jorgecarleitao / parquet-format-safe

Panic and OOM free Parquet and thrift implementation in Rust

Repository from Github https://github.comjorgecarleitao/parquet-format-safeRepository from Github https://github.comjorgecarleitao/parquet-format-safe


This crate contains an implementation of Thirft and generated Rust code associated to Parquet's thrift definition.

Note that this crate does not contain functionality to read the parquet format. See parquet2 for such functionality.

  • supports sync and async read API
  • supports sync and async write API
  • the write API returns the number of written bytes
  • the read API is panic free
  • the read API has a bound on the maximum number of possible bytes read, to avoid OOM.

The Rust generated code is done by a fork of thrift's compiler, available at .


Panic and OOM free Parquet and thrift implementation in Rust

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%