joranbeasley / Flask-CoderPad

A simple tool to provide a shared coding pad(over the internet) .... presumably for interviews

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Demo Of Coderpad


pip install git+git:// -U

Supports at least Python2.7 and Python3.6 and i assume all versions between, it does not support 2.6!

additionally requires eventlet or some other backend supported by Flask-Socketio


(note that these scripts should be found in your python scripts folder, which hopefully is already on your path, assuming that you install the package with pip)


you can use the

setup-coderpad command to configure your server (This should run automagically the first time you run the server)


I needed this tool... i made it ... it felt good.

I make no promises that it will work for you, that it will work efficiently, or that it wont break at a critical time, however please notify me if any of these things happen


  • add support for languages other than python should be easy(tm)
  • change the themes for ace editor dynamically
  • XSS injection in chat panel needs to be identified and fixed
  • can we use angular for the editor page?
  • add unittests/doctests etc


A simple tool to provide a shared coding pad(over the internet) .... presumably for interviews


Language:Python 56.1%Language:HTML 28.3%Language:JavaScript 11.6%Language:CSS 4.1%