jorpic / nyc-zipcodes-in-kml

KML with zip codes and corresponging regions of New York city

Repository from Github https://github.comjorpic/nyc-zipcodes-in-kmlRepository from Github https://github.comjorpic/nyc-zipcodes-in-kml

This is a tiny script that converts shape file into KML. Specifically, the task was to get KML with New York Zip codes.

The script is in Python and uses geopandas and simplekml.

Data Sources

Original shape file with all regions and their zip codes can be found here.

Seems like the file was created a long time ago, not sure if it is still relevant:

$ unzip -l
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     2204  2014-04-01 12:05   ZIP_CODE_040114.shx
    89312  2014-04-01 12:05   ZIP_CODE_040114.dbf
      562  2014-04-01 12:05   ZIP_CODE_040114.prj
     2916  2014-04-01 12:05   ZIP_CODE_040114.sbn
      364  2014-04-01 12:05   ZIP_CODE_040114.sbx
  2253760  2014-04-01 12:05   ZIP_CODE_040114.shp
    10252  2014-04-01 12:05   ZIP_CODE_040114.shp.xml
---------                     -------
  2359370                     7 files

Pipenv and run

$ pipenv install

$ pipenv run ./
263 shapes found
writing them to ZIP_CODE_040114.kml

Now you can magically convert KML to KMZ and save some space:

$ zip ZIP_CODE_040114.kmz ZIP_CODE_040114.kml
  adding: ZIP_CODE_040114.kml (deflated 66%)

$ ls -lh ZIP_CODE_040114.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 5.7M Jan 18 20:40 ZIP_CODE_040114.kml
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 2.0M Jan 18 20:40 ZIP_CODE_040114.kmz


The KML-file can be imported into Google Earth and looks like this:



Spent some time to get nicer pin icons but without any success.


KML with zip codes and corresponging regions of New York city


Language:Python 100.0%