jordanbCS / PolicyIdeas

A collection of policy ideas for the 21st century.

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Policy Ideas

A collection of policy ideas for the 21st century.

Area Policy suggestion Policy details Empirical support Other notes
Have at least a semplance of a believable plan for long-term sustainability of human life on planet earth. - this table of policy ideas.
Computer-model assisted policy platforms. - individual personalities must give away to model-based policy proposals.
Reach out to the stars for all people to enjoy. - we're going to need to go to space due to over-crowding.
No more human working and suffering for all as fast as possible.
Advertising restrictions.
Policy simulation through open-source "Sim City"-like models. - \textcite{other:ReadingTheNewsEpisode6}" on those economic simulations. - \url{} - \url{}
- \textcite{other:RidealongsEarle2029} on fractal neural networks for open-source "Metropolis". - \url{} - \url{}
Student competitions in solving provincial-level problems. - this should be a practical part of any school curriculum. - connected with \textcite{area:Education}.
Mobilising a modern "Civilian Conservation Corps". - constructing human resettlement zones with robust long-term accounting for climate change. - success of depression era New Deal CCC. - url{}
- planting forests.
Nuisance taxes to fund basic income. - want to turn my life into a 5 year long construction zone? Pay me, idiot. - "positive tariffs" in "The Green Economy" by \cite{Jacobs1993}. - \url{}
- evidence of what goes on: \textcite{other:PlaylistIrritiatingNoises}.
Increased accessibility to medical schools. - how did Cuba produce so many doctors? - Cuba's results. - connected with \textcite{area:Education}.
Increased use of virtual reality based telemetry like remote surgeons. - use even shitty machine learning systems and basic robotic arms to operate a scalpel and tweezers remotely. - popularity of VR anatomy tours. - \url{}
- use virtual reality to visualize wtf is actually happening in a surgery, similar to the way that Vuforia company is developing. - literal research papers on the topic.
\textcite{game:Campaign}: for educating the public about our complex political system. - detailed game theoretic models of realistic political influences dressed up as fun. - the RAND corporation and war gaming. - \url{}.
- specific international multilateral relations in general.
"Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth" by \cite{BuckminsterFuller} or something like it. - getting on the same page with something like this being synonymous with "continued existence of human life".
"Foundation for Learning Equality" - Khan Academy curriculum daisy chained with Raspberry Pi type computers for internet access and experimentally optimized: \url{} - popularity in developing countries and the prison system etc…
Bancor for liquidity swaps. - seems like the best candidate for mitigating transnational trade imbalances in the service of global economic stability. - \url{}
End-to-end blockchain accounting of consumer supply-chain. - \url{}
Voting with crypto currency. - probably with EOS as most tested delegated-proof-of-stake blockchain. - sustained extistence for about five years now. - \url{}
- \url{}
Basic necessities of survival are provided. End of story.
Golf carts to phase out fossil fuel using vehicles as fast as possible. - example proposal for Vancouver, BC: \url{} - Isla Holbox, Mexico. - \url{}
Bike and pedestrian hill conveyor belts. - \url{} - url{}
Covered sidewalks and bike lanes for year-round use. - Trundheim, Norway. - \url{}
Pay people to cycle and work from home. - url{}
The right to shelter. - probably semi-addressable by seizing assets of corruption.
The right to internet acces. - something like the half the world does not have reliable access to the internet.
Low-cost VR for all peoples. - refer to Education."Foundation for Learning Equality" as a project template.
Income proportional duties. - Finland's graded speeding ticket system for example.
Reproductive licenses set as one child + a lotto ticket for another.
Law and order
Drone based by-law enforcement - like Robocop but coming for your chimneys and noise-making bullshit.
Roofs are to be painted white to reflect heat as much as possible. - \url{}
Hemp crop investment.
Vertical farming.
Lab-grown meat.
Seaweed farming. - \url{}
Photograph and catalog every at-risk old-growth tree.
Remote controlled robot surrogates to sift the world's garbage dumps.


A collection of policy ideas for the 21st century.

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