TabbedInterface =============== Build a tabbed interface very easily. Requires Prototype. see a working example at Install ======= ./script/plugin install git:// Move the ajax-loader.gif from the resources folder to your public images folder, or go make one at Whatever you do, just make sure you call it ajax-loader.gif. An example css file is also included in the resources folder. Example ======= In this simple example we setup a TabbedInterface with two tabs. <% tabbed_content do |box| %> # You don't have to include these. They are the defaults, but this is how you would change them. <% box.content_wrapper = "tabbed_content" %> <% box.navigation_wrapper = "tabbed_navigation" %> <% box.tab_tag = :li %> <% box.tabs_tag = :ul %> # Let's add some tabs! # All you need is a title and a url. Also accepts two options hashes that get passed directly to the link_to_remote call. <%"Test One", test_one_path, {:method => :post}, {:class => "different-class"}) %> <%"Test Two", test_two_path) %> <% box.content = capture do %> # Put your default content here (probably the content for the the first tab, but doesn't have to be) Default text <% end %> <% end %> The tabbed_content helper yields an object that has two main methods. #tab This method will setup a new tab header. Just pass the title and the url to call and update the main content area. #content The only requirement is that you use capture (as shown above). This sets the default content for the interface. Then when you click on a different tab, the content will be updated. You can put anything in here, but it will probably be a partial, being that the links use link_to_remote to update the main content area. There are no limitations on how any tabs you can have, or how many interfaces you can have on a page. Enjoy! TO-Do's ======= 1. more configurable javascript support 2. tests Copyright (c) 2009 Jon Druse, released under the MIT license