previous command will only install the necessary files, if you prefer to download the entire source code you can use:

composer require josantonius/minecraft-server-player-stat --prefer-source

You can also clone the complete repository with Git:

git clone

Available Classes

MinecraftServer Class


Create a new instance for the Minecraft server:

 * @param string $version     Server version.
 * @param string $language    Server language.
 * @param string $logsPath    Server logs directory path.
 * @param string $statsPath   Server stats directory path.
 * @param string $storagePath Directory path where available terms and players will be stored.
 * @throws MinecraftServerException      if the Minecraft version or language is not valid.
 * @throws UnreadableDirectoryException  if the logs or stats path is not valid.
 * @throws UnwriteableDirectoryException if the storage path is not valid.
 * @see to see available languages.
public function __construct(
    private string $version,
    private string $language,
    private string $logsPath,
    private string $statsPath,
    private string $storagePath,

Gets details about certain player statistics:

 * @param string $username Username in case insensitive.
 * @param string $term     Literal Minecraft term in case insensitive.
 *                         In Spanish, a term with accents can be written without them. 
 *                         For another languages accents are required.
 * @throws WrongTermException       if the term is not valid.
 * @throws StatsNotFoundException   if the stats file is not found.
 * @throws UnknownUsernameException if the username is not valid.
public function getPlayerStat(string $username, string $term): MinecraftPlayerStat;

Get list of available statistics:

public function getAvailableStats(): array;

Get list of players from the server:

public function getPlayerList(): array;

MinecraftPlayerStat Instance


Number of broken items or null if there are no statistics:

public readonly int|null $broken;

Number of crafted items or null if there are no statistics:

public readonly int|null $crafted;

Number of dropped items or null if there are no statistics:

public readonly int|null $dropped;

Number of killed mobs or null if there are no statistics:

public readonly int|null $killed;

Number of killed by mobs or null if there are no statistics:

public readonly int|null $killedBy;

Number of mined items or null if there are no statistics:

public readonly int|null $mined;

Number of picked up items or null if there are no statistics:

public readonly int|null $pickedUp;

Number of used items or null if there are no statistics:

public readonly int|null $used;

Custom statistics value or null if there are no statistics:

 * If the unit type is distance, this value is given in centimeters.
 * If the unit type is time, this value is given in ticks.
 * @see to see the unit conversions.
public readonly int|null $custom;

Sanitized key for the term:

public readonly string $key;

Term expressed in a nice way:

public readonly string $prettyTerm;

Query term:

public readonly string $term;

Item type:

 * Available types: block, entity, item, stat.
public readonly string $type;

Unit type:

 * Available types: amount, distance, time.
public readonly string $unitType;

Username for which the query is being made:

public readonly string $username;

User UUID for which the query is being made:

public readonly string $uuid;

Exceptions Used

Example of use for this library:

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\WrongTermException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\StatsNotFoundException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\UnknownUsernameException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\MinecraftServerException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\UnreadableDirectoryException;
use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\Exceptions\UnwriteableDirectoryException;


Gets player statistics about blocks

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.17.1',
    language:    'it_it',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('Aguilar11235813', 'Blocco Di Diamante');

echo "{$stat->username} ha raccolto {$stat->pickedUp} blocchi di diamante.";

// Aguilar11235813 ha raccolto 8 blocchi di diamanti.

MinecraftPlayerStat $stat

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => NULL,
   'crafted'    => NULL,
   'custom'     => NULL,
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => NULL,
   'killedBy'   => NULL,
   'mined'      => 8,
   'pickedUp'   => 8,
   'used'       => NULL,
   'key'        => 'diamond_block',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Blocco di diamante',
   'term'       => 'Blocco Di Diamante',
   'type'       => 'block',
   'unitType'   => 'amount',
   'username'   => 'Aguilar11235813',
   'uuid'       => '18f154fe-3678-37e9-9b77-185e0bfe446d',

Gets player statistics about distance

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.19.1',
    language:    'es_es',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('Armadillo', 'Distancia Volada');

echo "{$stat->username} voló una distancia de " . cmToKm($stat->custom) . ' kilómetros.';

// Armadillo voló una distancia de 6 kilómetros.

MinecraftPlayerStat $stat

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => NULL,
   'crafted'    => NULL,
   'custom'     => 585888, // centimeters
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => NULL,
   'killedBy'   => NULL,
   'mined'      => NULL,
   'pickedUp'   => NULL,
   'used'       => NULL,
   'key'        => 'fly_one_cm',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Distancia volada',
   'term'       => 'Distancia Volada',
   'type'       => 'stat',
   'unitType'   => 'distance',
   'username'   => 'Armadillo',
   'uuid'       => '14e55460-c753-31f2-bd0a-c305e2ff34b5',

Gets player statistics about entities

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.17',
    language:    'en_us',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('KrakenBite', 'zombie');

echo "{$stat->username} was killed {$stat->killedBy} times by a {$stat->term}.";

// KrakenBite was killed 2 times by a zombie.

MinecraftPlayerStat $stat

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => NULL,
   'crafted'    => NULL,
   'custom'     => NULL,
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => 8,
   'killedBy'   => 2,
   'mined'      => NULL,
   'pickedUp'   => NULL,
   'used'       => NULL,
   'key'        => 'zombie',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Zombie',
   'term'       => 'zombie',
   'type'       => 'entity',
   'unitType'   => 'amount',
   'username'   => 'KrakenBite',
   'uuid'       => '5cd5d2e7-9b3a-3f06-befb-34f7a81b14c6',

Gets player statistics about items

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.18.1',
    language:    'fr_fr',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('Tweedlex', 'HACHE ON BOIS');

echo "{$stat->username} a utilisé une " . strtolower($stat->term) . " {$stat->used} fois.";

// Tweedlex a utilisé une hache en bois 111 fois.

MinecraftPlayerStat $stat

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => 8,
   'crafted'    => 8,
   'custom'     => NULL,
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => NULL,
   'killedBy'   => NULL,
   'mined'      => NULL,
   'pickedUp'   => NULL,
   'used'       => 111,
   'key'        => 'wooden_axe',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Hache en bois',
   'term'       => 'HACHE ON BOIS',
   'type'       => 'item',
   'unitType'   => 'amount',
   'username'   => 'Tweedlex',
   'uuid'       => '8cb86072-3472-3b86-90f2-1e11b7188197',

Gets player statistics about time

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.19.2',
    language:    'pt_br',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$stat = $minecraftServer->getPlayerStat('SpOok', 'tempo   desde a última morte');

echo 'SpOok morreu pela última vez há ' . ticksToHour($stat->custom) . ' horas.';

// SpOok morreu pela última vez há 10 horas.

MinecraftPlayerStat $stat

object(Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftPlayerStat) {
   'broken'     => NULL,
   'crafted'    => NULL,
   'custom'     => 720000, // ticks
   'dropped'    => NULL,
   'killed'     => NULL,
   'killedBy'   => NULL,
   'mined'      => NULL,
   'pickedUp'   => NULL,
   'used'       => NULL,
   'key'        => 'time_since_death',
   'prettyTerm' => 'Tempo desde a última morte',
   'term'       => 'tempo   desde a última morte',
   'type'       => 'stat',
   'unitType'   => 'time',
   'username'   => 'SpOok',
   'uuid'       => '8d5b923d-37fb-38d1-8a6a-a17cd5ccf768',

Get list of available statistics

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.17.1',
    language:    'en_us',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$terms = $minecraftServer->getAvailableStats();


    /* ... */

    'zombie spawn egg' => [
        'key' => 'zombie_spawn_egg',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombie Spawn Egg',
        'type' => 'item',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombie villager' => [
        'key' => 'zombie_villager',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombie Villager',
        'type' => 'entity',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombie villager spawn egg' => [
        'key' => 'zombie_villager_spawn_egg',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombie Villager Spawn Egg',
        'type' => 'item',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombie wall head' => [
        'key' => 'zombie_wall_head',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombie Wall Head',
        'type' => 'block',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombified piglin' => [
        'key' => 'zombified_piglin',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombified Piglin',
        'type' => 'entity',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',
    'zombified piglin spawn egg' => [
        'key' => 'zombified_piglin_spawn_egg',
        'pretty_term' => 'Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg',
        'type' => 'item',
        'unit_type' => 'amount',

Get list of players from the server

use Josantonius\MinecraftServerPlayerStat\MinecraftServer;

$minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(
    version:     '1.17',
    language:    'en_us',
    logsPath:    '/minecraft/logs',
    statsPath:   '/minecraft/saves/world/stats',
    storagePath: '/data/storage',

$players = $minecraftServer->getPlayerList();


    /* ... */

  'armadillo'       => '14e55460-c753-31f2-bd0a-c305e2ff34b5',
  'aguilar11235813' => '18f154fe-3678-37e9-9b77-185e0bfe446d',
  'krakenbite'      => '5cd5d2e7-9b3a-3f06-befb-34f7a81b14c6',
  'tweedlex'        => '8cb86072-3472-3b86-90f2-1e11b7188197',
  'spook'           => '8d5b923d-37fb-38d1-8a6a-a17cd5ccf768',


To run tests you just need composer and to execute the following:

git clone
cd PHP-MimeType
composer install

Run unit tests with PHPUnit:

composer phpunit

Run code standard tests with PHPCS:

composer phpcs

Run PHP Mess Detector tests to detect inconsistencies in code style:

composer phpmd

Run all previous tests:

composer tests


  • Add new feature
  • Improve tests
  • Improve documentation
  • Improve English translation in the README file
  • Refactor code for disabled code style rules (see phpmd.xml and phpcs.xml)


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.


Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide, before making a pull request, start a discussion or report a issue.

Thanks to all contributors! ❤️


If this project helps you to reduce your development time, you can sponsor me to support my open source work 😊


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2021-2023, Josantonius


Get live statistics about players on Minecraft servers

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%