not profit NOT SELL - a surprisingly simple strategy that might just work.
- Long ONLY
- Close only with profit
- Take profit at the first possible chance
- No leverage
- Buy the dips! (Buy low, sell high duh)
- Average down
- Many in, one out (exit all positions simultaneously)
This is how the algorithm works:
- Monitor Stochastic indicator for low range.
- If favourable, long a small position using trailing stop buy.
- If the current prices drops by X%, long again with twice the initial position amount.
- Repeat if price drops further until running out of capital.
- If average cost basis price rises by 0.3%, close the position using trailing stop sell.
- Volume monitoring
- Confidence adjustment
- NPNS - not profit NOT SELL
- MIMO - I'm in, I'm out
- FTW - Follow the whales
- RTD - Ride the dip
- JBAP - Just be a pussy
- Create a Discord bot
- Add it to your server via
- Implement Stochastic monitoring. ✅
- Implement live price data ✅
- Implement trailing stop buy. ✅
- Implement averaging down. ✅
- Implement MIMO sell. ✅
- Implement backtesting. ✅
- Clean up variable names. ✅
- Implement graceful exiting. ✅
- Refactor with OOP. ✅
- Integrate Discord bot support. ✅
- Instabuy / instasell based on Force Index. ❌
- Fix trailing stop. ❌
- Implement crash recovery. ❌
- DIY Range-bound Force Index ❌
- Compounding Interest
- $webhook command indiscriminately selects first existing webhook.
- config.WEBHOOK doesn't work when it's empty.
- Ctrl+C crash recovery doesn't exit gracefully. ❌
- buy() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' ✅ Fixed
- current_purchase_size will double endlessly if quote asset runs out. ✅
- Aim for higher profit when there are more open positions?
- Live RSI Monitoring from Binance
- Backtrade Testing with Binance