- A trafgen configuration generation and syntax testing tool
- Generate premade and customizable packet generations
- Apply byte separators to test syntax after changes to the lex parser
- Convert input file to trafgen packet configuration
- More packet configs
Fix endwhite separator, now noendwhite- Apply separators consistently
Create RFC2544 packet configurations- More configurable beacon frame fields
- Write function to check for trafgen and netsniff-ng
- Add NST packet configs.
- Add config addressed in ip frag patch to linux kernel
Usage: ./gencfg -G <packet type> -S <separator> [-o out.txt]
write output to file e.g. -o packet.cfg
byte separator "comma/white/endwhite/noendcomma" e.g. -S comma
Write configurations to a file or redirect to trafgen:
./gencfg ... | trafgen --in - --out eth0 --num 1000`
./gencfg ... -o packet.cfg && trafgen --in packet.cfg --out eth0 --num 1000`
Generate built-in packet configurations -G <packet type>
- beacon
- syslog
- arp_request
- arp_replay
- rfc2544
- ntp
Generation of 802.11 beacon frames. For proper byte alignment choose
an SSID of 8 alpha-numeric characters ( -T "FreeWifi"
). Random
generation of 8 characters via /dev/urandom can be done automatically
( -T random
) and the number of random SSID beacon generations can be
chosen ( -n 1000
). Other configurable option includes specifying the
source MAC address ( -m 00:11:22:aa:bb:cc
./gencfg -G beacon -T "FreeWifi" -m 00:11:22:aa:bb:cc
Generate a syslog packet configuration. Configurable options include source MAC, destination MAC, source IP, and destination IP.
./gencfg -G syslog -s -d -m de:ad:be:ef:00:00 -M 00:0c:29:8d:4d:a2
Generate an ARP request frame. Configurable options include source MAC, destination MAC, source IP, and destination IP. Destination MAC defaults to the broadcast address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff).
./gencfg -G arp_request -s -d -m $(cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address)
Gratuitous ARP Request:
./gencfg -G arp_request -s -d -m 00:11:22:33:44:55
Generate an ARP reply frame. Configurable options include source MAC, destination MAC, source IP, and destination IP.
./gencfg -G arp_request -s -d -m $(cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address)
Gratuitous ARP Reply:
./gencfg -G arp_reply -s -d -m 00:11:22:33:44:55
Generates an individual packet configuration based on the Ethernet frame
sizes specified in RFC2544, "Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices".
Each size is written to a cfg file in directory titled rfc2544-$ts
and to stdout. Sizes are outlined in Section 9.1, "Frame sizes to be
used on Ethernet" and consist of 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518.
Ethernet NICs add a 4 byte CRC to each frame which is accounted for in each
configuration. E.g. for the 64 byte frame size, 60 bytes is configured by trafgen
and the 4 bytes is added by the NIC, thus, totaling a frame size of 64 bytes.
The default source and destination ports are set to UDP 9 (discard).
./gencfg -G rfc2544 -s -d -m de:ad:be:ef:00:00 -M 00:0c:29:8d:4d:a2
Generate an NTP monlist request. Configurable options include source MAC, destination MAC, source IP, and destination IP.
./gencfg -G ntp -s -d -m de:ad:be:ef:00:00 -M 00:0c:29:8d:4d:a2
Convert C array of bytes exported from Wireshark. e.g. -c carray.txt
Convert PCAP (requires netsniff-ng) to trafgen config e.g. -p example.pcap
./gencfg -c array.txt -S comma | trafgen --in - --out eth0 --num 100
./gencfg -G syslog -s -d -M 00:0c:29:8d:4d:a2 -S white
./gencfg -G beacon -T random -n 1000 -m de:ad:be:ef:00:00 -o beacon.cfg
./gencfg -G beacon -T "FreeWifi" -o beacon.cfg | trafgen --in - --out wlan0 --rfraw --num 1000
./gencfg -G rfc2544 -s -d -M ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -P 123
Jon Schipp (keisterstash)
jonschipp [ at ] Gmail dot com