jonvitale / agentscript

Minimalist Agent Based Modeling (ABM) framework based on NetLogo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AgentScript is a minimalist Agent Based Modeling (ABM) framework based on NetLogo (NL) agent semantics. Its goal is to promote the Agent Oriented Programming model in a highly deployable CoffeeScript/JavaScript (CS/JS) implementation.


Currently we use a very simple build process using the coffeescript -wj command which "joins" the individual coffeescript files, compiling them on change, creating agentscript.js.

files="\ \ \ \ \ \
coffee -wj agentscript.js -c $files &

See the template.html and models/*.html files for example models. The individual .coffee files are documented via Jeremy Ashkenas's docco in the docs/ dir using the method suggested here.


Currently the documentation is hosted directly on github via the htmlpreview project using the docco generated html found in the doc/ directory. One exception it the template.html file in the top level directory. is the base module for all of the miscellaneous functions used by the rest of the project. is a simple agent shapes module containing the default shapes and a few functions for getting the named shapes and adding your own shapes. is the core array subclass used by patches, agents, and links. contains the three subclasses of AgentSet: Patches, Agents, and Links along with the three classes they manage: Patch, Agent, and Link. is the top level integration for all the agentsets and is subclassed by all user models.

template.html is a trivial subclass of Model showing the basic structure how you build your own models. In addition, the models/ directory contains 10 simple models used in teaching NetLogo. You can run the model here.

Sample Models

The models/ directory contains tiny models used to test the system and offer examples to get started with. These also use the htmlpreview project to view directly on github.

ants.html Ant foraging with nest and food pheromone diffusion.

buttons.html Stuart Kauffman's example of randomly connecting pairs of buttons in a pile resulting in a tipping point.

diffusion.html Agents randomly flying on a patch grid dropping a color which is diffused over the grid.

fire.html A CA based spread of fire showing burn behavior.

flock.html The classic "boids" model where agents use three simple rules resulting in realistic flocking.

gridpath.html One of Knuth's great puzzles on the probability of all Manhattan traversals diagonally traversing a grid.

linktravel.html Agents traversing a graph of nodes and links.

nbody.html Nonlinear gravitation of n bodies.

prefattach.html Example of a dynamic graph with new links preferentially attaching to nodes with most links. This results in a power-law distribution.

tspga.html A Traveling Sales Person solution via a Genetic Algorithm showing the rapid conversion of stochastic methods.

Sample Models Format

Our example models use CoffeeScript directly within the browser via text/coffeescript script tags:

    <title>AgentScript Model</title>
    <script src="agentscript.js"></script>
    <script src="coffee-script.js"></script>
    <script type="text/coffeescript">
    class MyModel extends ABM.Model
    APP=new MyModel "layers", 13, -16, 16, -16, 16
  <body onload="ABM.model.start()">
    <div id="layers"></div>

You may see this by running a sample model, then use the browser's View Page Source. (Google "view page source <my browser>")

Similarly, the models will print to the "javascript console" while they run. (Google "view javascript console <my browser>")


LICENSE             GPLv3 License           This file  Join of core .coffee files
agentscript.js      Coffeescript generated files
agentscript.min.js  Uglified agentscript.js      Script for uglify etc     Base agentset implementation    Subclasses of agentset for Agents, Patches, Links
coffee-script.js browser compiler              Script to generate docco documentation
docs                Dir for docco documentation        Base model class
models              Dir for example models
nlmodels            Dir for example NL models
nlwebgl             Dir for webgl diffusion experiment       Core shapes module
template.html       Sample model
testmodels          Tests of CS/NL semantics         Base utility model            Coffeescript "watch" script


Copyright Owen Densmore, RedfishGroup LLC, 2012, 2013
AgentScript may be freely distributed under the GPLv3 license:

AgentScript is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program, see LICENSE within the distribution. If not, see

Additonal Contributors


Minimalist Agent Based Modeling (ABM) framework based on NetLogo

License:GNU General Public License v3.0