jonog / redalert

:rocket: continuously test all the things - trigger alerts on failure :boom:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Circle CI

Launch Stack

For monitoring your infrastructure and sending notifications if stuff is not ok. (e.g. pinging your websites/APIs via HTTP GET at specified intervals, and alerting you if there is downtime).



  • Website monitoring & latency measurement (check type: web-ping)
  • Server metrics from local machine (check type: scollector)
  • Docker container metrics (check type: docker-stats)
  • Docker container metrics from remote host via SSH (check type: remote-docker)
  • Postgres counts/stats via SQL queries (check type: postgres)
  • TCP connectivity monitoring & latency measurement (check type: tcp)
  • Execute local commands & capture output (check type: command)
  • Execute remote commands via SSH & capture output (check type: remote-command)
  • Run test suite and capture report metrics via JUnit XML format (check type: test-report)

Checks will happen at specified intervals or explicit trigger (i.e. trigger check API endpoint).

Dashboard and Alerts

  • Alert notifications available on several channels:
    • sending email (gmail)
    • sending SMS (twilio)
    • posting a message to Slack (slack)
    • unix stream (stderr)
  • Provides ping status & latency info to stdout.
  • Adjustable back-off after a check fails (constant, linear, exponential - see notes below).
  • Includes a web UI as indicated by the screenshot above. (visit localhost:8888/, configure port via cli flag)
  • Triggers a failure alert (redalert) when a check is failing, and a recovery alert (greenalert) when the check has recovered (e.g. a successful ping, following a failing ping).
  • Triggers an alert when specified metric is above/below threshold.


  • Assertions are used to define criteria for checks to pass or fail:
  • Assert on metrics
    • source: metric
    • > or greater than
    • >= or greater than or equal
    • < or less than
    • <= or less than or equal
    • == or = or equals
  • Assert on metadata
    • source: metadata
    • web-ping returns status_code
  • Assert on response
    • source: text
    • source: json


Endpoint Description
GET /v1/stats Retrieve stats for all checks
POST /v1/checks/{check_id}/disable Disable check
POST /v1/checks/{check_id}/enable Enable check
POST /v1/checks/{check_id}/trigger Trigger check


         │                              │
   ┌────▶│     Redalert Check Flow      │
   │     │                              │
   │     └──────────────────────────────┘
   │                    │
   │          @interval or ->trigger   ┌──────────────────────┐
   │                    │            ┌▶│  error during check  │
   │                    ▼            │ └──────────────────────┘
   │        ┌──────────────────────┐ │ ┌──────────────────────┐
   │        │  is check failing?   │─┤ │  failing assertions  │
   │        └──────────────────────┘ │ │     * metrics *      │
   │                    │            └▶│     * metadata *     │
   │          ┌───YES───┴───NO────┐    │     * response *     │
   │          │                   │    └──────────────────────┘
   │          ▼                   ▼
   │  ┌───────────────┐   ┌───────────────┐
   │  │send alerts via│   │   is check    │
   │  │   notifiers   │   │  recovering?  │
   │  └───────────────┘   └───────────────┘
   │  ┌───────────────┐          YES
   │  │adjust backoff │           │
   │  └───────────────┘           ▼
   │          │           ┌───────────────┐
   │          │           │send alerts via│
   │          │           │   notifiers   │
   │          │           └───────────────┘
   │          │           ┌───────────────┐
   │          │           │ reset backoff │
   │          │           └───────────────┘
   │          │                   │
   │          ▼                   ▼
   │         ┌──────────────────────┐
   └─────────│    Event Storage     │


Getting started

Run via Docker:

docker run -d -P -v /path/to/config.json:/config.json jonog/redalert

Quick bootstrap example:

curl > /tmp/sample_redalert_config.json && \
    docker run -d -P -v /tmp/sample_redalert_config.json:/config.json --name test_redalert jonog/redalert && \
    open "http://$(docker port test_redalert 8888)"


Get started with the redalert command:

  redalert [command]

Available Commands:
  checks      List checks
  config-sync Sync file and database configurations
  server      Run checks and server stats
  version     Print the version number of Redalert

  -d, --config-db string     config database url
  -f, --config-file string   config file (default "config.json")
  -s, --config-s3 string     config S3
  -u, --config-url string    config url
  -h, --help                 help for redalert
  -p, --port int             port to run web server (default 8888)
  -r, --rpc-port int         port to run RPC server (default 8889)

Use "redalert [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Configure servers to monitor & alert settings via a configuration file:

  • a local file (specified by -f or --config-file) - defaults to config.json
  • a file remotely accessible via HTTP (specified by -u or --config-url)
  • a file hosted in an AWS S3 bucket (specified by -s or --config-s3)

TODO: document Postgres configuration option

Example config.json
         "type": "web-ping",
         "config": {
         "send_alerts": ["stderr"],
         "backoff": {
            "type": "constant",
            "interval": 10
         "assertions": [
                 "comparison": "==",
                 "identifier": "status_code",
                 "source": "metadata",
                 "target": "200"
   "notifications": []
Example Larger config.json
    "checks": [
            "name": "Demo HTTP Status Check",
            "type": "web-ping",
            "config": {
                "address": "",
                "headers": {
                    "X-Api-Key": "ABCD1234"
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 10,
                "type": "constant"
            "assertions": [
                    "comparison": "==",
                    "identifier": "status_code",
                    "source": "metadata",
                    "target": "200"
            "name": "Demo Response Check",
            "type": "web-ping",
            "config": {
                "address": ""
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 10,
                "type": "linear"
            "assertions": [
                    "comparison": "less than",
                    "identifier": "latency",
                    "source": "metric",
                    "target": "1100"
                    "comparison": "==",
                    "identifier": "status_code",
                    "source": "metadata",
                    "target": "400"
                    "comparison": "==",
                    "source": "text",
                    "target": "400 Bad Request"
            "verbose_logging": true
            "name": "Demo Exponential Backoff",
            "type": "web-ping",
            "config": {
                "address": ""
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 10,
                "multiplier": 2,
                "type": "exponential"
            "assertions": [
                    "comparison": "==",
                    "identifier": "status_code",
                    "source": "metadata",
                    "target": "500"
            "name": "Docker Redis",
            "type": "tcp",
            "config": {
                "host": "",
                "port": 1001
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 10,
                "type": "constant"
            "name": "Docker stats",
            "type": "docker-stats",
            "config": {},
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 30,
                "type": "linear"
            "name": "production-docker-host",
            "type": "remote-docker",
            "config": {
                "host": "",
                "user": "ubuntu"
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 5,
                "type": "linear"
            "name": "scollector-metrics",
            "type": "scollector",
            "config": {
                "host": "hostname"
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 15,
                "type": "constant"
            "name": "production-db",
            "type": "postgres",
            "config": {
                "connection_url": "postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable",
                "metric_queries": [
                        "metric": "client_count",
                        "query": "select count(*) from clients"
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 120,
                "type": "linear"
            "name": "README size",
            "type": "command",
            "config": {
                "command": "cat | wc -l",
                "output_type": "number"
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 10,
                "type": "constant"
            "name": "List files",
            "type": "command",
            "config": {
                "command": "ls"
            "send_alerts": [
            "backoff": {
                "interval": 10,
                "type": "constant"
            "name": "SHH into docker-alpine-sshd",
            "type": "remote-command",
            "config": {
                "command": "uptime",
                "ssh_auth_options": {
                  "user": "root",
                  "password": "root",
                  "host": "localhost",
                  "port": 2222
            "send_alerts": [
            "assertions": [
                    "comparison": "==",
                    "identifier": "exit_status",
                    "source": "metadata",
                    "target": "0"
            "name": "Run Smoke Tests",
            "type": "test-report",
            "config": {
                "command": "./"
            "send_alerts": [
            "assertions": [
                    "comparison": "==",
                    "identifier": "status",
                    "source": "metadata",
                    "target": "PASSING"
    "notifications": [
            "name": "email",
            "type": "gmail",
            "config": {
                "notification_addresses": "",
                "pass": "",
                "user": ""
            "name": "chat",
            "type": "slack",
            "config": {
                "channel": "#general",
                "icon_emoji": ":rocket:",
                "username": "redalert",
                "webhook_url": ""
            "name": "sms",
            "type": "twilio",
            "config": {
                "account_sid": "",
                "auth_token": "",
                "notification_numbers": "",
                "twilio_number": ""
    "preferences": {
        "notifications": {
          "fail_count_alert_threshold": 2,
          "repeat_fail_alerts": false

Build and run (capture stderr).

go build

./redalert 2> errors.log

Notification Preferences

  • fail_count_alert_threshold controls sending an alert, only after N fails (defaults to 1)
  • repeat_fail_alerts controls whether fail alerts are repeated, on consecutive failing checks (defaults to false)
"preferences": {
  "notifications": {
    "fail_count_alert_threshold": 2,
    "repeat_fail_alerts": false


When a server check fails - the next check will be delayed according to the back-off algorithm. By default, there is no delay (i.e. constant back-off), with a default interval of 10 seconds between checks. When a failing server returns to normal, the check frequency returns to its original value.


Pinging interval will remain constant. i.e. will not provide any back-off after failure.


The pinging interval upon failure will be extended linearly. i.e. failure count x pinging interval.


With each failure, the subsequent check will be delayed by the last delayed amount, times a multiplier, resulting in time between checks exponentially increasing. The multiplier is set to 2 by default.

Note for Gmail

If there are errors sending email via gmail - enable Access for less secure apps under Account permissions @


CloudFormation Stacks

See redalert-cloudformation


Launch Stack

EC2 & ELB & S3 config

Launch Stack




  • Go dependency manager - glide
  • Embedding static assets into binary - go.rice
  • protoc for gRPC code generation - gRPC
  • Docker-machine for tests


Rocket emoji via

Next Features

See Github Issues here


:rocket: continuously test all the things - trigger alerts on failure :boom:

License:MIT License


Language:Go 93.9%Language:JavaScript 2.6%Language:HTML 1.4%Language:CSS 1.3%Language:Makefile 0.7%