jonchang / reBEAST

update the starting parameters in a BEAST 1.x XML file based on an existing tracelog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


reBEAST is a utility script that updates the starting parameters in a BEAST 1.x XML file based on a tracelog from a previous BEAST run. It is useful for when:

  • The cluster admin terminates your run because you accidentally ran it on the scratch node yet again
  • You want to run your analysis for slightly longer but don't want to have to wait quite so long for it to get through burnin
  • You were trying to spread some cream cheese on a bagel, but you bought the wrong, difficult-to-spread kind, so you brace the bagel against your computer but you lose your grip and your knife slips into the computer's vents and shorts the delicate electronics inside, ruining both your analysis and breakfast


reBEAST is written in pure Python and has no dependencies. It should work on any version of Python 2.7.

The recommended installation method uses pip:

pip install
rebeast --help

You can also just download the Python script and run it directly, though this is not recommended:

curl -O
python --help


Write a new XML file beast.rebeast.xml based on the average of posterior samples from beast.log and the original XML file beast.xml

rebeast beast.xml beast.log

Remove the first 5,000,000 states as burnin, and average the remaining posterior samples:

rebeast beast.xml beast.log --burnin 5000000

Create a file restart.xml with the last sampled state, as a poor man's checkpoint restart (since BEAST 1.x doesn't support checkpointing):

rebeast beast.xml beast.log --lastn 1 --output restart.xml

Combine samples from multiple tracelogs:

rebeast beast.xml run1_beast.log run2_beast.log

Use the default values of the HKY model, instead of the sampled values:

rebeast beast.xml beast.log --ignore hky.kappa

Use the default values for all HKY models (if you have a lot of partitions):

rebeast beast.xml beast.log --ignore-tag hkyModel


  • Not tested on BEAST 2, but based on the BEAST 2 XML files I've seen I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work.
  • Certain parameters don't like it when you put a sampled value as their initial value. In this case, use --ignore or --ignore-tag to exclude these misbehavers. They will typically lead to an XML parse error or -Inf log-likelihood on first run.
  • May mangle the whitespace or comments in your XML file.
  • This might actually be a bad idea. Ideally you would perform multiple analyses from a variety of different starting values and see if those randomized runs give you similar results. Though it's unlikely, starting your analysis from a peak of already high probability may give you a misleading or biased sample of the posterior.


git clone
cd reBEAST
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
./ develop


This software is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL. For more information, see the LICENSE file.



update the starting parameters in a BEAST 1.x XML file based on an existing tracelog

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%