jorking / acm_backup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



2012-8-12 ZOJ2066 Selective Course AC Welch Powell 算法进行图着色

2012-8-5 ZOJ2068 Chopsticks AC DP

2012-8-4 ZOJ1901 POJ2420 A Star not a Tree? AC 模拟退火

2012-8-3 ZOJ1880 POJ2576 Tug of War AC DP

2012-7-31 POJ3318 Matrix Multiplication AC 随机算法

2012-7-28 POJ3687 Labeling Balls AC 拓扑排序

2012-7-25 HDU1559 最大子矩阵 AC

2012-7-24 ZOJ2470 POJ1904 King's Quest AC 强连通分量

2012-7-23 URAL1014 Product of Digits AC

2012-7-23 URAL1149 Sinus Dances

2012-7-20 POJ2823 Sliding Window AC 手工实现单调队列

2012-7-19 POJ2234 Matches Game AC Anti-SG游戏

2012-7-19 HDU2149 Public Sale AC 巴什博奕 只有一堆n个物品,两个人轮流从这堆物品中取物,规定每次至少取p个,最多取q个.最后取光者得胜.n = (m+1)r+s , (r为任意自然数,s≤m), 即n%(p+q) != 0, 则先取者肯定获胜(默认最后一个取的为win)

2012-7-19 URAL1126 Magnetic Storms AC deque实现单调队列

2012-7-18 ZOJ1558 POJ1252 Euro Efficiency

2012-7-17 POJ2478 Farey Sequence AC 线性筛选素数+欧拉函数

2012-7-17 POJ3895 Cycles of Lanes AC 搜索

2012-7-16 ZOJ2551 POJ2093 Cutting Edge

2012-7-16 ZOJ3278 8G Island AC 二分检索答案

2012-7-12 POJ1873 The Fortified Forest

2012-7-12 ZOJ3513 Human or Pig AC 博弈论

2012-7-11 ZOJ3511 Cake Robbery AC 暴力

2012-7-11 ZOJ3516 Tree of Three AC 水题

2012-7-10 ZOJ2325 POJ2074 Line of Sight AC 三角形相似

2012-7-9 POJ3622 Gourmet Grazers 太烦了。。。

2012-7-9 HDU1231 最大连续子序列 AC 最大连续子序列

2012-7-9 HDU1003 Max Sum AC 最大连续子序列

2012-7-8 HDU2035 人见人爱A^B AC 快速幂取模

2012-7-8 HDU1425 sort AC

2012-7-8 HDU1060 Leftmost Digit AC

2012-7-6 POJ1990 MooFest AC 树状数组

2012-7-5 HDU3003 Pupu AC 快速幂取模

2012-7-5 POJ3928 HDU2492 Ping pong AC 树状数组

2012-7-4 HDU1709 The Balance AC 母函数

2012-7-4 HDU2152 Fruit AC 母函数

2012-7-4 HDU1879 继续畅通工程 AC Prim最小生成树

2012-7-4 ZOJ2029 The Intervals AC 二分检索

2012-6-26 HDU1800 Flying to the Mars AC

2012-6-26 HDU1028 Ignatius and the Princess III AC 母函数,熟悉了fill函数和memcpy函数,其中memcpy中的第三个参数可以直接用sizeof(array)来表示,其中array为数组

2012-6-26 HDU1085 Holding Bin-Laden Captive! AC 母函数

2012-6-26 HDU1171 Big Event in HDU AC 母函数

2012-6-24 HDU2444 The Accomodation of Students AC 二分图匹配

2012-6-22 HDU2063 过山车 AC 二分图匹配

2012-6-22 ZOJ3508 The War AC 贪心

2012-6-22 HDU2069 Coin Change AC DP

2012-6-22 HDU1284 钱币兑换问题 AC DP

2012-6-22 ZOJ3501 Roman Order

2012-6-21 ZOJ1270 Following Orders

2012-6-21 ZOJ2686 Cycle Game WA

2012-6-21 ZOJ1827 HDU4155 The Game of 31 AC 博弈论,gets不处理空行。。。

2012-6-20 ZOJ3364 Black and White AC

2012-6-19 ZOJ3370 Radio Waves AC 二分检索

2012-6-18 ZOJ3590 -3+1 AC 简单模拟都做这么久。。。

2012-6-18 ZOJ3369 Saving Princess AC DP

2012-6-18 ZOJ3366 Islands WA

2012-6-17 ZOJ3365 Integer Numbers AC

2012-6-17 ZOJ2725 Digital Deletions

2012-6-15 ZOJ2290 Game AC 博弈论

2012-6-14 ZOJ3057 Beans Game AC SG问题,枚举最终态

2012-6-14 HDU2147 kiki's game AC SG问题,找规律

2012-6-14 XMU1301 字符串前缀

2012-6-13 ZOJ3084 POJ2960 HDU1536 HDU1944 S-Nim AC SG问题

2012-6-13 ZOJ2083 Win the Game AC SG问题

2012-6-13 HDU1850 Being a Good Boy in Spring Festival AC NIM游戏

2012-6-13 ZOJ3529 A Game Between Alice and Bob AC NIM, DP筛选每个数字的因子数目

2012-6-12 ZOJ2178 POJ1967 Corporative Network AC 并查集

2012-6-12 ZOJ3113 POJ3480 HDU1907 John AC 参考贾志豪论文。走完最后一步者输,Anti-SG游戏和SJ定理。对于任意一个Anti-SG游戏,如果我们规定当局面中所有的单一游戏的SG值为0时,游戏结束,则先手必胜当且仅当:(1)游戏的SG函数不为0且游戏中某个单一游戏的SG函数大于1;(2)游戏的SG函数为0且游戏中没有单一游戏的SG函数大于1。

2012-6-12 ZOJ2507 Let's play a game AC Anti-SG游戏

2012-6-11 ZOJ1989 POJ1634 Who's the Boss AC 迭代搜索

2012-6-10 ZOJ3068 POJ2976 Dropping tests AC 二分检索

2012-6-10 ZOJ1960 POJ2408 Anagram Groups AC

2012-6-9 ZOJ3066 POJ2974 Convex area AC 三维凸包

2012-6-9 POJ3528 Ultimate Weapon AC 三维凸包

2012-6-9 ZOJ3067 POJ2975 Nim AC 经典Nim题,博弈论

2012-6-9 CJ QR 2012 A Speaking in Tongues AC

2012-6-9 CJ QR 2012 B Dancing With the Googlers

2012-6-9 ZOJ3601 Unrequited Love CE

2012-6-8 ZOJ4692 Taxi Fare AC

2012-6-8 CJ QRA 2010 A Store Credit AC

2012-6-8 ZOJ3072 POJ2980 Do it! AC

2012-6-6 ZOJ3070 POJ2978 Colored stones AC 压缩状态DP

2012-6-5 POJ2774 Long Long Message AC 后缀数组, 最长公共子串

2012-6-4 Ural1517 Freedom of choice AC 后缀数组,最长公共子串

2012-6-3 SPOJ694 Distinct Substrings SPOJ705 New Distinct Substrings AC 后缀数组, 不相同的子串的个数

2012-6-3 POJ3974 Palindrome AC 后缀数组,最长回文子串

2012-6-2 POJ3261 Milk Patterns AC 后缀数组, 出现k次的重复子串

2012-6-1 POJ1743 Musical Theme AC 后缀数组,最长重复不重叠子串,二分检索答案

2012-5-30 ZOJ3065 POJ2973 Scrabble AC

2012-5-29 ZOJ1376 POJ1227 RoboContest AC DFS

2012-5-27 ZOJ3317 Murder in Restaurant AC

2012-5-23 ZOJ3277 POJ3836 HDU3269 P2P File Sharing System AC 二分图

2012-5-20 ZOJ3089 POJ2964 HDU1949 Tourist AC 双调DP

2012-5-18 ZOJ2096 Door to Secret AC 双调DP

2012-5-17 ZOJ2581 POJ2677 Tour AC 双调DP

2012-5-16 ZOJ3309 Search New Posts AC

2012-5-13 ZOJ3305 Get Sauce AC DFS,强剪枝

2012-5-4 ZOJ3311 ZOJ Special AC String AC

2012-5-3 ZOJ3297 Cookie Choice II AC 贪心

2012-5-3 ZOJ3310 Unrequited Love AC DP

2012-4-28 ZOJ2834 Maximize Game Time AC 树形DP

2012-4-26 POJ2342 HDU1520 Anniversary party AC 树形DP经典题

2012-4-26 POJ3342 HDU2412 Party at Hali-Bula AC 树形DP

2012-4-25 ZOJ3214 Bussiness Rules Management System AC

2012-4-24 ZOJ2049 POJ1752 Advertisement AC 差分约束。得出了两个经验,一,SPFA中用queue比用stack快很多;二,一定要用vector建表,如果卡时间就直接手工建表。

2012-4-24 ZOJ1260 POJ1364 HDU1531 King AC 差分约束判断是否存在负环,Bellman判断是否负环

2012-4-23 ZOJ3276 POJ3835 Columbus's bargain AC

2012-4-23 ZOJ1508 POJ1201 HDU1384 Intervals AC 差分约束

2012-4-23 ZOJ3610 Yet Another Story of Rock-paper-scissors AC

2012-4-21 ZOJ3090 POJ3497 HDU2333 Assemble AC 二分+贪心

2012-4-20 ZOJ3111 Domino Art AC 二分匹配

2012-4-20 ZOJ3123 POJ3061 Subsequence AC

2012-4-19 ZOJ3290 Longest Subtrahend Sequence AC

2012-4-19 ZOJ2923 Calculate Roads

2012-4-19 ZOJ1395 POJ1300 Door Man AC 无向图欧拉路径问题

2012-4-18 ZOJ3033 Board Games AC SPFA

2012-4-18 ZOJ3146 Babes in the Woods AC SPFA

2012-4-17 ZOJ1008 Gnome Tetravex AC DFS, 剪枝

2012-4-17 ZOJ3295 War of 218 AC

2012-4-16 ZOJ1894 POJ2465 Adventures in Moving - Part IV AC DP

2012-4-14 ZOJ1319 POJ1442 Black Box AC 优先队列

2012-4-14 ZOJ1985 POJ2259 HDU1506 Largest Rectangle in a Histogram AC 迭代搜索

2012-4-13 ZOJ2771 Get Out of the Glass AC DP

2012-4-13 ZOJ3286 Very Simple Counting AC 暴力打表

2012-4-12 ZOJ2921 HDU2385 Stock AC 贪心,优先队列,倒序

2012-4-11 ZOJ1200 Mining AC

2012-4-11 ZOJ1388 POJ1433 Exchanges WA

2012-4-9 ZOJ1167 POJ1622 Trees on the Level AC 层次遍历二叉树

2012-4-8 ZOJ1486 Color the Tree AC 大数乘法

2012-4-8 POJ2389 Bull Math AC 大数乘法

2012-4-7 ZOJ1363 POJ1322 Chocolate

2012-4-7 ZOJ1236 Eat or Not to Eat WA

2012-4-7 ZOJ1003 Crashing Balloon AC DFS

2012-4-6 XMU1310 数字游戏 AC NIM游戏变种,编程之美70页

2012-4-5 ZOJ1499 POJ1239 HDU1511 Increasing Sequences AC DP,经典,要好好研究!

2012-4-4 ZOJ1007 Numerical Summation of a Series

2012-4-4 ZOJ1337 POJ1491 Pi AC

2012-4-4 ZOJ2881 POJ3635 HDU1676 Full Tank? AC 优先队列+BFS

2012-4-4 ZOJ1434 POJ2221 Frogger's For Dinner

2012-4-1 ZOJ1161 POJ1042 Gone Fishing

2012-3-31 ZOJ1076 Gene Assembly AC 贪心

2012-3-31 ZOJ1536 Labyrinth AC DP, 大数加法

2012-3-30 ZOJ1301 POJ1137 The New Villa

2012-3-30 ZOJ1245 Best Deal AC DFS

2012-3-29 ZOJ1462 POJ1112 Team Them Up!

2012-3-29 ZOJ1520 POJ1293 Duty Free Shop AC DP, 01背包

2012-3-29 ZOJ1524 POJ1297 Supermarket AC DP, 类似LCS, 滚动数组实现

2012-3-28 POJ1037 A decorative fence AC DP,经典计数问题

2012-3-27 ZOJ1459 POJ1516 String Distance and Transform Process AC DP,LCS问题

2012-3-26 POJ1126 HDU1433 Simply Syntax AC 递归

2012-3-26 POJ1146 ID Codes AC 重排词典序,next_permutation函数

2012-3-26 POJ1189 HDU271 The Cow Lineup AC 最短非子序列长度

2012-3-23 POJ1026 HDU1439 Cipher AC 置换群

2012-3-23 ZOJ2039 POJ1034 The dog task AC 二分图最大匹配,浮点卡精度

2012-3-22 POJ2777 Count Color AC 线段树离散化

2012-3-22 POJ1020 Anniversary Cake

2012-3-22 ZOJ1425 POJ1692 Crossed Matchings AC DP

2012-3-21 POJ1723 SOLDIERS AC

2012-3-21 ZOJ1427 POJ1694 An Old Stone Game AC 递归

2012-3-20 POJ2591 Set Definition AC

2012-3-20 ZOJ1596 POJ2545 HDU3199 Hamming Problem AC

2012-3-20 POJ1338 Ugly Numbers AC

2012-3-19 POJ1171 Letter Game AC

2012-3-19 ZOJ2047 POJ1750 Dictionary AC

2012-3-18 ZOJ1146 POJ1102 HDU1332 LC-Display

2012-3-18 POJ1183 反正切函数的应用 AC

2012-3-18 ZOJ1303 POJ1015 Jury Compromise

2012-3-18 ZOJ1350 POJ1218 HDU1337 The Drunk Jailer AC

2012-3-18 ZOJ1392 POJ1298 HDU1048 The Hardest Problem Ever AC

2012-3-17 POJ1160 Post Office AC 经典DP

2012-3-16 ZOJ1542 POJ1861 Network AC prim,最小生成树

2012-3-16 POJ2503 Babelfish AC


2012-3-15 ZOJ2177 POJ1961 HDU1358 Period AC KMP的get_next()应用

2012-3-15 POJ1182 食物链

2012-3-15 POJ2524 Ubiquitous Religions AC 并查集

2012-3-14 POJ2752 Seek the Name, Seek the Fame AC KMP的get_next()应用

2012-3-14 POJ2479 Maximum sum AC DP,最大子数组和变形

2012-3-14 POJ2593 Max Sequence AC DP,最大子数组和变形

2012-3-13 POJ2719 Faulty Odometer AC 9进制转换

2012-3-13 POJ2509 Peter's smokes AC

2012-3-13 ZOJ1315 POJ1598 HDU1606 Excuses, Excuses!

2012-3-13 POJ2602 Superlong sums AC

2012-3-13 POJ2665 Trees AC

2012-3-13 POJ2390 Bank Interest AC

2012-3-13 ZOJ1915 POJ2350 Above Average AC

2012-3-12 ZOJ1086 POJ1131 HDU1376 Octal Fractions AC 高精度

2012-3-12 POJ2453 An Easy Problem AC

2012-1-9 ZOJ1409 POJ1018 Communication System AC 暴力

2012-3-9 ZOJ2037 POJ1032 Parliament AC

2012-3-9 ZOJ1410 POJ1019 Number Sequence AC

2012-3-9 ZOJ1189 POJ1016 HDU1479 Numbers That Count

2012-3-9 POJ3673 Cow Multiplication AC

2012-3-9 POJ173 Orders AC STL的next_permutation函数重排元素字典序

2012-3-8 POJ1067 取石子游戏 AC 博弈论, NIM游戏, 详见<编程之美> 1.13

2012-3-8 POJ2739 Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers AC

2012-3-8 POJ1011 HDU1455 Sticks AC DFS+深度剪枝

2012-3-7 POJ1147 Binary codes AC BWT压缩算法

2012-3-7 POJ1061 青蛙的约会 AC 扩展欧几里得算法, 要深入研究

2012-3-6 ZOJ1067 POJ1046 Color Me Less AC

2012-3-6 ZOJ1070 POJ1045 Bode Plot AC

2012-3-6 ZOJ1307 POJ1017 Packets

2012-3-5 POJ1008 HDU1444 Maya Calendar AC

2012-3-5 POJ1163 The Triangle AC

2012-3-5 POJ1012 HDU1443 Joseph AC

2012-3-4 ZOJ1049 POJ1005 HDU1065 I Think I Need a Houseboat AC

2012-3-4 ZOJ1160 POJ1006 HDU1370 Biorhythms AC

2012-3-4 POJ2231 Moo Volume AC

2012-3-2 ZOJ2975 Kinds of Fuwas AC

2012-3-2 ZOJ2492 POJ2295 A DP Problem AC

2012-3-2 ZOJ1883 POJ2537 Tight Words AC DP

2012-3-1 ZOJ2585 POJ2681 Anagrammatic Distance AC

2012-3-1 ZOJ2658 POJ2159 Ancient Cipher AC

2012-3-1 ZOJ2878 POJ2632 HDU1673 Optimal Parking AC

2012-2-29 ZOJ2938 POJ3656 HDU2725 Rock Skipping AC

2012-2-29 ZOJ2067 White Rectangles AC 贪心

2012-2-28 ZOJ2851 Code Formatter AC

2012-2-28 ZOJ2902 Ten drops WA 网上的代码也wa

2012-2-27 ZOJ3158 Cut The Cake AC DFS

2012-2-27 ZOJ3109 Decode Message AC 螺旋解密

2012-2-27 ZOJ2520 Amicable Pairs

2012-2-27 ZOJ2576 Graphical Partition

2012-2-24 ZOJ1287 POJ2579 HDU1218 Blurred Vision AC

2012-2-24 ZOJ2235 POJ1928 HDU1355 The Peanuts AC 贪心

2012-2-24 ZOJ2501 POJ1976 A Mini Locomotive AC DP

2012-2-23 ZOJ2164 POJ1978 Hanafuda Shuffle AC

2012-2-23 ZOJ1717 POJ2030 The Secret Number AC DP

2012-2-22 ZOJ2659 POJ2160 Box AC

2012-2-22 ZOJ2987 Misspelling AC

2012-2-22 ZOJ2988 HDU1985 Conversions AC

2012-2-22 ZOJ3210 A Stack or A Queue? AC

2012-2-21 ZOJ2956 Another Horizontally Visible Segments AC

2012-2-21 ZOJ1246 POJ1472 HDU1468 Instant Complexity AC 递归

2012-2-20 ZOJ2934 POJ3652 HDU2721 Persistent Bits AC

2012/2/20 ZOJ2954 Hanoi Tower AC

2012/2/20 ZOJ3212 K-Nice AC

2012-2-17 ZOJ2010 The Lamp Game AC DFS

2012-2-16 ZOJ2486 POJ2109 Power of Cryptography AC

2012-2-16 ZOJ1867 POJ2586 Y2K Accounting Bug AC 贪心

2012-2-16 POJ1062 昂贵的聘礼 AC DFS

2012-2-15 POJ3020 Antenna Placement AC 二分图匹配

2012-2-15 POJ1837 Balance AC DP

2012-2-15 ZOJ2744 HDU1544 Palindromes AC

2012-2-14 ZOJ2050 POJ1753 Flip Game

2012-2-14 POJ3267 The Cow Lexicon AC DP

2012-2-14 POJ3176 Cow Bowling AC DP

2012-2-14 POJ1159 HDU1513 Palindrome AC DP,最长公共子串

2012-2-13 ZOJ2870 POJ3304 Segments AC

2012-2-13 ZOJ2167 POJ1981 Circle and Points

2012-2-13 ZOJ1360 POJ1328 Radar Installation AC 贪心

2012-2-12 HDU3952 Fruit Ninja AC

2012-2-12 HDU3123 GCC AC

2012-2-12 ZOJ1821 POJ1673 Exocenter of a Triangle AC 求垂心

2012-2-9 HDU2151 Worm AC DP

2012-2-9 HDU2059 龟兔赛跑 AC DP

2012-2-9 HDU1421 搬寝室 AC DP

2012-2-8 HDU1176 免费馅饼 AC DP

2012-2-8 HDU1446 计算直线的交点数 AC DP

2012-2-8 HDU2577 How to Type AC DP

2012-2-8 HDU2084 数塔 AC DP

2012-2-7 HDU3473 Minimum Sum MLE 划分树求任意区间中位数

2012-2-7 HDU3938 Portal AC 离线并查集

2012-2-7 HDU1087 Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping! AC DP

2012-2-7 ZOJ1095 POJ2247 HDU1058 Humble Numbers AC

2012-2-6 POJ2104 POJ2761 K-th Number AC 划分树

2012-2-5 HDU3927 Math Geek AC 反幻方

2012-2-5 ZOJ2992 HDU1990 Monkey Vines AC

2012-2-5 HDU3926 Hand in Hand AC 图形同构判断

2012-2-4 HDU1823 Luck and Love AC 二维线段树

2012-2-4 ZOJ2859 Matrix Searching AC 二维线段树

2012-2-3 ZOJ2111 HDU1011 Starship Troopers AC 树形DP

2012-2-3 HDU3848 CC On The Tree AC 树形DP

2012-2-3 ZOJ1134 POJ1463 HDU1054 Strategic Game AC 树形DP

2012-2-2 HDU2795 Billboard AC 线段树

2012-2-1 HDU3911 Black And White AC 线段树

2012-1-31 HDU3857 Who pat the head of itself? AC

2012-1-31 POJ3368 HDU1806 Frequent values AC 线段树, RMQ, 求给定不下降序列区间出现元素次数最多的次数

2012-1-30 POJ2182 HDU2711 Lost Cows AC 线段树

2012-1-30 ZOJ3279 Ants AC 线段树

2012-1-29 POJ3667 Hotel AC 线段树

2012-1-29 POJ2892 HDU1540 Tunnel Warfare AC 利用树状数组的find_k_th实现找到sum为k的最小位置, 时间复杂度为O(log(n))

2012-1-28 POJ2886 Who Gets the Most Candies? AC 线段树

2012-1-27 ZOJ1484 HDU1394 Minimum Inversion Number AC

2012-1-27 POJ2828 Buy Tickets AC 线段树

2012-1-26 POJ2528 Mayor's posters AC 线段树

2012-1-26 POJ3277 City Horizon AC 线段树

2012-1-25 POJ1389 Area of Simple Polygons AC 线段树求矩形并面积

2012-1-25 POJ1177 HDU1828 Picture AC 线段树求矩形并周长

2012-1-23 ZOJ3273 POJ3832 HDU3265 Posters AC 线段树求矩形并面积

2012-1-21 ZOJ2301 HDU1199 Color the Ball AC 线段树+离散化+闭区间

2012-1-21 HDU1556 Color the Ball AC 线段树+Lazy**

2012-1-21 POJ3264 Balanced Lineup AC 线段树

2012-1-20 POJ3468 A Simple Problem with Integers AC 线段树

2012-1-20 URAL1019 Line Painting AC 线段树+离散化

2012-1-18 HDU1166 敌兵布阵 AC 线段树

2012-1-18 HDU1698 Just a Hook AC 线段树

2012-1-17 ZOJ2554 POJ2460 HDU1152 Brownie Points I AC

2012-1-17 ZOJ1610 Count the Colors AC 线段树

2012-1-17 HDU1754 I Hate It AC 线段树

2012-1-16 ZOJ3041 City Selection AC

2012-1-16 ZOJ3516 Tree of Three AC DFS

2012-1-16 ZOJ3518 Unsafe Factor AC

2012-1-12 ZOJ1543 POJ1862 Stripies AC

2012-1-12 ZOJ3116 POJ3483 HDU1910 Loan Scheduling AC 贪心

2012-1-12 ZOJ2189 POJ2581 HDU1353 Exact Change Only AC 卡精度

2012-1-11 HDU3861 The King’s Problem AC Tarjan缩点+二分图求最小路径覆盖

2012-1-11 ZOJ1713 POJ1565 Haiku Review AC

2012-1-11 ZOJ2883 POJ3637 HDU1678 Shopaholic AC

2012-1-9 ZOJ2965 Accurately Say "CocaCola"! AC

2012-1-9 ZOJ2548 POJ2664 HDU1144 Prerequisites? AC

2012-1-9 ZOJ2229 POJ1922 HDU1445 Ride to School AC 贪心

2012-1-8 ZOJ1745 Are We There Yet? AC

2012-1-8 ZOJ3211 Dream City AC DP

2012-1-6 ZOJ1986 POJ1631 HDU1950 Bridging Signals AC 最长递增子序列

2012-1-6 HDU1025 Constructing Roads In JGShining's Kingdom AC 最长递增子序列

2012-1-5 ZOJ1107 HDU1078 FatMouse and Cheese AC DP

2012-1-5 ZOJ1093 HDU1069 Monkey and banana AC DP

2012-1-5 ZOJ2297 Survival AC 压缩状态DP

2012-1-4 ZOJ3202 Second-price Auction AC

2012-1-4 ZOJ2495 POJ1970 The Game WA

2012-1-4 POJ1088 滑雪 AC DP

2012-1-3 ZOJ2311 POJ2121 Inglish-Number Translator AC

2011-12-31 ZOJ3100 POJ3325 HDU2309 ICPC Score Totalizer Software AC

2011-12-31 ZOJ3023 Equal Total Scores AC

2011-12-31 ZOJ3141 Arnie's Dog Biscuits WA DP网上找到的题解也WA,不知道是不是数据问题

2011/12/30 ZOJ2807 POJ2636 HDU2304 Electrical Outlets AC

2011/12/30 ZOJ2781 POJ3077 Rounders AC

2011/12/30 ZOJ2271 Chance to Encounter a Girl AC DP

2011/12/30 HDU1224 Free DIY Tour AC

2011/12/29 ZOJ2417 HDU1196 Lowest Bit AC

2011/12/29 ZOJ1117 POJ1521 HDU1053 Entropy AC 贪心

2011/12/29 HDU3832 Earth Hour AC Dijkstra

2011/12/28 ZOJ2947 Abbreviation AC

2011/12/28 ZOJ2886 POJ3438 Look and Say AC

2011/12/28 ZOJ1460 The Partition of a Cake

2011/12/28 POJ1191 棋盘分割 AC DP 参考黑书116页

2011/12/27 POJ2226 Muddy Fields

2011/12/27 ZOJ2321 POJ2070 Filling Out the Team AC

2011/12/27 HDU3835 R(N) AC

2011/12/27 HDU3829 Cat VS Dog AC 有向图的最大独立集:集合中任意俩元素没有关系(或者没有你给定的矛盾关系),最大独立集 = 顶点数 - 最大匹配。

2011/12/26 ZOJ2183 POJ1967 Alibaba WA

2011/12/26 HDU3650 Hot Expo AC

2011/12/23 ZOJ2376 POJ1852 Ants AC

2011/12/23 ZOJ2511 HDU1031 Design T-Shirt 贪心 AC

2011/12/23 HDU2846 Repository AC Trie树

2011/12/23 HDU3631 Shortest Path AC 最短路

2011/12/22 ZOJ2176 POJ2017 Speed Limit AC

2011/12/22 ZOJ2059 The Twin Towers AC DP

2011/12/21 ZOJ3124 POJ3062 Celebrity jeopardy AC

2011/12/21 ZOJ2478 HDU1020 Encoding AC

2011/12/21 ZOJ2736 Daffodil number AC

2011/12/21 ZOJ2970 Faster, Higher, Stronger AC

2011/12/21 HDU2851 Lode Runner AC

2011/12/20 ZOJ1110 Dick and Jane AC

2011/12/20 ZOJ1610 Count the Colors AC

2011/12/20 POJ1389 Area of Simple Polygons AC

2011/12/19 ZOJ1369 POJ1279 Art Gallery AC 半平面交

2011/12/19 ZOJ1248 POJ1474 HDU1469 Video Surveillance AC 判断半平面是否有核

2011/12/17 ZOJ2419 POJ2079 Triangle AC 旋转卡壳求最大三角形面积

2011/12/16 ZOJ2418 POJ2078 Matrix AC DFS

2011/12/16 ZOJ2347 POJ2002 Squares AC

2011/12/15 ZOJ1472 Overlapping Shapes AC 圆与圆,圆与方形,方形与方形相交

2011/12/15 ZOJ1450 Minimal Circle AC 最小覆盖圆,随机增量法

2011/12/15 ZOJ2747 HDU1543 Paint the Wall AC 矩形切割

2011/12/14 ZOJ1199 Point of Intersection AC

2011/12/14 ZOJ1892 POJ2504 Bounding box AC 点绕点旋转

2011/12/13 ZOJ2589 Circles

2011/12/13 ZOJ3058 Circle and Ring WA

2011/12/13 ZOJ3321 Circle AC

2011/12/12 POJ3608 Bridge Across Islands

2011/12/12 ZOJ2459 POJ2208 Pyramids ZOJ AC POJ WA

2011/12/12 POJ1410 Intersection AC 线段与四边形相交

2011/12/11 POJ1264 HDU1616 SCUD Busters WA

2011/12/8 URAL1247 Check a Sequence AC DP

2011/12/8 POJ2187 Beauty Contest AC 旋转卡壳求最远点对

2011/12/7 POJ2603 URAL1049 Brave Balloonists AC

2011/12/7 URAL1104 Don’t Ask Woman about Her Age AC

2011/12/7 URAL1225 Flags AC DP

2011/12/6 URAL1280 Topological Sorting AC 拓扑排序

2011/12/6 URAL1085 Meeting AC SPFA

2011/12/5 URAL1208 Legendary Teams Contest AC DFS

2011/12/4 URAL1072 Routing AC BFS

2011/12/3 URAL1119 Metro AC DP

2011/12/3 URAL1069 Prufer Code AC

2011/12/2 URAL1056 Computer Net AC 数的最远节点

2011/12/2 URAL1210 Kind Spirits AC DP

2011/12/1 URAL1010 Discrete Function AC 离散函数的区间斜率

2011/12/1 URAL1136 Parliament AC 二叉树的遍历转换

2011/12/1 ZOJ2403 POJ2194 POJ2850 Stacking Cylinders AC 计算几何

2011/11/30 URAL1207 Median on the Plane AC 把多边形划分成相等的两部分

2011/11/30 URAL1106 Two Teams AC DFS

2011/11/30 URAL1080 Map Coloring AC DFS

2011/11/29 POJ2357 URAL1033 Labyrinth AC DFS或BFS

2011/11/29 URAL1008 Image Encoding AC BFS

2011/11/29 URAL1005 Stone Pile AC 01背包

2011/11/28 URAL1084 Goat in the Garden AC

2011/11/28 POJ2367 URAL1022 Genealogical Tree AC 拓扑排序

2011/11/28 URAL1348 Goat in the Garden 2 AC 点到线段最短距离

2011/11/27 POJ2365 URAL1020 Rope AC

2011/11/27 ZOJ2010 POJ1380 HDU1110 Equipment Box AC

2011/11/27 ZOJ2370 POJ1905 Expanding RodsAC 二分法解方程

2011/11/26 ZOJ1128 POJ1151 HDU1542 Atlantis AC 矩形切割 离散化

2011/11/26 ZOJ2157 POJ1788 Building a New Depot AC 多边形边长

2011/11/25 ZOJ2015 POJ1385 HDU1115 Lifting the Stone AC 多边形重心

2011/11/24 ZOJ1973 POJ1939 Diplomatic License AC

2011/11/24 ZOJ1974 POJ1940 Polygon Programming with Ease AC

2011/11/24 URAL1073 Square Country AC 完全背包问题

2011/11/23 URAL1012 K-based Numbers. Version 2 URAL1013 K-based Numbers. Version 3 AC DP+大数乘法

2011/11/22 ZOJ1608 Two Circles and a Rectangle AC

2011/11/22 ZOJ1704 POJ1569 Myacm Triangles AC

2011/11/22 URAL1009 K-based Numbers AC DP

2011/11/21 ZOJ1139 POJ1468 Rectangles AC

2011/11/21 POJ1118 HDU1432 Lining Up POJ2708 Linearity AC 一条线最多可以贯穿多少个点

2011/11/20 ZOJ1032 POJ1265 Area 2 AC 用pick定理求内部的整点个数:在一个平面直角坐标系内,以整点为顶点的简单多边形(任两边不交叉),它内部整点数为a,它的边上(包括顶点)的整点数为b,则它的面积S = a+b/2-1。以整点为顶点的线段,覆盖的整点数为GCD(dx,dy),其中,dxdy分别为线段横向占的点数和纵向占的点数。如果dx或dy为0,则覆盖的点数为dy或dx。

2011/11/20 POJ2954 Triangle AC

2011/11/20 POJ1654 Area AC

2011/11/19 POJ1329 Circle Through Three Points AC 三角形外心计算

2011/11/18 ZOJ1377 POJ1228 Grandpa's Estate AC 凸包

2011/11/17 ZOJ1996 POJ2398 Toy Storage AC 排序+二分检索+两线段相交判断

2011/11/17 ZOJ1352 POJ2007 Scrambled Polygon AC

2011/11/17 POJ3328 Cows AC 凸包+求多边形面积

2011/11/16 ZOJ1010 Area AC 计算多边形面积

2011/11/16 ZOJ1280 POJ1269 Intersecting Lines AC 两直线的关系

2011/11/16 ZOJ2551 POJ2653 HDU1147 Pick-up Sticks AC 判断两线段是否相交

2011/11/15 ZOJ2107 HDU1007 Quoit Design AC 寻找最近点对+分治法

2011/11/15 ZOJ1081 Points Within AC 判断点是否在多边形中

2011/11/13 ZOJ1041 POJ1106 Transmitters AC

2011/11/13 ZOJ1090 POJ2242 HDU1374 The Circumference of the Circle AC

2011/11/13 POJ2318 TOYS AC 叉积+二分查找

2011/11/12 ZOJ1453 HDU1392 Surround the Trees AC 凸包

2011/11/12 POJ2187 Beauty Contest AC 凸包

2011/11/12 ZOJ1465 POJ1113 HDU1348 Wall AC 凸包

2011/11/11 ZOJ1648 Circuit Board AC 两线段相交

2011/11/11 ZOJ1159 POJ1002 487-3279 AC

2011/11/10 ZOJ2583 POJ2679 Adventurous Driving AC SPFA+负环判断

2011/11/9 HDU1086 You can Solve a Geometry Problem too AC 两线段相交

2011/11/9 ZOJ1721 POJ1556 The Doors AC 两线段相交+最短路

2011/11/7 ZOJ1519 POJ1292 Will Indiana Jones Get There?

2011/11/7 ZOJ1814 POJ1666 HDU1034 Candy Sharing Game AC

2011/11/7 ZOJ2864 Catch the thief

2011/11/7 ZOJ1539 Lot AC

2011/11/7 ZOJ2887 POJ3439 Server Relocation AC SPFA

2011/11/6 ZOJ1430 POJ1697 The Erythea Campaign AC BFS

2011/11/5 POJ2155 Matrix AC 二维树状数组,有待思考

2011/11/5 POJ1195 Mobile phones AC 二维树状数组

2011/11/4 ZOJ3129 POJ3067 Japan AC 树状数组

2011/11/4 ZOJ2386 POJ2299 Ultra-QuickSort AC 树状数组,离散化

2011/11/4 ZOJ1716 POJ2029 Get Many Persimmon Trees AC 二维树状数组

2011/11/3 POJ2594 Treasure Exploration AC 最小覆盖,注意先用floyd连通所有路径

2011/11/3 POJ2352 HDU1541 Stars AC 树状数组

2011/11/3 POJ2481 Cows AC 经典树状数组

2011/11/2 ZOJ2192 POJ2584 T-Shirt Gumbo AC 匈牙利算法

2011/11/2 POJ1698 Alice's Chance AC 匈牙利算法

2011/11/2 POJ2446 Chessboard AC 匈牙利算法

2011/11/1 POJ3615 Cow Hurdles AC

2011/11/1 ZOJ1992 POJ1637 HDU1956 Sightseeing tour AC 混合图欧拉回路

2011/11/1 ZOJ1910 POJ2362 Blocks AC

2011/10/31 ZOJ1312 POJ1595 HDU 1319 Prime Cuts AC

2011/10/31 ZOJ1239 Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! AC

2011/10/31 ZOJ2545 POJ2661 HDU1141 Factstone Benchmark AC

2011/10/30 ZOJ1525 POJ1422 HDU1151 Air Raid AC 有向图最小路径覆盖=|V| - 最大匹配数; 无向图最小路径覆盖=|V| - 最大匹配数/2

2011/10/28 ZOJ1157 POJ1087 HDU 1526 A Plug for UNIX AC 匈牙利算法

2011/10/28 ZOJ1654 Place the Robots

2011/10/27 POJ2771 Guardian of Decency AC 匈牙利算法

2011/10/27 POJ3692 HDU2458 Kindergarten AC 本题是要求图中的最大完全子图(最大团)中顶点的个数。由于原图的补图是一个二分图,其最大完全数等价于其补图的最大独立集中元素的个数,于是可以根据二分图的性质求出这个最大独立集。

2011/10/26 POJ2239 Selecting Courses AC 匈牙利算法

2011/10/26 ZOJ1489 HDU1395 2^x mod n = 1 AC 注意优化

2011/10/26 ZOJ1137 POJ1466 HDU1068 Girls and Boys AC 匈牙利算法

2011/10/25 ZOJ1882 POJ2536 Gopher II AC 匈牙利算法

2011/10/25 POJ3041 Asteroids AC 匈牙利算法

2011/10/25 ZOJ1438 POJ2225 HDU1240 Asteroids! AC

2011/10/24 POJ1274 The Perfect Stall AC 匈牙利算法二分图匹配

2011/10/24 ZOJ1140 POJ1469 HDU1083 COURSES AC 匈牙利算法二分图匹配

2011/10/24 ZOJ1364 POJ1325 HDU1150 Machine Schedule AC 匈牙利算法二分图匹配

2011/10/22 ZOJ2286 Sum of DivisorsAC 二分检索

2011/10/22 ZOJ1457 HDU1026 Prime Ring Problem AC DFS

2011/10/21 ZOJ2475 Benny's Compiler AC DFS

2011/10/20 ZOJ1937 POJ2248 Addition Chains AC 迭代深度搜索,逐步试探

2011/10/20 ZOJ1919 POJ2337 Catenyms AC 记录路径的欧拉图问题,同时路径是要按字典序输出

2011/10/19 ZOJ1284 POJ1528 HDU1323 Perfection AC

2011/10/19 ZOJ1909 POJ2362 HDU1518 Square AC 重要!DFS+剪枝

2011/10/18 ZOJ1476 HDU1393 Weird Clock AC

2011/10/18 ZOJ1913 POJ2348 HDU1525 Euclid's Game AC

2011/10/18 ZOJ2185 POJ1969 Count on Canton AC

2011/10/17 ZOJ1831 Substitution Cypher AC

2011/10/17 ZOJ2314 Reactor Cooling AC 无源汇带上下界最大流

2011/10/16 ZOJ2433 POJ2128 Highways AC

2011/10/16 ZOJ3468 Dice War AC

2011/10/16 ZOJ2520 Amicable Pairs

2011/10/16 ZOJ3471 Most Powerful AC 状态压缩DP

2011/10/15 ZOJ1825 Compound Words AC

2011/10/15 ZOJ1657 POJ2909 POJ2262 HDU1397 Goldbach's Conjecture AC

2011/10/15 ZOJ2212 POJ2051 Argus AC

2011/10/15 ZOJ2488 POJ2291 Rotten Ropes AC

2011/10/14 ZOJ2103 Marco Popo the Traveler WA 我觉得自己是对的

2011/10/14 ZOJ2724 Windows Message Queue AC 优先队列

2011/10/14 ZOJ2857 Image Transformation AC

2011/10/13 ZOJ2110 HDU1010 Tempter of the Bone AC DFS,不要在图中改数据

2011/10/13 ZOJ1671 Walking Ant AC BFS

2011/10/12 POJ3469 Dual Core CPU AC 最大流,非递归dinic算法

2011/10/11 ZOJ1734 POJ1459 Power Network AC 递归dinic最大流

2011/10/11 ZOJ1649 POJ1242 Rescue AC 优先队列

2011/10/10 POJ2135 Farm Tour AC 最大流最小费用

2011/10/9 ZOJ2404 POJ2195 HDU1533 Going Home AC 最大流最小费用

2011/10/9 ZOJ3362 Beer Problem AC 有重边的最大流最小费用

2011/10/8 ZOJ2016 POJ1386 HDU1116 Play on Words AC 欧拉路径及欧拉回路判断

2011/10/8 POJ3281 Dining AC 最大流EK算法

2011/10/7 POJ2983 Is the Information Reliable? AC 差分约束,有精确值的用A-B>=LEN, B-A>=-LEN处理

2011/10/6 POJ3159 Candies AC 差分约束 SPFA中用栈可以比用队列节省时间

2011/10/6 POJ1273 HDU1532 Drainage Ditches AC 最大流EK算法

2011/10/6 POJ1274 The Perfect Stall AC 最大流

2011/10/5 ZOJ2770 Burn the Linked Camp AC 差分约束

2011/10/5 POJ3169 Layout AC 差分约束

2011/10/4 ZOJ1808 POJ1056 HDU1305 Immediate Decodability AC Trie树

2011/10/4 ZOJ2124 POJ1730 Perfect Pth Powers AC 数论,求素数的方法

2011/10/3 ZOJ1439 Area Ratio AC 三角形内切圆面积与外接圆面积

2011/10/3 ZOJ2952 Find All M^N Please AC MAX_INT的用法

2011/10/3 ZOJ3167 Find 7 Faster Than John Von Neumann AC 大数乘法

2011/10/2 ZOJ1295 HDU1321 Reverse Text AC

2011/10/2 ZOJ1152 HDU1017 A Mathematical Curiosity AC

2011/10/2 ZOJ1168 POJ1579 HDU1331 HDU1579 Function Run Fun AC

2011/10/2 ZOJ1149 POJ1014 HDU1059 Dividing AC 多重背包问题

2011/10/1 ZOJ1798 Granny's Bike AC DFS

2011/10/1 ZOJ2679 Old Bill AC

2011/10/1 ZOJ1338 POJ1492 Up and Down Sequences AC

2011/9/30 ZOJ3131 Digital Clock AC 打表

2011/9/30 ZOJ1935 POJ1932 HDU1317 XYZZY AC SPFA+负环判断,非常重要!

2011/9/29 ZOJ2326 POJ2075 Tangled in Cables AC Prim

2011/9/29 ZOJ2281 Way to Freedom 用Kruskal+并查集WA 用Dijkstra+优先队列也WA 数据也许有改动

2011/9/28 ZOJ1274 Getting Chorded AC transform(str.begin(),str.end(),str.begin(),::toupper) //string大小写转换

2011/9/28 ZOJ3175 Number of Containers AC

2011/9/28 ZOJ2500 POJ1975 Median Weight Bead AC Floyd

2011/9/27 ZOJ2334 HDU1512 Monkey King AC 左偏树

2011/9/27 ZOJ3336 Friend Number II AC 水题也有技术含量

2011/9/26 ZOJ1789 POJ1611 The Suspects AC

2011/9/26 ZOJ2165 POJ1979 HDU1312 Red and Black AC BFS

2011/9/26 ZOJ2476 Total Amount AC 注意整数部分是3的倍数的情况

2011/9/25 ZOJ2540 Form a Square AC

2011/9/25 ZOJ2833 Friendship AC

2011/9/25 POJ1236 Network of Schools AC 强连通分量,Tarjan

2011/9/24 ZOJ2480 Simplest Task in Windows AC

2011/9/24 ZOJ2481 Unique Ascending Array AC

2011/9/24 ZOJ2405 POJ2196 HDU1197 Specialized Four-Digit Numbers AC

2011/9/24 ZOJ2421 POJ2081 Recaman's Sequence AC

2011/9/24 ZOJ2772 POJ3085 Quick Change AC

2011/9/24 ZOJ2773 POJ2086 Triangular Sums AC

2011/9/24 ZOJ2727 List the Books AC

2011/9/24 ZOJ2729 Sum Up AC

2011/9/24 ZOJ1979 POJ2553 The Bottom of a Graph AC Tarjan+缩点

2011/9/23 ZOJ2682 People like People AC

2011/9/23 POJ2186 Popular Cows AC Kosaraju

2011/9/22 ZOJ1060 POJ1094 Sorting It All Out AC 拓扑排序

2011/9/22 ZOJ1101 Gamblers AC

2011/9/16 ZOJ2571 Big String Outspread AC 递归

2011/9/16 ZOJ1544 POJ1860 Currency Exchange AC

2011/9/16 ZOJ1905 POJ2406 Power Strings AC

2011/9/16 ZOJ2207 POJ2038 HDU1310 Team Rankings AC

2011/9/15 POJ3259 Wormholes AC SPFA+连接表

2011/9/14 POJ2309 BST AC

2011/9/14 POJ2387 Til the Cows Come Home AC SPFA注意重边

2011/9/14 POJ3268 Silver Cow Party AC SPFA+转置矩阵

2011/9/13 ZOJ3171 The Hidden 7's AC DP

2011/9/13 ZOJ2346 POJ2001 Shortest Prefixes AC Trie

2011/9/13 ZOJ1597 POJ2546 Circular Area AC

2011/9/12 ZOJ1109 Language of FatMouse AC strcpy,strcmp,gets,sscanf的用法

2011/9/12 ZOJ1899 POJ2418 Hardwood Species AC

2011/9/12 ZOJ2876 POJ3630 HDU1671 Phone List AC 静态Trie

2011/9/11 ZOJ3437 Very Hard Problem AC 注意负数取反后的溢出情况,还有strtoll函数的使用,还有scanf的好处

2011/9/11 ZOJ1700 POJ1577 Falling Leaves AC

2011/9/11 ZOJ3170 7 Levels of Binary Search Tree AC

2011/9/10 ZOJ1962 POJ2413 HDU1316 How Many Fibs AC 边界条件一定要注意!

2011/9/10 ZOJ3439 Substitution Cipher AC

2011/9/9 ZOJ1577 GCD & LCM AC

2011/9/9 POJ2429 GCD & LCM Inverse 先研究POJ1811

2011/9/9 ZOJ2835 Magic Square AC

2011/9/9 ZOJ1025 POJ1065 HDU1051 Wooden Sticks AC

2011/9/9 ZOJ1938 POJ2249 Binomial Showdown AC

2011/9/8 POJ3628 Bookshelf 2 AC

2011/9/8 POJ3627 Bookshelf AC

2011/9/8 ZOJ3627 POJ1631 HDU1950 Bridging Signals AC

2011/9/7 ZOJ1857 POJ2607 Fire Station POJ AC ZOJ TLE

2011/9/7 ZOJ2777 POJ2090 Visible Lattice Points AC

2011/9/7 ZOJ1871 POJ2590 Steps AC

2011/9/6 ZOJ2416 HDU1195 Open the Lock AC

2011/9/6 ZOJ1259 POJ1363 Rails AC

2011/9/6 ZOJ3166 Lazy Tourist AC

2011/9/5 ZOJ1926 POJ2328 Guessing Game AC

2011/9/5 ZOJ1874 POJ2562 Primary Arithmetic AC

2011/9/5 ZOJ1221 POJ1603 Risk AC

2011/9/4 ZOJ3198 Intersection of Two Sets AC

2011/9/4 ZOJ1526 POJ1423 HDU1018 Big Number AC 斯特林[stirling]公式

2011/9/3 ZOJ2722 Head-to-Head Match AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ2818 POJ3100 HDU2740 Root of the Problem AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ2514 Generate Passwords AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1733 POJ1458 HDU1159 Common Subsequence AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1001 POJ1000 HDU1000 A + B Problem AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1115 Digital Roots AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1016 POJ1068 HDU1361 Parencodings AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ2812 Quicksum AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1240 IBM Minus One AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1383 Binary Numbers AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1058 Currency Exchange AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ2201 No Brainer AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ2358 POJ1775 Sum of Factorials AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1738 Lagrange's Four-Square Theorem AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1666 HDU1398 Square Coins AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1074 POJ1050 To the Max AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1242 Carbon Dating AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ3323 Somali Pirates AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ1045 POJ1003 HDU1056 HangOver AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ3019 Puzzle AC

2011/9/3 ZOJ2109 FatMouse' Trade AC

2011/9/2 ZOJ1797 HDU1019 Least Common Multiple AC

2011/9/2 HDU1040 As Easy As A+B AC

2011/9/2 HDU1248 寒冰王座 AC

2011/9/2 ZOJ2224 POJ2063 HDU1963 Investment AC

2011/9/2 ZOJ2014 POJ1384 HDU1114 Piggy-Bank AC

2011/9/1 ZOJ3418 Binary Number AC

2011/9/1 ZOJ2829 Beautiful Number AC

2011/9/1 ZOJ3168 Sort ZOJ7 AC

2011/9/1 ZOJ3432 Find the Lost Sock AC

2011/9/1 ZOJ1970 POJ1936 All in All AC

2011/8/31 ZOJ2734 Exchange Cards AC

2011/8/31 ZOJ1884 POJ2538 WERTYU AC

2011/8/30 ZOJ1188 POJ1007 HDU1379 DNA Sorting AC

2011/8/30 ZOJ1730 POJ1455 Crazy Tea Party AC

2011/8/30 ZOJ1828 Fibonacci Numbers AC

2011/8/30 ZOJ1108 HDU1160 FatMouse's Speed AC

2011/8/30 ZOJ1951 POJ2262 Goldbach's Conjecture AC

2011/8/30 POJ3624 Charm Bracelet AC

2011/8/30 ZOJ2412 Farm Irrigation AC

2011/8/29 HDU2037 今年暑假不AC AC

2011/8/29 ZOJ1582 Careless Tony AC

2011/8/29 ZOJ2510 Concentric Rings AC

2011/8/28 ZOJ1711 POJ1564 Sum It Up AC

2011/8/28 ZOJ1204 Additive equations AC

2011/8/27 ZOJ1047 POJ1111 Image Perimeters AC

2011/8/27 POJ3620 Avoid The Lakes AC

2011/8/27 POJ2386 Lake Counting AC

2011/8/27 ZOJ1002 Fire Net AC

2011/8/27 POJ1321 棋盘问题 AC

2011/8/26 ZOJ1089 POJ2245 Lotto AC

2011/8/26 POJ1154 LETTERS AC

2011/8/26 ZOJ1709 POJ1562 HDU1241 Oil Deposits AC

2011/8/25 ZOJ2105 Number Sequence AC

2011/8/25 ZOJ2060 Fibonacci Again AC

2011/8/25 ZOJ2100 Seeding AC

2011/8/24 ZOJ1586 QS Network AC

2011/8/24 ZOJ1914 POJ2349 Arctic Network AC

2011/8/24 ZOJ2723 Semi-Prime AC

2011/8/24 ZOJ2277 The Gate to Freedom AC

2011/8/23 ZOJ2048 POJ1751 Highways ZOJ AC POJ TLE

2011/8/23 HDU1213 How Many Tables AC

2011/8/21 POJ2485 Highways AC

2011/8/21 ZOJ2966 Build The Electric System AC

2011/8/21 ZOJ1203 Swordfish AC

2011/8/21 ZOJ3204 Connect them AC

2011/8/20 ZOJ2526 FatMouse and JavaBean II AC

2011/8/20 ZOJ1406 POJ1251 Jungle Roads AC

2011/8/20 ZOJ1372 POJ1287 Networking AC

2011/8/20 POJ1258 Agri-Net AC

2011/8/19 ZOJ1655 Transport Goods AC

2011/8/19 ZOJ1942 POJ2253 Frogger AC

2011/8/18 ZOJ1592 POJ2263 Heavy Cargo AC

2011/8/17 ZOJ1589 Professor John AC

2011/8/17 ZOJ2504 Help John! AC

2011/8/16 ZOJ1333 POJ1545 Galactic Import AC

2011/8/15 ZOJ1133 POJ1142 Smith Numbers AC

2011/8/15 ZOJ1402 POJ1247 Magnificent Meatballs AC

2011/8/15 ZOJ1418 POJ1686 Lazy Math Instructor

2011/8/15 ZOJ1092 POJ2240 Arbitrage AC

2011/8/14 ZOJ2850 Beautiful Meadow AC

2011/8/14 ZOJ1456 HDU1385 Minimum Transport Cost AC

2011/8/13 HDU1022 Train Problem I AC

2011/8/13 ZOJ1298 POJ1135 Domino Effect AC

2011/8/12 ZOJ1082 POJ1125 Stockbroker Grapevine AC

2011/8/11 ZOJ2136 POJ2533 Longest Ordered Subsequence AC

2011/8/11 POJ1661 Help Jimmy WA

2011/8/10 ZOJ2104 Let the Balloon Rise AC

2011/8/10 ZOJ2108 Elevator AC

2011/8/10 ZOJ2172 POJ2013 Symmetric Order AC

2011/8/10 ZOJ3207 80ers' Memory AC

2011/8/10 ZOJ1712 POJ1565 Skew Binary AC

2011/8/10 ZOJ1195 POJ1484 Blowing Fuses AC

2011/8/10 ZOJ3355 Football Gambling I AC

2011/8/10 ZOJ3359 Penalties Kick AC

2011/8/9 ZOJ1904 POJ2405 Beavergnaw AC

2011/8/9 ZOJ1949 POJ2260 Error Correction AC

2011/8/9 ZOJ2022 POJ1401 Factorial AC

2011/8/8 ZOJ1796 Euchre Results AC

2011/8/8 ZOJ1879 POJ2575 Jolly Jumpers AC

2011/8/8 ZOJ1889 POJ2551 Ones AC

2011/8/7 ZOJ1755 POJ1547 Clay Bully AC

2011/8/7 ZOJ1763 POJ2871 A Simple Question of Chemistry AC

2011/7/31 ZOJ1414 POJ1663 Number Steps AC

2011/7/31 ZOJ1494 Climbing Worm AC

2011/7/31 ZOJ1715 POJ2028 When Can We Meet? AC

2011/7/28 ZOJ1292 POJ1503 Integer Inquiry AC

2011/7/26 ZOJ2001 POJ1504 Adding Reversed Numbers AC

2011/7/24 ZOJ2932 POJ3650 HDU2719 The Seven Percent Solution AC

2011/7/24 ZOJ2482 POJ2105 IP Address AC

2011/7/24 ZOJ1201 Inversion AC

2011/7/23 ZOJ1563 POJ1260 Pearls

2011/7/22 ZOJ2186 POJ2578 HDU1037 Keep on Truckin' AC

2011/7/22 ZOJ1940 POJ2251 Dungeon Master AC

2011/7/21 ZOJ2830 Champion of the Swordsmanship AC

2011/7/21 ZOJ2795 POJ2470 Ambiguous permutations

2011/7/20 POJ1836 Alignment AC

2011/7/19 ZOJ1530 POJ1426 Find The Multiple AC

2011/7/18 ZOJ1099 POJ2271 HTML AC

2011/7/18 ZOJ1366 POJ1276 Cash Machine AC

2011/7/17 ZOJ1048 POJ1004 Financial Management AC

2011/7/17 ZOJ1073 POJ1450 Gridland AC

2011/7/17 ZOJ2388 POJ2301 HDU1194 Beat the Spread! AC

2011/7/16 ZOJ1005 POJ1606 Jugs AC

2011/7/15 POJ3278 Catch That Cow AC

2011/7/15 ZOJ2704 Brackets TLE

2011/7/12 ZOJ1094 POJ2246 Matrix Chain Multiplication AC

2011/7/11 ZOJ1027 POJ1080 Human Gene Functions AC DP

2011/7/11 ZOJ3121 POJ3488 Arne Saknussemm AC

2011/7/9 ZOJ1243 URLs WA



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